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Pravus Academy: The School for Monsters (PG-13)(Started/Accepting) OOC Thread

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Name: Noel Shope

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Gender:Female(h*ll yeah i can RP as a girl)

Personality:Noel is very shy and sensitive


Bio:She is always being made fun of for her sence of style and pointy ears. She lives in a human world which she thinks is manifested in fools and heartless beast so she decided to go to pravus academy so she can be treated normal.

Other Details:n/a

Appearance: pharmacist elf


I do apologize for butting in but Felix is extremely busy and I can tell if you don't bump that bio up to at least 5 lines then you won't get accepted...


Trust FFR, unaccepted.

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Here's the list


[spoiler=List of Monster Species]


Vicious demons with teeth made of iron.



A innocent, kind forest spirit.



Vicious, malevolent merpeople. Described as with gills behind the ears, fins for feet, a horn like a shark's dorsal fin, and a swordfish-like spear growing out of its head.



Fallen angels that were too good for hell, so they became nature spirits. Small in their human forms, they steal from the unsuspecting.



A vampiric forest spirit that can possess humans.



An animated skeleton that causes ship wrecks and distress.



Female spirits of nature that protect women.



Female freshwater spirits.



Common vampiric witches that may possess humans.



A water spirit that lives in deep waters and emits an oil that burns victims, but also heals deep wounds and heart troubles.



A night demon that enters people's dreams to cause sleep paralysis and nightmares.



A spirit that washes the clothes of the soon-deceased, and anyone who hears its song will die within a short frame of time.



Ghost of someone killed by execution or suicide.



A half-human child of a succubus or incubus.



A beautiful, young-looking ghost with a thick black tongue that sucks the blood of the young men she enchants.



Giants that are born of jealousy.



A shapeshifting spirit that can assume the form of any person.



A wide category for any of the demon of the family Dragos. Dragons have the power to shape-shift into human forms, or into the winged, reptilian variety.



Afterlife spirits that protect treasures.


[spoiler=Elder Daemons]

Elder demonic spirits that can become demon lords or powerful creatures as they mature.



Female spirits that seduce and kill men and bring travelers off their paths.


[spoiler=Erlkings (Alder Kings)]

Male elf king spirits that suck life force from their victims and lead travelers to their deaths.



Malevolent freshwater spirits that drown the unsuspecting.



An undead spirit.



A ghost that takes a physical form.



Fallen angels that walk the earth, seemingly depressed.



Frost giant.



Female water spirits that lure men in with songs, and take them underwater, where they live for most of there lives.



The male seducer demon. Powerful and filled with the powers of magick.



Ghosts that eat corpses.



Spirits that can possess people. Extremely creative and poetic, but have a bloodlust.



A nature guardian that can control plants. Unforgiving when someone treads upon her ground.



A spirit that leaves its physical body at night, while the body sleeps.



A humanoid spirit that can become any variety of animal.



A spirit that protects a certain place.



Mind-reading demons that can manifest in human form, or as a cloud of black smoke.



A spirit of the dead as black as the night, that can conceal itself in shadow, or manifest in human form.



A high-class demon that survives by sucking the blood of others.



Nymphs that control storms.



A human-wolf hybrid that can transform at will, but is most powerful under the light of the full moon.





There's only one type of elf, and I think it's male only

Also remember that a Biography is a History of the person, five lines is a blessing for bio's

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Here's the list


[spoiler=List of Monster Species]


Vicious demons with teeth made of iron.



A innocent' date=' kind forest spirit.



Vicious, malevolent merpeople. Described as with gills behind the ears, fins for feet, a horn like a shark's dorsal fin, and a swordfish-like spear growing out of its head.



Fallen angels that were too good for hell, so they became nature spirits. Small in their human forms, they steal from the unsuspecting.



A vampiric forest spirit that can possess humans.



An animated skeleton that causes ship wrecks and distress.



Female spirits of nature that protect women.



Female freshwater spirits.



Common vampiric witches that may possess humans.



A water spirit that lives in deep waters and emits an oil that burns victims, but also heals deep wounds and heart troubles.



A night demon that enters people's dreams to cause sleep paralysis and nightmares.



A spirit that washes the clothes of the soon-deceased, and anyone who hears its song will die within a short frame of time.



Ghost of someone killed by execution or suicide.



A half-human child of a succubus or incubus.



A beautiful, young-looking ghost with a thick black tongue that sucks the blood of the young men she enchants.



Giants that are born of jealousy.



A shapeshifting spirit that can assume the form of any person.



A wide category for any of the demon of the family Dragos. Dragons have the power to shape-shift into human forms, or into the winged, reptilian variety.



Afterlife spirits that protect treasures.


[spoiler=Elder Daemons]

Elder demonic spirits that can become demon lords or powerful creatures as they mature.



Female spirits that seduce and kill men and bring travelers off their paths.


[spoiler=Erlkings (Alder Kings)]

Male elf king spirits that suck life force from their victims and lead travelers to their deaths.



Malevolent freshwater spirits that drown the unsuspecting.



An undead spirit.



A ghost that takes a physical form.



Fallen angels that walk the earth, seemingly depressed.



Frost giant.



Female water spirits that lure men in with songs, and take them underwater, where they live for most of there lives.



The male seducer demon. Powerful and filled with the powers of magick.



Ghosts that eat corpses.



Spirits that can possess people. Extremely creative and poetic, but have a bloodlust.



A nature guardian that can control plants. Unforgiving when someone treads upon her ground.



A spirit that leaves its physical body at night, while the body sleeps.



A humanoid spirit that can become any variety of animal.



A spirit that protects a certain place.



Mind-reading demons that can manifest in human form, or as a cloud of black smoke.



A spirit of the dead as black as the night, that can conceal itself in shadow, or manifest in human form.



A high-class demon that survives by sucking the blood of others.



Nymphs that control storms.



A human-wolf hybrid that can transform at will, but is most powerful under the light of the full moon.





There's only one type of elf, and I think it's male only

Also remember that a Biography is a History of the person, five lines is a blessing for bio's


Thanks. The Alder King is a type of elf, but it's the king of all elves. Plus, we already have 4 Alder Kings, and that's enough for right now.

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Yeah' date=' but they're all yours Felix.. But hey, we also have three dragons a succubus, a yuki-onna, two vampires and a variety of others.



No, There are only 3 Alder Kings that are mine, and one isn't going to be in the limelight for long. The other one is owned by Hitsugaya the Ice God.

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