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Test part 2


Well, I guess it's time to do my annoying test post again because the forum keeps going nuts and clipping/limiting my post lengths for no adequately explained reason. It's an annoying little bug, so until it reverts to normal, my post can't exceed like...four sentences in length, so I'm using this forum page to do a test, rather than confuse people who'll look at the main forum. Sheesh, this is annoying.


Well, I guess it's time to do my annoying test post again because the forum keeps going nuts and clipping/limiting my post lengths for no adequately explained reason. It's an annoying little bug, so until it reverts to normal, my post can't exceed like...four sentences in length, so I'm using this forum page to do a test, rather than confuse people who'll look at the main forum. Sheesh, this is annoying.


Well, I guess it's time to do my annoying test post again because the forum keeps going nuts and clipping/limiting my post lengths for no adequately explained reason. It's an annoying little bug, so until it reverts to normal, my post can't exceed like...four sentences in length, so I'm using this forum page to do a test, rather than confuse people who'll look at the main forum. Sheesh, this is annoying.



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I'm actually going to be writing a live plot summary for those like you that would like to be joining the RP.


But as of right now, I'll write one special.


The tournament has just started, the first round has just started featuring a duel between our Gluttony Sin, Seth Rivers and a random person for the sake of buffering time. In the Ordo Everto, Jane Numire and Kane Scailand have been officially outted as 2 of the Element Six. However, Jane and Kane are the only two of the Element Six that have discovered their symbols. Kane has already survived a shadow duel, due to his mark saving him for some odd reason. This is when it was revealed. Kane survived shadow dueling with Madeline, the Lust Sin. However, Madeline was able to swipe Stardust Dragon, Kane's ace card, before the duel. This has led Jane to feel bad for him, and so she had her Card Creator father make him a special card. This caused a spark of flirtation between the two and they are on the virge of a relationship.


In other news, Elliot has just been wormed into the tournament by Dan, the Pride sin, as he wants more subjects to feed off of.


Nick, the envy sin is currently in disguise as Zack Kynto, an innocent man who has befriended Jane, in a convoluded plot to get answers about the Element Six from Jane as she learns them, go back to the Ordo Everto and share all of them, then defeat Jane and steal her soul in a Shadow Duel.


Nick also currently covets Madeline, and is trying desperately to make Madeline notice him, as she is a possible love interest for him.


I believe that sums up a good majority of the ongoing plot, but before you post you'll need to do an app. I personally just started double-casting the FIRE Element Six, who's mark is dormant, but I don't really like the idea of double-casting, so if you can create a character that I view as better, we can delete mine as if she never existed and you can play the role. She hasn't had any major development yet anyway.

Also, guys. What do you think of possibly a live OOC chat room over Skype/MSN/AIM/Yahoo! ?

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kk hows this:


Name: Infernus Brave (changed from Mattai Soarl)




Physical description/Picture: Brown hair, red and white unzipped jacket, white pants, black singlet, white shows with red flames on them. A red and white duel disk, he has red eyes.


Faction: Can be Element six, Ordo Everto (Member, Sin, or Herald), or duelist: Elemental six Fire?

Deck type: Can be Ycm made, but ask me for approval first.: I've got a Deck made called Glorious Flame Deck.


Elemental beast/Wicked god/Earthbound Immortal/Dark Synchro/Ace Card: "Incinerating-Eyed Glorious Dragon".



His name was originally matt however after a certain event he was reffered to as "Infernus" the brave. He has a brother and had a father, it is unknow what happened to his mother. As a child he seemed to be enticed by flames, he would often make them and later be ridiculed for the threat the fire could cause. When he was 10 a fire engulfed his house, no one in town was brave enough to enter the flames, his little brother who was 3 at the time was to scared to leave the house due to the flames surrounding him and his father was trapped under a big peice of the roof. Seeing this Infernus gained immense courage as a red aura surrounded him and a red symbol appeared on the back of his hand. He ran through the flames. It is unknown what happened to his father he did however return out of the flame with his little brother saving his life. Everyone after that event reffered to him as Infernus the Brave. His brother was put under foster care as he needed a family, Infernus did promise him however they would meet again. He now travels the world in search of the family that took in his brother. His Deck was created through a flame he created one night, he put his right hand int he flame not feeling any pain what so ever, when he did this he grabbed a card from the centre of the flame "Incienerting-Eyed Glorious Dragon", The flame then formed into a living breatheing giant red and white dragon with flames in his pupils. the 2 companions travel the world together now.



If accepted: he could enter the story as not knowing about the tournament but rather just passed by and noticed it and went to watch

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