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Story Contest - Dimension Crossings (Round 2 Results Posted) (Task 1 Posted)


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Hello and welcome to Story Contest - Dimension Crossings! For those who don't know what a story contest is: A story contest is basically a regular contest except that the results of contestants who've been eliminated and those who moved on will be posted as stories. Each round a person(s) will be eliminated until we have the winner. Please do not get angry or discouraged if you get eliminated. Thank you and have fun.


This contest will begin after I get 9 contestants


Fee: Free!!!


End Date:

Accepting - When I get nine contestants

Round - When all cards are in and the story is posted

Battle - When all rounds are posted for that battle

Contest - When all battles are posted and we have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner


[spoiler=Rules]•All YCM rules apply•

•No spamming, no flamming, ect.•

•Cards must be original ideas•




[spoiler=Prizes]1st - +4 reps and 100 points

2nd - +3 reps and 70 points

3rd - +2 rep and 40 points


*If anybody want to donate points to the prizes then donate the points and tell me where to add the points to. I will not be taking any donated points for my own.*


*Prizes will be given out at the end.*




[spoiler=Judgement]Name - 1-10

OCG - 1-30 points

Pic - 1-10 points

Originality/Creativity - 1-30 points

Card Strength & Defense and Effect - 1-30 points

Playability - 1-10 points





[spoiler=Contestants]wolfman505 - 116

180873 (Eliminated)


Ralneox - 117


mahandra g

Zvijer Master (Eliminated)

.Legend - 118

tommers2008 - 118




[spoiler=Task for Battles]B1 - Very easy, make a monster (no divines)

B2 - TBA

B3 - TBA

B4 - TBA




Battle 1 Results

*Winners' names will be bold*


Round 1



Zvijer Master


Round 2





Round 3

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My round 1 card




Effect - When this card is Summoned, you can pay 1500 Life Points to add 1 Spell Card to your hand from the Deck. Once per turn, if this card is the only card you control, you can remove from play a number of cards from your Graveyard to Special Summon a Warrior-Type monster from your Deck with an equal Level to the number of cards removed. Once per turn, if your opponent controls a face-up LIGHT monster, you can Tribute this card to destroy the monster. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by its own effect, you can discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to Special Summon this card.[/align]

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[align=center]Heres my post.



Lore: this card can attack directly. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on your side of the field. That monster is treated as Zombie-type, and its ATK and DEF are raised by 500. That monster is destroyed at the end of a turn you used this effect. When a monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by the previous effect, this cards ATK and DEF become the ATK and DEF of the destroyed monster. This card cannot attack on the turn this effect was activated.

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