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My deck with the level of stars.Most are used for abilities,others as tributes

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(Man-Eater bug & Steel Scorpion have good abilities)

Monster Cards:

x1 Saber Beetle-6 stars

x1 D. D. Survivor-4 stars

x1 Black Stego-4 stars

x2 Gravekeepers curse-3 stars

x1 Steel Scorpion-1 star

x1 Lord of D.-4 stars

x1 Blade Skater-4 stars

x2 Masked Dragon-3 stars

x1 Swarm of Scarabs-3 stars

x1 Elemental Hero Neos-7stars

x1 Gilford the Lightning-8 stars

x1 Darkblaze Dragon-7 stars

x1 Yomi Ship-3 stars

x2 Mucas Yolk-3 stars

x1 Elemental Hero Sparkman-4 stars

x1 Decoy Dragon-2 stars

x1 Gaurdian of the Throne Room-4 stars

x1 Princess of Tsuragi

x2 Tactical Espionage Expert-3 stars

x2 Oxygeddon-4 stars

x1 Gilasaurus-3 stars( I use this as a tribute Cause it's horrible.) x1 Spear Dragon-4 stars

x1Man-Eater Bug-2 stars


Trap Cards:

x1 Chthonian Polymer

x1 Negate Attack

x1 Magic Cylander

x1 Draining Shield

x1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

x1 Cemetary Bomb


Spell Cards

x2 Lightning Vortex

x1 Big Bang Shot

x1 Red Medicine

x1 Tribute to the Doomed

x1 Mystik Wok[/b]

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