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Feel that Breeze- JoshIcy's Tournament: [Round 2 Instructions Posted (Post #209 and #219)- DueJune 30th]


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- 10 GMT...


So you live in Tahiti?


Hawaii. iirc' date=' Tahiti is -11:00 GMT.



That means you just posted that at about 3 in the morning...you know, sleep is sometimes fun...


Im an early bird lol. Go to bed early, wake up early.

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Psycholera and myself are now partners and we choose Reps as prizes.


[align=center]=Round 1 entry=



Once per turn' date=' you can Special Summon 1 "Jurassic Egg Token" (Dinosaur-Type/EARTH/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 500) in face-up Defence Position. You cannot Normal Summon during the turn you Special Summon a "Jurassic Egg Token" unless it is a Dinosaur-Type monster. You can Tribute this card and all face-up "Jurassic Egg Token" you control to Special Summon 1 Level 6 or higher Dinosaur-Type monster from your hand.[/align']



Me and Kotaro




Each time a card is removed from play send the top card of your opponents deck to the graveyard. If it was a monster card by discard 1 card draw 1 card. Once per turn you can remove from play 3 cards on your side of the field to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower removed from play monster. Destroy it during the End Phase.


I want an avatar with Kung Fu Panda from the movie

Kotaro hasn't decided yet


Or do we bout get the same prize?


I really dont like this card, however due to the raw mechanic. I'll pass it.

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One member of each team will create a new Thread in 1vs1. It must follow the following Format;


Title: [Name] vs [Name]


Contents: No spoilers, all effects written in Quotes, Everything is centered, Vote Count is enabled with each others names.


Instructions: You will each give each other 3 Tasks to perform on your created card. And must mutually agree. Each persons task must be different from the other persons.


You will make 2 cards each. Either 1 Monster and 1 Spell/Trap, or 2 Spell/Traps. You may make cards that support your preexisting concepts, but in that case I expect all required links to said cards be provided so that all voters have an accurate representation of what your cards are trying to convey.

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Hop to it people...

Next week Wednesday is the end date for it the 1vs1 Part of Round 2. You only need 5 votes, it shouldn't take you all THIS long.


EDIT: If your partner cannot comply, you may select a user who did not pass as your 1vs1 Partner. The easy way to find this out, is to read the thread. Any and all Users not listed as winners (I hope I got them all >_>) can be challenged. This includes myself if you feel brave enough.

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Wait...you just said that all people not listed as winners can be challenges. JoshIcy, does that mean that those who didn't make the cut in round one are doing more card making in round 2? I am confused now.


Also, you never answered my previous question of if people who did not make the cut in the first round could still post here or not.

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Wait...you just said that all people not listed as winners can be challenges. JoshIcy' date=' does that mean that those who didn't make the cut in round one are doing more card making in round 2? I am confused now.


Also, you never answered my previous question of if people who did not make the cut in the first round could still post here or not.



If someones partner drops out they can select you as a VS partner in round 2 yes.

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