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Supernatural Hunters[ADV/accpeting/restarted] [PG-16]

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This rp was made by ArtemisFowl im just making the occ thread. If you do join please post often and enjoy



The Supernatural Hunters were exactly what it sounds like. It was a small organization created near the begining of civilization which specialized in hunting down and if nessacary exterminating unruley creatures and spirits. It`s main task though was to ensure the survival of all races. Buisnesses began to quickly branch off of the Hunters during the middle ages, driving nearly every supernatural species to extinction.


The new hunting groups began to kill off innocent supernatural creatures and humans. In a last effort to save the surviving species, the Hunters publicly denounced the existance of all such creatures. All supernatural creatures in league with the Hunters were asked to resign their posts in order to completely insure their own and their family`s protection.


Now in 2010, species thought to be extinct for nearly two centuries have made an unfriendly reapearence. The Supernatural Hunters began to regroup in an attempt to keep innocents from dying. However their dwindled numbers and multiple senior members made the task next to impossible.


One night, a team of one thousand members including the president and the two hundred deadliest members attacked an overbearing vampire covan. Every Hunter was slaughtered and each body was drained of blood. The skeletal forms were found three days later by two hikers. The Hunters lost a third of their members that day.


The Supernatural Hunters need new members. Are you up to the challenge? Or try to take over the world?




•All YCM rules apply.

•Advanced claused is to be used. 4+ lines.

•Mild cursing is allowed but nothing too inappropiate. Mild

•Have Fun!!!!!!

•NO GOD MODING. (Do I really need to say this??)

•No OOC only posts.

•Please be active

•If you will be away for some time PM for how long you will be gone.

•I'm putting the limit for characters at 3

•If you have any questions or requests, don't be hesitant to PM me.

•Love interests and such are allowed.





Name- What ever you want


Age- the idea is to create a new generation of Hunters so only immortals can choose to be over 30 years old.


Species: choose one of the following.


Apearence- What you look like, height, build, clothing, etc. Images are allowed but so is a decription.


Powers: you can only pick one and only if you are a human.


Bio- character`s past, personality, etc.








self explainitory . . . hopefully




They are cannot die from age. They have slightly hightened sense than humans. They are also faster and stronger than a human. They have a disire for blood and nothing but blood will stop their hunger. They are very highly sensitive to garlic. Holy water, silver, and crosses do nothing against them, despite popular hunter belief. They are very fast healers. Will die immiedatily if stabbed in the heart or is decapitated.




They have hightened senses, stronger than a vampire but slower, changes into an uncontrollable beast every full moon. They are filled with rage and usally cannot tell friend from foe. They can change at other times by unleasing their 'inner wolf' and is more easy to control but if isn't properly controlled he/she could be trapped in their wolf form if they cannot overcome the beast inside them, if this method is used then the user is left weaker with little energy.




Immortal, can turn intangible and invisible, stuck in the clothes they died in.




Can change into one animal of your choice. It can be any color/colors you want. Cannot be a supernatural creatures.

If you have any ideas about these please PM me.


elves:its a possibility not sure yet


By the way we realy need more hunters at the moment

heres the first post from the rp


Jecht stood in the shadows, looking at his prey. It was a young woman, she looked as if she was going home from a late night at school, over her shoulder was a backpack and glasses on her face. She was very beatiful in the low amount of light. Jecht knew the Hunters were very active in this part of the city but he could no longer surpress his hunger. He followed silently using the darkness as cover. There were three usua

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Name- Dylan Silver


Age- looks 17, but really is 92 years old.


Species: Vampire


Apearence- [spoiler=Here it is:]Brown_hair_brown_eyes.jpg



Bio- He was dying of a gunshot wound in 1918 when a vampire bit him and killed him. Now he devotes his time and energy to his mission of trying to only hunt animals except of a grudge.


Only one App for now.

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Name- Dylan Silver


Age- looks 17' date=' but really is 92 years old.


Species: Vampire


Apearence- [spoiler=Here it is:']Brown_hair_brown_eyes.jpg



Bio- He was dying of a gunshot wound in 1918 when a vampire bit him and killed him. Now he devotes his time and energy to his mission of trying to only hunt animals except of a grudge.


Only one App for now.


I need a decent bio. for you to accepted. And when you're bitten you don't die.

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Name- Naozumi Hashimoto


Age- 16


Species: Warewolf


[spoiler=Apearence-] anime+boy.jpg



Bio- Nazoumi had a fun life, he had friends and family, all A's in school, he is a sucker for strategy games. He is also a next generation Supernatural Hunter! But one day he was out much later than he should've been and a mysterious man in a black robe bit his arm. A mark was placed there and it allowed him to turn into a warewolf at any time he desired, but at a full or new moon, he would go insane. He ran away and lived only with his fellow wolves. He ran from the hunters and he was on there Wanted list as an escaping member.

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XD lol. so what is going on really? Isn't joey human and one of the Supernatural hunters? I'm a little confused on the current situation and what has happened in the RP. Can I get a Re-cap of most of the RP I should know. I just don't like posting with little knowladge of this kind of thing is all.


Dude, when joining an RP this late you must have read most of the RP, or atleast skimmed over it some.

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