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Legion Of Saiyans (A dbz club):Training and recruiting Saiyan warriors now

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Welcome to the Saiyan Legion.

Feel free to take a look around.


[spoiler=News]June 03 2010:Grand opening


[spoiler=Rules]All YCM rules apply

You must follow what a higher class saiyan commands

You can be banned by annoying,high swearing,flaming,ect



[spoiler=Banners]By mason1999


By WarriorNinja22




[spoiler=Missions]All saiyans have to prove them selves worthy to rank up so by doing Missions it is a easy way of ranking up and getting rewards.The missions will change regulary so do them fast



Get 5 sprites for the club Reward=20 points

Recruit 3 members Reward=10 points

Make a banner (Limited edition) Reward=50 points/1 rep


[spoiler=Games,RP's,Other stuff]None for now


[spoiler=Events]There will be Special Days of this club,they will be posted here and we will celebrate and do activities


[spoiler=Members]Most of the majority of members will be normal but some will be higher ranks

King Of The Saiyans(Leader):dfgk101

Prince Of The Saiyans(Co leader):

Elite Saiyans(Moderators):mason1999


Merciful (Merciful Idiot)

Member count:4


[spoiler=Member recruit sheet(APP)]

So you want to be part of the Legion?

Fill out the app to see if your worthy.

If you are declined you must wait 3 days to apply again




Nick Name:

Faverite DBZ character:

Least Faverite DBZ character:

Why you want to join:

How can you help the club:



Enjoy and be ready to fight any other club that gets in our way for YCM domination.

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First memer! Yay!



Nick Name:Ulqui-sama

Faverite DBZ character:Vegeta

Least Faverite DBZ character:Raditz

Why you want to join:I like dragonballz and I was hoping to be helpful

How can you help the club:I'll probably lead or just make banners for you like in my sig

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