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Organization Apple - We've completed TwiggeusZeoIceClairCodey! We got Yankee FTW


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If you're gunna put me in the title' date=' at least spell my name right. ;P

It's Cod[b']e[/b]y.


Title has my name in it, I don't need an app to join.



Oh, sorry. I'll change it, I knew it was still wrong =P



I'll join for lulz.

(Highest profile member' date=' FTW)


Name: Resonating Lust (Lust)

Do I have an ithing: Yes

What is it: iTouch, nano, shuffle.





Yesh, indeed is yay... I think...



Why you want to join:APPLE TASTE GOOD

Do you have an i[insert noun here]?:Yes' date=' yes i do

If so, what?:Ipod touch





@Twig: Accepted

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We shall talk about this. Or at least, I shall.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1PjWyDTb00&feature=related]Day One[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4qBWhjHGvI&feature=related]Day Two[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwCgaCbd99s&feature=related]Final Day[/url]

The game uses the music to tell you that you are about to die without making the music completely change. It still has the same beat to it. That alone shows that they really did try when making this game.
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I never got the point of Mini Fridges. It's just a minier version of a fridge made for people who are too lazy to get up and walk a couple feet into the kitchen.


Pretty much. That's all there is to them.


But they are useful if you go camping in a trailer :3

At my grandparent's trailer I hog the porch swing for the whole weekend and only get up to walk to the mini fridge.

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Im not to lazy to walk to the kitchen' date=' im too lazy to walk back, for example:

*gets up, goes to kitchen*

*pour water in a cup*

*drinks water in 3 seconds*

*to lazy to go back*


That's the point of mini fridges...



And if you don't have a normal fridge...

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never mind' date=' i hope i have enough to buy a camera...



I want enough money to make my own Manga series.


I just want munneh.


That too, i wanna make a manga...


I've got some ideas for a few characters, but I forgot one and I messed up drawing the other, he looks like a modern day Itachi... But that's with the mess up.

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