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Make "Mammoth Graveyard" useful -OVER-


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1) All YCM rules apply.


2) Make "Mammoth Graveyard" a monster card that is useful by today's standards.


3) You cannot change the Type, Attribute, or Level. You may change the name, as long as it includes "Mammoth Graveyard". You may change the image, as long as it remains relevant to the name "Mammoth Graveyard". You can change it into an effect monster, a tuner monster, etc. You can change EITHER the ATK or the DEF, but not both.


4) All card information (Creator, ID, Card set number, etc) must remain the same as on the example "Mammoth Graveyard".


5) Use this version as a reference.


Breaking any of these will result in an instant -5 pts in the judging process.


I'm a nice guy, so I'll probably point out your errors. As long as you fix it before the end date, it's fine.


[spoiler=Entry Fee:]

If you have never won a contest before, there is no fee.

If you've won a contest before, the fee is 5 points.



1st place: 3/4 of the entrance fee pot, 3 reps

2nd place: 1/10 of the entrance fee pot, 2 reps

3rd place: 1/20 of the entrance fee pot, 1 rep.


[spoiler=End Date:]

This contest will end on June the 7th.







[spoiler=BDB vi Britannia:]



[spoiler=yugioh designer:]



[spoiler=Space Ranger Gold:]



[spoiler= Mr. XYZ:]



[spoiler=~ P O L A R I S ~:]









[spoiler=Sound Pulse:]















[spoiler=Light Master XX:]



[spoiler=DX DX USER:]












[spoiler=Father Wolf:]








[spoiler=Prize Pot:]

50 - Starting pot, donated by me

5 - From ~ P O L A R I S ~

5 - From Yae

50 - (Woah!) from tommers2008

200 - (holy mother of motou) from Skyson

20 - (woooo) from Psycholera

10 - (wut) from TechnoDoomedOne

5 - from Frex

5 - from Father Wolf

Total: 350


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Accepted, although I probably should've stated that all information (1996 Kazuki Takahashi, the number in the bottom left, the set number/etc) should stay the same. However, since it wasn't stated at first, you're still in.

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Im in as well:


in your rules it didnt specifically say only monsters so i made it useful in my own way

Not accepted.


A) It doesn't include "Mammoth Graveyard" in it's name


and B) The rules say that the Level, Type, etc, cannot be changed, which implies that it would be a monster. If you'd like for me to bluntly say MAKE A MONSTER, I will.


Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. You're free to enter again.

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Super Rare btw, not common. ;J


[spoiler=Effect]When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, except when Tributed or used for a Synchro Summon, you can select 2 Zombie-Type monsters with 0 DEF from your Deck, send them to the Graveyard, remove from play 1 of those monsters, and discard 1 card to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, select 1 Zombie-Type monster with 0 DEF from your Graveyard, Special Summon it to your opponent's side of the field, and place 1 Mammoth Counter on it. If you cannot, destroy the monster Synchro Summoned using this card. If the monster Synchro Summoned using this card destroys an opponent's monster with a Mammoth Counter on it, you can Special Summon it to your side of the field.



[spoiler=How to play it and strategies you can pull off with it]

Designed primarily for effective use in conjunction with Zombie Mammoth, as you can Special Summon it to your opponent's side of the field and have them take some damage, but there're also some funky combos with cards like Zombie Master if you give it to your opponent, destroy it with the Synchro Monster, take it, run from there.


Another trick that could be worth considering is that you can get around the whole "having to give your opponent a Zombie with 0 DEF to Synchro Summon" thing if you use it to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, then you can just negate it via Stardust's effect.




He was once just a normal mammoth who led his life as mammoths did so long ago, and died like mammoths did so long ago. BUT THEN, Chaos Sorcerer got ahold of his corpse, reanimated him, and trained him specifically to kill everything in its path etc etc.


Rumour has it that the sorcerer did the same to a Battle Ox corpse, making him into an evil Enraged Battle Ox.


The original Mammoth Graveyard was Zombie Master's necromancy, but he isn't as evil as Chaos Sorcerer so his wasn't as enraged etc.



[spoiler=OCG references]

"When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, except when Tributed or used for a Synchro Summon" uses similar text to Oyster Meister.


"the monster Synchro Summoned using this card" uses similar text to Djinn, Presider of Rituals.


"destroys an opponent's monster" references Goyo Guardian. Take note that Goyo Guardian's rulings state that even if it was your monster to begin with and your opponent currently controls it, you can still take it over, so "opponent's monster" is really just synonymous to "monster your opponent controls".


Everything else should be fairly straigtforward. ;)




[spoiler=Image Credit]

Original Artist: http://sean-d-omega.deviantart.com/

Original Image: http://sean-d-omega.deviantart.com/art/Game-Over-82642818?q=boost%3Apopular+game+over+elephant&qo=0


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When an EARTH, WIND or WATER Attribute monster you control is destroyed by battle, you must Special Summon this card from your hand, and imidiately declare an attack against the monster that attacked the destroyed monster, If the monster this card attacks due to this effect would destroy it by battle declared due to this card's effect, this card is not destroyed (Damage Calculation is applied normally).[/align]

Points are on the way.

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My entrie [i have never won a contest and probably never will]



As long as this card is on the field, all monsters with "Mammoth Graveyard" in their name cannot be destryoed by battle (Damage Calculation is still applied). Once per turn, discard one card to Special Summon one "Mammoth Graveyard" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard (This is not optional).If 4 monsters with "Mammoth Graveyard" in their name are on the field, Remove all cards with "Mammoth Graveyard" on your side of the field from play and increase your life points by 500 points for each card Removed from play by this effect.


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I'll accept the above two' date=' however, you may want to re-read the rules, as you've both broke a major one.


I couldnt find a Mammoth picture that was good, but if i find another ill re enter but if i dont by the end date then this is my card, does that sound somewhat fair

Yes, I suppose.


However, there's another rule that BOTH of you have broken.

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I'll accept the above two' date=' however, you may want to re-read the rules, as you've both broke a major one.


I couldnt find a Mammoth picture that was good, but if i find another ill re enter but if i dont by the end date then this is my card, does that sound somewhat fair

Yes, I suppose.


However, there's another rule that BOTH of you have broken.

OK thanks

If im right then this should not've broken the rules


As long as this card is on the field, all monsters with "Mammoth Graveyard" in their name cannot be destryoed by battle (Damage Calculation is still applied). Once per turn, discard one card to Special Summon one "Mammoth Graveyard" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard (This is not optional).If 4 monsters with "Mammoth Graveyard" in their name are on the field, Remove all cards with "Mammoth Graveyard" on your side of the field from play and increase your life points by 500 points for each card Removed from play by this effect.

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