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Shadow Zero vs, Dranzer 1v1: Earth Battle

Shadow Zero

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This here is a 1v1 between myself and Dranzer. The requirements are as follows.


Create a level 4 EARTH monster.


The rules for voting are as follows.


1: Must have a good reason for voting. (i.e. none of the votes only saying better pick or crap like that)

2: Must point out what OCG mistakes were made if commenting on them and not just as a reason for voting.


That's about it. Simple enough. Also, note that all votes that do not follow these rules will be discounted.


SIJAI! (start)


[spoiler=My card]



This card is also treated as a Pyro-type monster and gains 200 ATK for each Pyro-type and Plant-type monster on the field. Once per turn you can discard inflict 400 Life Points of damage to your opponent. During your opponent's Battle Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to negate an attack. During your End Phase, pay 500 Life Points. If you don't, this card is destroyed.

[spoiler=Dranzers Card]




First to 7 votes wins. Winner gets 1 +rep and 5 points from the loser. The loser gets nothing.



Apparently Dranzer feels as though people voting here do not understand the drawbacks of Goblin cards, so he has asked the I put the following in the first post.


Please feel free to give it a look if voting, although it is not a requirement.

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Guest Neo Fusion

[spoiler=Dranzer's OCG shud be]

lowercase: successfully, opponent, turn

attacks your opponent=attacks directly


[spoiler=Shadow's OCG shud be]

uppercase -type

Life Points of damage=just say "points of damage" or even just damage

don't=do not (contractions aren't proper OCG in case u did not know)


just helpful advice for both of u but I think I have to give my vote to Shadow, sorry Dranzer

reason being it seems more thought out to me and original (since goblin cards like Dranzer's with similar effects exist)

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Regardless of OCG:


I vote for ShadowZero.

Although it mixes 2 different Types that don't go well, the Attack-negating effect is what makes it shine.


On the other hand, Dranzer's card is OP'ed: At Level 4 and with such high ATK, you will be stealing a card most of the Time, and doing so without a cost is unfair.

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  'Frex said:

Regardless of OCG:


I vote for ShadowZero.

Although it mixes 2 different Types that don't go well' date=' the Attack-negating effect is what makes it shine.


On the other hand, Dranzer's card is OP'ed: At Level 4 and with such high ATK, you will be stealing a card most of the Time, and doing so without a cost is unfair.


Goblins.They have the biggest ATK in all Lv 4 monsters.The holdback is they change to DEF after they attack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I pick Shadow-san, his card is a tad more interesting, better OCG and some good uses.


Ahh...... Dranzer's is overpowered because it can steal opponent's card FROM THEIR HAND something that even Exchange had some problems with. 2200 attack and the fact that it uses "Goblin Drawback" too blame for its overpowerness.


+1 Shadow Zero

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Well, I took a look, and I can't really help the OCG of the cards, so I never really vote on that.


Dranzer's card is practically a Change of Heart, or a Graverobber that steals from the hand. That makes the opponent lose the hand advantage they may have had, and gives it to you. Even with the "Goblin" drawback, it's still OP'ed, as there is normally many cards ran that negate attacks.


Shadow's card has it's problems, mainly not telling you how many cards you discard, but I assume it's one, but other then that it looks good.

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