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[Finished]Yugioh Card Maker Got Talent - Round 2. Check who you are against and your challenge.

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  'Poisonedbite said:

[spoiler=my card]211861.jpg


[spoiler=effect]This card can only be activated when your opponent would activate a Spell or Trap card that would destroy a face-up "/Assault Mode" monster. Destroy the card and inflict 1000 damage to your opponents Life Points. Send the "/Assault Mode" monster to the Graveyard and Special Summon the Synchro monster used to Summon it. During your next End Phase' date=' return the "/Assault Mode" monster and "Assault Mode Activate" to your hand from the Graveyard.




Whats wrong is, is that the Assault Mode monster gets added to your hand which makes it UP for assault mode support.

You may inflict 1000 damage and destroy their spell trap and negate it but having an Assault Mode is hard to have. I was hoping for stuff to summon Assault Mode monsters faster not negate cards.


My opinion.

You can still change your card.



yes but my card also gets you assault mode activate back to your hand, along with your synchro on the field, and the assault mode in your hand. for assaults like doomkaiser, thats very useful.


Thats what makes it more not useful.

Adding it to the hand is a -1

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[align=center]i've dited it a bit, now it will probebly fit the bill.

I choose Quillbolt OTK.


[spoiler=Order of the Dark Princess]


Activate only when you have Summoned a Level 2 or lower DARK Tuner Monster. Pay Life Points equal to the Summoned monster's combined ATK and DEF, Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring the Summoning conditions. You cannot attack this turn.

Pic from Jazin Kay



[spoiler=What I've changed]

Yeah, I edited it to make it more ussefull, now you need to have summoned a Tuner then you can summon Quillbolt from either your Deck or your hand. The cost can be high but also pretty low. And the attack restriction is just to keep other decks from abusing it.




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^ Say that to Stardust/Assault. A walking Solemn...With 3000 ATK.

Sure, that's weaker than Stardust.


RDA/AM is actually pretty nice, himself.

They actually are stronger with their effects than the originals...You just gotta use them right...

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  'Death Sin said:

i guess ill re-post my card since everyone is doing it...

i will support the spellcasters


[spoiler=[color=#00BFFF]Mind Supremacy[/color]]146801-4YGRKYM.jpg[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]Lore[/color]]Tribute 1 face-up Level 7 or higher Spellcaster-Type monster and activate 1 of the following effects:

-Take control of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with a Level equal to or lower than the Level of the Tributed monster.

-Special Summon up to 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters from your Deck whose total Levels equal the Level of the Tributed monster.

-Select 1 face-up Spellcaster-Type monster. It gains ATK equal to half of the ATK of the Tributed monster' date=' until the End Phase.





well lightmaster and someone else reposted their cards

but whatever :|


What do you mean everyone is re-posting their card?

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Well Assault Modes really are fun to play and Stardust Assault Mode is just like Resonating Lust said, a 3000 ATK Solemn which is almost impossible to defeat.But i have never managed to Summon Assault Mode Monsters because i have tried to make an Assault Deck bu it failed miserably. I really don't know what went wrong but i guess i made it a wrong build.

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ur deck failed bc of the reason most assault decks do. firstly, you have to build it around your synchro, not the assault. the assault is the powerful finishing move. but once your synchron is on the field, a card search will get you assault mode activate, and then you just hold til you get your assault mode for the mayhem. btw, im changing my card.

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i want to join ples tell your opion in card master ples so i can improv my self here is its effect ples read it :




When you summon this card both players switch their deck with their graveyard then the defense of this card is the deferens between your deck and your graveyard by 100 and the attack is the deferens of your opponent deck and graveyard then: 1) if the attack is higher than the deafens your opponent lose the deferens and this card stays in attack position and it cant be changed.2) if the deafens is higher your opponent gains the deferens and this card stays in deafens position and it cant be changed.3) if the attack is the same as the deafens your opponent dose not lose or gain any points and you can change the position of this card as you want .



it is good is not it


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