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Pravus Academy: The School for Monsters (PG-13)(Started/Accepting) OOC Thread

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I was asked to join by Genisis, though I was going to before he asked ^^


Name: Jacob Darrow Valiant

Age: 10

Grade: 9

Gender: Male

Personality: Bolsterous when he wants to be, but mainly shy and would rather keep to himself. He will do ANYTHING to get someone's friendship.

Species: Possessed (I know it is now on the list but I hope it is alright to use)


Jacob, Jake to those who know him personally, is a young child born in Salem Mass. Inducted into the sacred order of Iscariut Jake was trained to slay demons and battle other unworldly foes that stood against humanity and all that remained pure; having excelled at this due to his leaneage. When his mother was stricken with cancer he attempted to plead with the Iscariut to mend her, but they refused on the grounds that it would be unwise to save her as "her time had/has come." Desperite to save his mother Jake began to taboo art of creating human homonculi in order to give his mother a new body to live in, yet before he could create a perfect homonculi she had passed on.


Greif stricken Jake pleaded to whoever could hear him that he "only wanted to have his mother back." Hearing the boy's cries a powerful demon appeared with the offer of bringing back his mother; the catch being the demon would have to temporarily possess Jake's body. Willing to become a human puppet even for a demon at this point and, knowing it was only temporary, Jake agreed and was taken over. With the demon in control Jake unconciously began to attack the Iscariut, killing any priests and priestesses that stood in his way until he was brought under control. Disgusted with what had become of one of their own the leaders of Iscariut had choosen to purify Jake's now lost soul, which would enivetably killed him, but his father instead demanded something else; a fate that "grows worse with time." Pooling their efforts together the Iscariut bound Jake and the demon's souls together into one, effectively making one of their own a half demon; though their individual mentalities remained. Outcasted Jake, now with the demon forever, was alone in the world with no place to call home- that was about three hundred and eighteen years ago (318.)


Since Jacob is half demon he is effectively immortal, not aging a day since his curse and being able to heal from most fatal injuries. Now a "child genius" Jake continues to resist the temptations the demon continues to burden his own psyche; however his spirital powers to combat and supress other demons remains, though now coupled with the demonic powers granted by the evil within him. With the umptenth move to date Jake had reentered school, a habit he formed out of boredom and need for some similance of normality; however he is "unable" to attend his history classes when the topic comes close to the date of his curse. Now attending Pravus Academy, he has skipped a couple of grades; now forcing him to attend school with those more "mature" than himself.



Other Details: Since Jacob is techniqually not a monster he feels uneasy around the populace of Pravus Academy, however during certain periods the demon entity uproots Jake's personality and the true monster reveals itself.

Appearance: (Description or picture)





[spoiler=Demon I]




[spoiler=Demon II]




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Please, stop bickering. Humans cannot attend Pravus Academy. Even if they are possessed, the barrier between the Other Realm and the Human Realm prevents humans to sift through, which would mean one of two things:


1) If he was on the bus, his human body would be crushed as the barrier started pushing him backwards to the back of the bus, effectively breaking every bone in his body.


2) If he WASN'T on the bus, the demon would be sifted from the body, like water through a colander.


And, yes, you are accepted, Silent Omega.

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Name: Gene

Age: 19

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Personality: Gene is one of the Coldest and ruthless people in the school, but he seems to use that as a shield to his inner side which is much softer and sweeter. He is also a huge flirt.

Species: Werewolf

Bio: Gene is a prodigy when it comes to werewolves, due to the fact that he has perfected his transformation and all it's abilities. He has even shown that he has the speed he normaly has when he uses his werewolf form while using his human form only during when it is the time of a full moon. He is also a fighting prodigy, being able to take groups of enemies at a time, however he seems to have a problem with focusing which mean that most of the time that his fighting is useless.

Other Details: His fighting style is Northern Shao-Lin which means he is a deadly fighter.

Appearance: sexy.jpg

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Please' date=' stop bickering. Humans cannot attend Pravus Academy. Even if they are possessed, the barrier between the Other Realm and the Human Realm prevents humans to sift through, which would mean one of two things:


1) If he was on the bus, his [b']human body[/b] would be crushed as the barrier started pushing him backwards to the back of the bus, effectively breaking every bone in his body.


2) If he WASN'T on the bus, the demon would be sifted from the body, like water through a colander.


And, yes, you are accepted, Silent Omega.



The bold part I guess I have to explain a bit. Due to his soul being combined with the demons it has in fact become a demon soul- making his body that of a demon's as well.


Since he is know a demon in body and soul, yet has the dual personality, he is a demon and thus a monster. This also explains how he has lived for so long- as a normal human can only live up to one hundred years old.


The only remaining "human" aspect of my character is his mentality, but seriously you really can't make a reason why that would be something to prevent him from entering the academy. He has the body and soul of a demon, but his mind is that of a human AND a demon; since both are individual personalities dwelling within the same host body.


Did I explain it well enough? And am I in?

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Jake, thanks for the explanation. Accepted, under the conditions that at no point, unless you consult me, is the demon allowed to be purged.



Name: Gene

Age: 19

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Personality: Gene is one of the Coldest and ruthless people in the school' date=' but he seems to use that as a shield to his inner side which is much softer and sweeter. He is also a huge flit.

Species: Werewolf

Bio: Gene is a prodigy when it comes to werewolves, due to the fact that he has perfected his transformation and all it's abilities. He has even shown that he has the speed he normaly has when he uses his werewolf form while using his human form. He is also a fighting prodigy, being able to take groups of enemies at a time.

Other Details: His fighting style is Northern Shao-Lin which means he is a deadly fighter.

Appearance: [img']http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr141/ianimekiss/anime%20guy/sexy.jpg[/img]


A little overpowered. /: The fact that he perfected transformation, has the speed of a werewolf in human form, and is a fighting prodigy makes him practically unbeatable.

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Okay Made it to where his speed can only be used during the time of a Full Moon and made it to where he has to focus to be able to fight so great. ^^


Jake' date=' thanks for the explanation. Accepted, under the conditions that at no point, unless you consult me, is the demon allowed to be purged.



I absolutely guarantee the thought never crossed my mind


Both of you are accepted then. Get out there and post..


Wow, Pravus is really gaining some steam. If only I could contact Kira again and get him back into posting. His character used to be really useful in the original.

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Ah' date=' alright. And since I've never played any of the prior games then I am unaware of what you are talking about.



Yes, but it is very foreshadowy for the first part, as I plan it to be at first. I'm a novelist, so most of my characters are either really out their stereotype heroes/villains or turn-pager characters.

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