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Pokemon: Island Challenge - remake [started/acepting] (PG-13)


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There are five islands: Shard Island, Oceanic Island, Seascape Island, Frozen Island and Glacier Island. Each island has a gym and a very powerfull leader on it, many towns and many types of pokemon. Trainers from all over the world are comming to these islands and challenging the Gym Leaders in hopes of being able to enter the 'Island Championship Battles' and find out and battle the Champion of the Sea. Will you beat the Champion of the Sea? Can you discover who the strange Champion of the Sea is? New friends, experiences, pokemon, battles and contests await you!


Leaders (we need five)-




Pokemon Team:

Strongest Pokemon:


Apperence and Biography:



Normal Trainers-




Starter Pokemon:

Apperence and Biography:


**I already have a current Champion of the Sea**



*The rules are the same as YCM. (Including the Advanced Clause!!)

*Try to keep it pg-13 or pg rated

*please do not say you are the Champion of the Sea. I will say it again that I allready have one.

*also please re-apply if you have allready.



*all members will start off where we left off but new members must start from begining



Shard Island: David/Squrtile - River Badge

Seascape Island: Mark Tennant/Menectric - Raging Storm Badge

Glacier Island: Neige Hausen/Venasur - Diamond Dust Badge

Frozen Island: Cultin Inigada/Regice - Frozen Lake Badge

Oceanic Island: Britney Heart/Starmie - Shining Bubble Badge



Emily - Nnetales

Kristan clement - Absol

Jake - Rattata

Hannah - Arcanine

Leonard - Mudkip

Luke Termant - Treecko

Valentine John Carlisle de le Fleur Rose (aka The Verdant Storm), or Valentine - Roserade

Max - Luxray

Brandon Sparkman - Shiftry

Ace - Charizard

Blake - Charizad

Lance Dire - Gligar


"Bad Guys" - Team Tempest led by Akazi Numerion - Agrron/Tyranitar

Commanders are Torent(Garadoyse),Lightning(Frostlass),Mist(Walerin) and Tidel (Glalie)


Ancient Pokemon Index - Lunarion or Pokemon of the Moon and Sloarion or Pokemon of the Sun.


Professor - Professor Maple (girl professor)


My Applications:

Name: Emily *current 'Champion of the Sea'*

Age: 17

Gendar: Female

Starter Pokemon: Ninetales (I love Ninetales) http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii177...etales.png

Roster: male Swampert,female Dewgong,Vaporeon,Seaking, male Blastoise,female Ninetales

Others not traveling with: female Gardivore and Tropius, male Tyranitar

Apperence and Biography: Emily has been training for a very long time. all of her pokemon are fully evolved and are mostly ice or water types. Her home island is Glacier Island and her little sister, Hannah who is 15 and who has a Arcanine, runs a Hot Springs there. Her parents love to travel and so does Emily but never fails to visit her younger sister in her home town of Glacier Town (capitol of the region) every so often. Her pokemon are mostly water or ice females. TEAM - male Swampert, female Dewgong/Vaporeon/Seaking, and a male Blastoise. She also has Gardivore,Tyranitar and Tropius but does not travel with them and her sister takes care of them.

Apperence: http://i7.tinypic.com/24drjls.jpg (plus Ninetale's pokeball around my neck)

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((last post by Time Pysduck))

Having left the recuperating pokémon in his room, Valentine wandered down to the hotel lobby and began to look through the information on attractions in the area. Besides a helpful guide as to where the gyms were if he decided to face the others, he also discovered that there was a hot spring quite close by. There weren't any hot springs back home, if you didn't count the rather small and deep pool hidden high in the mountains behind tough pokémon, so it would be something different. After all, that was why he had come, for a change.


Half an hour later, having finally convinced Ludicolo to leave the shower, he was walking up towards what seemed to be the place, Bellossom now sitting on his shoulder. The place had said they took pokémon - although they'd probably have to be pretty backwards not - and the tiny grass type seemed almost more eager than it's trainer.

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((So someone else will take his/her place if they want. What island?))


Emily growled slightly. "Swampert com back." When Sawmpert returned to the pokeball she took a deep breathe. There was only one chioce at this point and David wasn't going to get out of it. He was going to find out exactly why she was the Champion of the Sea. She put Swampert's pokeball away and looked at Ninetales. Ninetales got up and lept in front of Starmie. "You've had it easy so far David! But no more! Prepare to take this battle up several leaps!", she yelled. She wasn't fooling around anymore. She ment to win now and it showed plainly on her face as the day light. Ninetales of course just dat there and cleaned her paw. Ignoring the other pokemon and acing like she didn't care. 'So? I am waiting.", Emily crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at David.


Vaporeon - FAINTED

Swampert - FAINTED

Ninetales - out






Starmie - out

Empoleon - FAINTED





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Name: David

Gendar: boy

Age: 10

Pokemon Team:







Strongest Pokemon: Squirtle

Badge: river badge

Apperence and Biography: http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k155/jhampton06/17924327-59746859.jpg David is 10 years old and is the leader of shard island.

Island: Shard Island


David was grinning and made his command to Starmie. "your not going to go with my badge that easily. Starmie, use Brine straight up!" Starmie commanded and soon there was a waterfall of salt water and Starmie disappeared. "still on the chopping block Emily. STARMIE, PSYCHIC!" Starmie commanded and soon the Ninetails flew up into the air and was slammed onto a wall. "thats the end of my turn, you go Emily."

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My App

Name: Siegfried Brisbane

Gender: Boy

Age: 17 1/2 (Although you didn't need to know that half thing...)


Appearance and Biography: Siegfried found his Houndour in a dark cave in Shard Island freezing in the cold. Siegfried has a calm personality but when in battle it's like he's a different person. He dosen't have many friends, but is pretty well known around town. Siegfried can sometimes get overconfident in his battling.

Appearance: Siegfried wears a short sleeve shirt with a Houndour on the back using Fire Blast.

The Fire Blast goes down to the pants and makes a nice Fire Pattern on the left Pant side. Siegfrie has Black Eyes and Black and Yellow Hair that goes down to the first Quarter of his Back.


.:Ultimate Lifeform:.

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((k and Acepted. And I always have this for pokemon RPs. BEsides I think it makes a more interesting strongest pokemon for The Champion of the Sea.))


Ninetales got up and shook her head. Emily grinned, "Starmie isn't the the only pokemon that knows physic moves David. This is part of the reason Ninetales is my strongest pokemon. Ninetales use Hypnosis!" Ninetales spred her tails wide and her eyes began to glow as Starmie became slowly drowsy. "Good now Flamewheel into Flamethrower!" Ninetales lept and whent into a Flamewheel at the same time she used Flamethrower, all this made her a spinning sphere of fire that was also shooting fire. She collided with the drowsy Starmie who flew and skidded a few feet away as she jumped back and landed on her paws. Her tails still fanned out and still glaring at the Starmie.

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"Ugh, starmie!" David went to see if starmie was ok. "starmie, take a good rest." David kissed the poke ball and sent out another pokemon. "ok then, swampert, come on out!" out came the strong and mighty swampert. "alright swampert, finish off that ninetales with earthquake!" the ground started shaking with terror and the ninetales fell

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Lance sighed. He was sitting on a cliff looking out towards the sea. Suddenly, Gligar poked his head over the top of the cliff. Lance jumped. "You...You didn't scare me." he said with a very unbelievable tone. He held two pokeballs in his hand. He saw a Horsea jump out of the water, and a Porygon slept close by. Lance nodded. Gligar's teeth were shrouded with a blanket of electricity. He swooped down and bit the cocky Horsea. The Horsea was electrocuted and paralyzed. Zach threw the heal ball towards it, catching it quite easily. The Porygon woke up and saw a Gligar fly towards it. The Porygon shot a Psybeam at Gligar, making him fly back. But Gligar bounced back. Swords started swirling around Gligar like a ballet. Then his claws glew bright. "X-Scissor!" Lance shouted. Gligar jolted towards Porygon bringing his claws down in a diagonal motion. The Porygon was knocked out. Lance threw his last ball at the Porygon. It was caught almost as easily as the Horsea.

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"Ninetales come back and take a long rest!", Emily yelled. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a badge-looking pin. It was a purple flame with nine circles around it, the Nine Star Pin. Whoever managed to beat her got this pin as reconition of their achievment. She grinned and held the pin up so David could see it, "Continue to beat me and you'll have this in no time. It's not the same as a gym badge really but more of a recognition type thing. It's the Nine star Pin." She put the pin back into her pocket as Ninetales came over and rested at her side. She managed to take out Starmie and was close to fainting because of it. She thought of reverting back to her origional plan of saving Ninetales for David's strongest pokemon. "Go Dewgong!" Dewgong appeared on the field.


Vaporeon - FAINTED

Swampert - FAINTED

Ninetales - exhusted and resting


Dewgong - out




Starmie - FAINTED

Empoleon - FAINTED



Swampert - out


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David smiled as he saw that dewgong. "wow, a dewgong, well then heres something for you." David smiled at Emily and commanded swampert the move. "swampert, use rock slide, quickly!" Swampert shook his head and made the move. suddenly, a huge avalanche of rocks fell down on dewgong and smashed it.

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Leonard left the gym, surprised he lost for the first time in a while. He realized this place was no joke. It was time he grabbed his old team, and challenge another gym. It was time to go to Shard GYm and try that one. This gym would be next. And so, Leonard headed to the Pokeon Center and contacted Professor Elm again. He then exchanged the Mudkip and Zorua for Ampharos, Venusaur, Noctowl, and Politoed. He then thanked Professor Elm and boarded a ship to Shard Island.


OOC: Waterboy, beating the Champion of all those regions might be considered godmodding. Also, WE haven't battled, so you couldn't have won against the Champion of Johto.

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OOC: I had just lost to Lightshock.


IC: The boat ride had finally departed. Crouds were going around, spreading rumors that the champion of Johto was on board. But when they found a fourteen-year old boy come on board, they were confused. Small conversations were about. The room was filled with "Could this boy really be the champion of Johto?" and "This can't be him!"


"I can assure you I am." said Leonard in a serious voice.


"Oh, yeah? Can you handle 3 people at once?" said the three teenagers walking in. Leonard remembered them as the Invincible Brothers.


"With a single Pokemon!" said Leonard. And so a battle began. "Go, Hitmonchan!" "Go Hitmonlee!" "Go! Hitmontop!" yelled the three brothers. "Go, Noctowl!" yelled Leonard, as he threw a Poke-Ball to the ground. It bounced up, releasing a Noctowl. "Hitmonlee, High jump Kick!" yelled the second brother. "Noctowl, Extrasensory." said Leonard calmly. "Send it the other direction." The Hitmonlee was now stuck in the wall, as it had kicked it hard and fast. The recoil from High jump Kick missing didn't help it either. "Noctowl, use Aerial Ace on it, finish it off." The Noctowl has knocked into the Hitmonlee with all it's might, knocking it out.


"Hitmontop, use Rapid Spin!" yelled the third brother. "Wait for now, Noctowl." said Leonard, still calm as ever. Leonard waited till the Rapid Spin was just about to hit Noctowl. "Wing Attack." said Leonard. Noctowl struck the HItmontop in an upwards motion, sending it into the ceiling, where it landed so hard on it's head when it fell, that it was knocked out.


"Htmonchan!" started the first brother. "Use Mach Punch!" "Noctowl, Hypnosis." said Leonard. The little waves sent the Hitmonchan to sleep. Finish it, use Aerial Ace." replied Leonard. Noctowl slammed into the sleeping Hitmonchan knocking it out."


"Now do you believe me?" said Leonard as all four trainers returned their Pokemon. "YES!" replied the brothers, as they ran off. The boat had finally arrived at Shard Island. It was time for Leonard to get his first badge at the Island Challenge.

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((I think it was Nick. And Magnet and Grasslander are right. That would be considerd godmodding. You have not beaten the Champion of Sinnoh or Jhoto and Emily will give you the Nine Star Pin as a sign you beat her, not making you really the champion.))


"Dewgong get up and into the water and use Ice Beam!", yelled Emily. Dewgong got and dove into the deep water. A sudden ice beam shot out and hit Swampert freezing him solid. "Good. Now Aqua Jet into Ice Beam and end this!" Dewgong appeared out of the water using Aqua Jet. She whent right into ice beam while still using aqua jet and slammed the Swampert into the ground. She lept back into the safe depths of the water. "Excellent Dewgong!", yelled Emily jumping. She grinned at David, "Well I never expected a battle like this before David. I must say it is quite a refreshing thing to have a powerfull trainer to battle for once."

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Lance looked at Gligar. "You know...we've been friends for a while..." Gligar nodded. "Well, don't you think it's about time you evolved. If we want to beat these island gyms, we gotta get stronger." Gligar nodded silently. "Well, take this." Lance pulled out a razor fang from his shorts pocket. He threw it to Gligar. Gligar smiled and started to shine. Finally he evolved into a Gliscor. Lance smiled. He threw out all of his pokeballs. A Heracross, Porygon-Z, Seadra, Torterra, and Magmortar popped out. "Well everyone...i think we're ready. Don't you think." The individual pokemon gave there own roar of pride. They had come a long way. Lance pointed towards the gym they had approached.


"Time to Challenge the Shard Island GYM!" As he said this, he saw another trainer get off the boat with a Noctowl. Looks like he was here to challenge the gym as well.

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(((His character was Mark Tennant, best Pokemon being Manectric)))


Leonard had just gotten off the boat. "Having my best Pokemon weak to Water-Type Pokemon here isn't the best idea I had, but it'll work." thought Leonard to himself. He entered the gym, realizing that two people were already battling. He went to the stands to wait. To him, he could tell who the gym leader's Pokemon was, and it looked as if it wasn't going to get up anytime soon. The Dewgong on the right looked fierce, and a force to be reckoned with he could tell it was.

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((This wont work I dont think. I doubt anyone will join. Add a section in the OOC section and more people might join))


Kris sighed as he stood up in the stands. "Great battle. I think it's my turn now?" Kris asked, waiting for the referee to answer. He got a nod, so walked down into the arena. Looking around, he saw that it looked slightly domed, but that might have been a figure of his imagination. He looked at the leader, Mark, and sighed. "So then, you've just faced one champ, how 'bout another. I'm Kristan Clement, Champion of sinnoh. Now go, Scizor!" Kris said, bowing before tossing a Quick ball into the air. Out came a giant red creature with a shell that shined like metal.

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Lance looked at the trainer who had just entered the gym. He looked at Gliscor who could tell what Lance was thinking. He nodded. Lance opened his mouth and with a cocky attitude said, "Hey, the name's Lance. One of the best Pokemon trainers from Jhoto. You wanna battle while we wait for the Gym battle to stop?"

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"You're on!" said Leonard quickly pulling out a Poke-Ball, then putting it back. "My name is Leonard, and before you battle, I'll have you know I'm the greatest trainer in Johto, A.K.A. the Champion. We might want to take this outside first, by the way." he just remembered, so he said it. He walked outside and patiently waited for this "Lance" fellow to come outside. This trainer Lance reminded Leonard of former-Champion Lance from Johto. "This guy can't be the real Lance, can he? No matter, I'll beat him all the same." Leonard thought, ready to battle.

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Lance walked outside confidently. Gliscor followed behind. Gliscor gave a wimper but Lance shook his head. "Let's let the others have their chance. This is the first time we've fought a trainer with our new team." Gliscor gave a stare of understanding and nodded. Lance thanked Gliscor. "Come out, JET!" He threw a pokeball into the air. Seadra came out and gave a huff. "Let's do this!"

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"Ok, in that case, I choose Ampharos!" yelled Leonard. His Poke-Ball was thrown at lightning speed to the ground, which caused it to bounce back up, releasing a huge giraffe-like Pokemon. It's red ball on the tip of it's tail shined with light. Anybody could tell it was a well-raised Pokemon. "Now, use Discharge, Ampharos!" yelled Leonard. A beam of blue electricity rushed at the Seadra. Leonard was sure he would win this. He had to. If he didn't, he would be forced to give up his spot as the champion, since this Lance was apparently also from Johto.


OOC: I thought Seadra had to be in the water.

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