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YuGiOh Omega Destiny~ OOC Thread

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I thought so.Aqua do no such thing. Just take yourself there and ask if any one wants to follow. If you have a motor bike or somethin like a big duel runner, then thats fine. But don't GM

I don't want no lihtning storms picking up everyone and taking them to an arena. also I need someone topost so I may do so again, so I'm going to put a temp freeze onit, for a few hours...

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User Name: Shooting Star Dragon

Role Play Name: Zack Jack

Picture or Description:

Dorm: B, Stealthory

Deck Name: Ground: Zombie's World

Turbo: Stardust Miracle

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Ground: Swarm the field with zombies and pull of a quick victory

Turbo: Bring out Stardust Dragon then it's evolutions

Age & Theme Songs (if Any): 17

Bio-Not Optional: Zack lost his parents in a house fire, he and his brother escaped... somehow. After the house fire, someone in a mysterious black cloak with his face hidden gave Zack his current Zombie Deck, he tweaked it a tad and made it powerful. He always seems to keep something in a mysterious black case.....

Prefered Place To Duel: Duel Arena

2 Objects (Not optional seriously): Mysterious item(s) in black case, and the case itself

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Your char should be introducing himself into the story, whether it be as one of the people witnessing the ongoings at the tournament or having a duel. But you do need to get your 2 items b4 you go so make sure you do. ^^


And go have fun...right ow the RP is a casual lifestyle...until ish gets intense.

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