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Greed is BringerofCake' date=' who for some reason, always invokes the image of a Sableye. I'm not sure why.



That's probably because I had a Sableye theme going for a while when I was an active member of the PPP. Sableye sig, avatar, the works.


And I apologize for my lack of postings, as I've been in a bit of a mess, attempting to get posts longer than a line and a half posted before the server tanks or my connection screws up and it gets cut off. However, with the duels finally starting, I shall become a lot more active.


Admittedly, I originally liked to RP as heroes or neutral characters, more often the latter, as it gave me control over what my actions were. I could help the heroes, or I could just as easily confront them. However, I realized that as time went on, the villains were just more fun, for precisely the reasons that evilfusion mentioned. Speaking of villains and evil, remember that time travel RP we did? That one had potential.

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I'm considering applying to double-cast a regular member of the Ordo Everto, just as a way to get in with the more active half.


Also, on the Heroes/Villains debate, I kind of knew that the sins would obviously fill up very fast, and if there were to be any rpers with a lack of experience, they could play a character with their personality already set in. It just so happens you guys are all really good at RPing, which allows you to enhance this personality. As far as the element 6 go, it feels like I may be the only one really trying to flesh out a character.


Once again, there's this whole cut-and-dry feel to it. Perhaps when all of the signs are out of dormancy thing will be different, but the main problem I see is that no-one makes a huge effort to talk to other people. Like, if certain people didn't cause a conversation, it will never happen. That or both sides won't look for each other. (IE: Envy searches for Lust to give her this card, but Lust does not search for Envy to thank him or question him on the card.)


Now, I'm not saying you should have done that, but that's just an example of what I'm trying to get at.

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A lot of the RPs that you and I were both in had potential. One died because...everyone else but us stopped posting. One was locked for flagrant shortposting, and one died...I'm not sure why. It just did.


Ah, that explains the Sableye imagery. I could never figure out why I think "Bringerofcake=Sableye".


And Serenade, villains are usually picked up fast. Alternatively, heroes are picked up really fast. With this one, like 4 of the E-6 were grabbed early, and only 3 of the Sins and 1 of the Heralds (me having a Sin and Herald).


Heroes tend to follow a characteristic formula. They take responsibility or need to step up. The Sins can freely bask in their flaws.

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[spoiler=Speed World 3]

If a player activates a non-"Speed Spell" Spell Card, they take 2000 damage. During each player's Standby Phase, place 1 Speed Counter on this card for the turn player (max. 12 for each player). When a player takes damage, remove Speed Counters of the attacked Player from this card for each multiple of 1000 damage taken.You can remove any number of Speed Counters from this card to activate 1 of the following effects:

● 3: Activate Trap card without setting it first.

● 4: Inflict 400 damage to your opponent for each "Speed Spell" card in your hand.

● 6: Select 1 Monster card you control and send it to the graveyard you gain Life Points Equal to that monsters ATK or DEF.

● 7: Draw 1 card.

● 9: Summon a level 5 or higher Monster without a Releasing any Monster cards.

● 10: Destroy 1 card on the field.

● 11: Return 1 Spell or Trap card from your Graveyard to your Hand.

● 12: Special Summon 1 Monster from your Graveyard to your side of the Field.



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Trimage...that's extremely complicated. 2 is WAY simpler.


1 is fine. Zai prefers 1, so we may as well use 1 for the tournament. If there are non-tournament regulated Turbo Duels, the players can decide then.


Also, do we need to wait for Zai to officially start the duel or should we do that ourselves?

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