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Gifted Humans RP Application Sheet


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Name: Anjelica

Age: 18

Powers: Ability to summon demons a will

Pic: 50ca84d0.jpg

Weakness: Strong wind because it interupts her concetration while summoning/controling demon (Ex.A litle breeze doesn't bother her' date=' but a wind storm or hurricane or tornado would)




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ZOMG! Girls are evil! XD Only 1 of the villain is a guy.


Name:Sakura Igyma


Powers:Can shoot bullets made of darkness from his fingers. If he shoots these bullets into the sky it eclipses the sun and the area where he is is surrounded in complete darkness.


Weakness:very bright light' date=' having his hands tied together.


Ill be a group with King Of Game/Damian if he wants since I can help him with his need of shadows.

Character By Tehking

[/quote']Accepted you know Kaze and the rest of you guys I was thinking on some missions we will be taking we split in to like Kaze and Mina which both can make a hurricane.

Sounds good. Though differnt combinations may help with different missions.

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Name:Thundros (A.K.A Harry Vattic)


Powers: Able to create & control Electricity






Overloads(which cause him great pain)/ Weakness out of abusing his power.


(BTW he is on the good guy side)


Character by Legacy_Hero

Finally we have better elemnt Accepted

P.S. you have to create a 2nd character for the villian.

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(sorry 4 double post)


Name:Flamethrower (A.K.A Steven Vattic)

Age: ?

Powers: Able to shoot fire out of his left hand (which is always on fire)






Water' date=' physical attacks.

Character by Legacy_Hero


Accepted and thank you for being the other element we just need and Earth one.

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  • 1 year later...

Name: Ryan

Age: 19

Powers: Ability to enter "Hex Mode" Which turns his eyes red and amplifys his skills letting him beat the crap out of people and pretty much disarm, shoot guns, Punch ,and dodge also he can take a huge beating and still get up expample he gets stabbed in the back ady day later he would be back up again.

Pic: http://media.photobucket.com/image/assassin/boneydude/Assassin.jpg?o=1

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