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This is just a prototype Hiita deck, i wanted to make a deck that was hard to win with


15 1-4 * Monsters


3x Hiita the Fire Charmer

3x Solar Flare Dragon

2x Fox Fire

2x Familiar-Possessed - Hiita

2x Ultimate Baseball Kid

Breaker the Magical Warrior


Royal Firestorm Guards


3 5-6 * Monsters


3x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch


2 7-12 * Monsters


2x Lava Golem


10 Spell


2x Shrink

2x Wave-Motion Cannon

Enemy Controller

Gold Sarcophagus

Heavy Storm

Level Limit - Area B

Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing Ground


10 Trap


2x Backfire

2x DNA Transplant

2x Sakuretsu Armor

Torrential Tribute

Gravity Bind

Mirror Force

Magic Cylinder

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A few things. The order is a little messy, so if miss something....


Take out either one or both of the Creature Swaps for more Enemy Contollers.


You probably only need one Demension Wall, if any.


I don't know what the DAN Transplants are for. :?


You should probably add some Shrinks if you have them.


I've played a deck that looks similiar on a DS game. Lets just say it was very annoying to play...

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Dimension wall im going to take out for some saks or COtH or mixture of stuff i have side decked


DNA Transplant is for changing things to fire attr so i can take control with Hiita's effect


I can add shrinks


And i kno what ds game u are talking about, im trying to make a better version of that

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All monsters, and take control of opponents monsters



Edit: Deck Update


15 1-4 * Monsters


3x Hiita the Fire Charmer

3x Solar Flare Dragon

2x Fox Fire

2x Familiar-Possessed - Hiita

2x Ultimate Baseball Kid

Breaker the Magical Warrior


Royal Firestorm Guards (You wouldn't believe how many duels i had to do to get this, i almost forgot i had it to tell the truth)


3 5-6 * Monsters


3x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch


2 7-12 * Monsters


2x Lava Golem


10 Spell


2x Shrink

2x Wave-Motion Cannon

Enemy Controller

Gold Sarcophagus

Heavy Storm

Level Limit - Area B

Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing Ground


10 Trap


2x Backfire

2x DNA Transplant

2x Sakuretsu Armor

Torrential Tribute

Gravity Bind

Mirror Force

Magic Cylinder



I cannot add Firestorm to the GKO version til GLAS comes to it.

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This is just a prototype Hiita deck' date=' i wanted to make a deck that was hard to win with


* 2x Backfire

* 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

* 2x Shrink

* 2x Sakuretsu Armor

* 2x DNA Transplant

* 1x Enemy Controller

* 2x Familiar-Possessed - Hiita

* 3x Fox Fire

* 1x Gold Sarcophagus

* 1x Gravity Bind

* 1x Heavy Storm

* 3x Hiita the Fire Charmer

* 2x Lava Golem

* 1x Level Limit - Area B

* 1x Magic Cylinder

* 1x spirit reaper

* 1x Mirror Force

* 1x Mystical Space Typhoon

* 1x Smashing Ground

* 3x Solar Flare Dragon

* 3x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

* 1x Torrential Tribute

* 2x Ultimate Baseball Kid

* 2x Wave-Motion Cannon




anyways couldnt find much wrong with it......



and I am only here for the day.....because I was asked to.....

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