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FriendlyHost's Dark Monster Contest! (FINISHED)


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Name 5/5 (You even spelled "Vortices" correctly :))

Card Image 10/10 (Could not have been better)

Card Usefulness 9/10 (Has a lot of uses)

Balanced Stats/Effect 13/15 (Good effect and stats, a bit hard to summon)

Correct OCG 19/20 (The ocg might be perfect, but I am not good with ocg so I dunno)

Creativity/Originality 19/20 (Creative name, image as well as effect)

Total Score 75/80 (Overall wonderful card)

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Name 5/5 (Oblivion is a nice word)

Card Image 10/10 (Pretty colors!)

Card Usefulness 4/10 (Two tributes is a deep price)

Balanced Stats/Effect 12/15 (I think this might be under-powered, but stats are good)

Correct OCG 19/20 (I am not good with ocg plus not familiar synchro monsters)

Creativity/Originality 17/20 (I think the first part of the effect is creative, and the second part is okay)

Total Score 67/80 (This card is pretty good but its missing the spark of perfection)

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Name 5/5 (Really good name)

Card Image 8/10 (Not a great image but I could imagine how hard it is to find a lightning wolf image)

Card Usefulness 8/10 (Can block Monster effects, but thats all)

Balanced Stats/Effect 11/15 (I think this card is balanced because its effect is a bit overpowered, and its stats are good)

Correct OCG 14/20 (I think there are many mistakes in the first part of the effect)

Creativity/Originality 18/20 (Creative effect, image and name)

Total Score 64/80 (Good card, creative effect but it has very bad ocg)

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Name 5/5 (Sounds cool)

Card Image 10/10 (Looks awesome, great demon image)

Card Usefulness 8/10 (Good versus other Monsters)

Correct OCG 12/15 (Im not good with ocg, but this cards ocg isnt perfect)

Balanced Stats/Effect 18/20 (I think this is very balanced, since it reduces its ATK points)

Creativity/Originality 18/20 (Great effect, image, name and so on)

Total Score 71/80

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Name 5/5 (Cool)

Card Image 9/10 (Cool again)

Card Usefulness 9/10 (Easy to summon, also summons more monsters)

Correct OCG 11/15 (Bad ocg in begining and end I think)

Balanced Stats/Effect 12/20 (A bit situational, but can get massive ATK as well as summoning another monster)

Creativity/Originality 16/20 (Creative effect and stuff)

Total Score 62/80 (Good card, just has bad ocg and over-powered)

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Name 5/5 (I like the name Akraytt)

Card Image 10/10 (Looks sweet)

Card Usefulness 3/10 (Only good versus Synchro monsters)

Correct OCG 14/15 (This ocg might be perfect, dunno haha)

Balanced Stats/Effect 16/20 (Very situational card, yet it can be summoned by very few cards, pretty lame effect but really good stats)

Creativity/Originality 18/20 (Creative name and effect, they match)

Total Score 66/80 (Great card, just misses on many things)

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Pokemon - Mewtwo, Spellcaster Supreme


Name 3/5 ( I suppose as a Pop Culture card the name is self-explanitory, but it could be better.)

Card Image 6/10 ( Poor quality w/icon in bottom right)

Card Usefulness 8/10 (only a beatstick, nothing more)

Correct OCG 9/15 (you said send 1 face-up card to the grave and tribute. So which one is it? Also if you say ATK then you should just say "Tribute 1 monster you control"

Balanced Stats/Effect 18/20 (ATK could reach 4500 which is crazy but still pretty ok)

Creativity/Originality 14/20 (Lacks a very innovative effect concept)


Darkness Dragon of the Sky


Name 5/5 (Great)

Card Image 10/10 (Also good)

Card Usefulness 5/10 (Tribute 3 dragons for a tiny bit of damage? Not worth it)

Correct OCG 13/15 (Not tribute to the graveyard, but send to the graveyard)

Balanced Stats/Effect 20/20 (Balanced enough)

Creativity/Originality 15/20 (Nice burn effect, but that's all to his effect?)


Synchronisis, Dragon of Vorteces


Name 5/5 (WOW!)

Card Image 10/10 (very dramatic)

Card Usefulness 10/10 (quite good lockdown burn effect)

Correct OCG 15/15 (perfect)

Balanced Stats/Effect 18/20 (3400 ATK is a lot compared to the requirement)

Creativity/Originality 20/20 (one of the most creative effects ever)


Oblivion Knight


Name 5/5 (like them fancy words)

Card Image 10/10 (nice holo effect)

Card Usefulness 10/10 (very good S/T destruction)

Correct OCG 15/15 ( I don't know the ocg for a dark synchro but the other effect looks good)

Balanced Stats/Effect 20/20 (good and balanced)

Creativity/Originality 19/20 (the effect could have had some more)


Dark Wolf - Lightning Shade


Name 5/5 (Good and creative)

Card Image 9/10 (Not the best and can see URL on top left corner)

Card Usefulness 9/10 (Nice, but not solid support for beasts)

Correct OCG 13/15 (Beast is not supposed to be in quotes, and say "tribute monsters you control" instead of from your side of the field)

Balanced Stats/Effect 20/20 (Perfect)

Creativity/Originality 19/20 (Good)


Twilight Dark Demon Warlord


Name 5/5 (VERY good)

Card Image 10/10 (Freakin amazing!)

Card Usefulness 10/10 (Yeah, i would def. use it)

Correct OCG 15/15 (Pretty much flawless)

Balanced Stats/Effect 17/20 (Last effect is some pretty mean mass destruction and easy to pull off)

Creativity/Originality 20/20 ( <3 )


Dreaded Dragon of the Cities


Name 4/5 (could be better)

Card Image 8/10 (Too realistic backround)

Card Usefulness 10/10 (yeah)

Correct OCG 15/15 (nothing i can see wrong)

Balanced Stats/Effect 18/20 (2nd sentence may be abusable)

Creativity/Originality 20/20 (:D)


Akraytt, Absorber of Energy


Name 5/5 (crazy made up name is most definately creative)

Card Image 9/10 (a bit dark and hard to see)

Card Usefulness 5/10 (only useful as anti synchro and nothing else?)

Correct OCG 5/15 (Fake type, ritual even though it's NOT, synchro isn't in quotes and you don't "sacrifice" a trap)

Balanced Stats/Effect 20/20 (Balanced)

Creativity/Originality 15/20 (Just anti-synchro effect, but i like the summon requirement)


Tetsu no Shishi


Name 5/5 (props for researching japanese names)

Card Image 10/10 (amazing)

Card Usefulness 7/10 (effect isn't all that game breaking, rarely will be put to good use)

Correct OCG 15/15 (Perfection)

Balanced Stats/Effect 20/20 (yes)

Creativity/Originality 20/20 (very creative)


I hope I'm not forgetting anyone.

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