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~NEW~ Card Contest! Join Now to win Reps!


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Hi, this is my first contest. The key of this contest is to make any NEW card. It costs only cost 3 points to join. There is no specific card you are supposed to make. The top 2 people will get a prize of +reps. I will be the only judge. You will be based on these...


Overall card value 1-6

Card image 1-3

Creative card effect 1-3

Card usefullness 1-3

Originality 1-3

Stats 1-3

Other 1-4


The card with the most points will win!

Good luck and have fun.8)

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Before the duel, you can reveal this card in your Deck and send it to the Graveyard. While this card is in the Graveyard when you Synchro Summons a monster, you can add this card from your Graveyard to your Extra Deck and treat this card's name, Level, effect(s) and Attribute as 1 face-up Synchro Monster you control. Increase the ATK of this card equal to its Level x 300.

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