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lvl icon



5 answers to this question

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Blue level icons? On cards? They are only found on Dark Synchroes' date=' and you can either make them yourself with Gimp, PS, Paint, etc., or ask someone who makes Dark Synchroes for the template.



actually, the easiest way is to use MSE (Magic Set Editor)

[spoiler=What is MSE?]MSE is a program that makes custom cards for various card games such as Magic: The Gathering and Yugioh ^_^ . In MSE, you can make any card. Snychros, Fusions, Normals, DARK SYNCHROS, TOKENS ^_^ , Legendary dragons, slifer, obelisk and ra cards, normals and effect monsters, and spells and traps. When the card is done, save the card as a JPEG. use http://tinypic.com or http://imgur.com to get the IMG codes for the card. Copy and Paste into thread and.... BOOM! YOUR DARK SYNCHRO IS IN A THREAD! This is by far a great program and most YCM members do not mind MSE made cards being posted. Besides, you can barely tell the difference anyway. so, that being said, download MSE @ http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/


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