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Warrior's Battle Field (Cards Must Be Posted Here for Round 1)

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I'm in..

[spoiler=Dragon Warrior]jfgkgl.png

[spoiler=Lore]This monster is also treated as a Dragon-type monster. Once Per turn during your Main Phase by Discarding 2 cards you can Select 1 face-up Dragon-type monster on the Field, Until your Opponent's End Phase this card's name is treated as that monster's name, and it gains that monster's ATK(this card's ATK cannot Exceed 4000).


I've been working on this card in MSE 2 for a set I'm making using it.. if the max ATK 4000 thing is OP just say..

(yes I know it's Themed towards Dragons but it's still a Warrior-type ^_^)



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Once per turn, by discarding 1 card to the Graveyard, pick up and see 1 card on the top of your opponent's Deck. If it is Monster Card, send it to the Graveyard to have this card may attack your opponent directly. If it is not, return it to its original position.


i hope its not late

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I want to join the contest.


This is my first round card.

Genzuro - The General Of Forgotten War:


Lore: When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK or DEF of the destroyed monster, whichever is higher. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.

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I'm in. :D

[spoiler=My card]


If you Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 of each Warrior and Spellcaster-Type monsters on your field, put 3 "Mana" Counters on it, and this card is also treated as a Spellcaster-Type monster. During your Main Phase #1, you can remove 1 "Mana" Counter from this card to decrease ATK and DEF of all monsters on your opponent's field by 500 until your next End Phase. Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 500 for each Equip Spell card equipped on it that alters this card's ATK or DEF.



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Select 1 monster on the field. Pay Life Points equal to the Level of the selected monster x100. Destroy that monster. This card's ATK is treated as the ATK of the last card destroyed by this effect. If this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon all the cards destroyed by this card's effect on to their respective owner's side of the field.

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Guest War Torn

Sorry not being on. I have to go see who were the first 6 to ask to join. What the heck, I'll let everyone join. The people who want to be judges are accepted.

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sorry about the hold up...

[align=center][spoiler= [b]My Card[/b]



Lore: 1 or more Tuner Monsters + "Elemental Hero Ice Edge"

During the End Phase of the turn that this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, he/she must send 1 Monster, Spell or Trap Card from his/her Deck to their Graveyard. If your opponent controls more than 3 face-up Monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly.


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