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fusion monsters

Akiza Black Rose


5 answers to this question

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First of all, on the card maker screen, to the right of "Card Type", there will be "Monster" and "Normal". Scroll down on "Monster" and select "Fusion". Then for the card's effect, at the very top, add the text "Monster 1 + Monster 2". Type the rest of the effect 2 lines under, and press "Generate". Dere ya goez.

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Well' date=' all I can suggest is going to google images, type in "winged Hero" and hope for the best. Or you should make the fusion card first and decide what to use to synchro summon it.



unfortanutly, you really cant do better than that.... oh wait! you can!

look at my tutorial, http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-206911.html

step 3. should help alot

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