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Gate Guardian remake + support = 4 cards

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ガーディアンゲート • ゲートガーディアン - Gādiangēto• gētogādian


Guardian of the Gate - Gate Guardian


Level 11 - DARK - Warrior/Effect


ATK: 3750 / DEF: 3400


Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing "Sanga of the Thunder", "Kazejin", and "Suijin". As long as "Sanga of the Thunder", "Kazejin", and "Suijin" remains in the Graveyard, this card gains the following effect.


• This card can attack up to 3 times each turn and cannot attack your opponent directly. When this inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent you can send a Level 7 monster from your deck to the Graveyard. Remove 1 "Sanga of the Thunder", "Kazejin", and "Suijin" to negate the attack of 1 of your opponent's monsters.



祭壇品棺の - Saidan-hin-kan no


Altar of the Sealed Coffins


Continuous Spell Card:


You can Tribute Level 7 monsters by Tribute 1 monster you control.


Each time a Level 7 or Higher monster is Normal Summoned add a Level 7 or Higher monster from your deck to your hand.



ガーディアンシールの - Gādianshīru no


Guardian of the Seals


Level 1 - DARK - Warrior/Effect


ATK: 0 / DEF: 0


Effect: When this card is Special Summoned you can add 1 "Sanga of the Thunder", "Kazejin", or "Suijin" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.



スペルパイパーマジシャン - Superupaipāmajishan


Spellpiper Magician


Level 2 - WIND - Spellcaster/Effect


ATK: 500 / DEF: 0


Effect: By sending this card in your Graveyard and shuffling 1 card in your hand into your deck, Special Summon a Level 7 or Higher Monster that can be Normal Summoned. When this card is sent to the Graveyard from the field draw a card.

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Great remake :) I myself made a Gate Guardian remake a while ago @@"




Gate Guardian:

That more like it for a Nomi monster whose required tributes are 3 Level 7 monsters! Powerful effects but considering the difficulty to get this card on the field I think it is justified.


Altar of the Sealed Coffins:

I would suggest make the second effect for Level 7 monsters only.


Guardian of the Seals:

Though you can use Mystic Tomato to easily get this card Special Summoned, you would cry if you draw this card...


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Nice! 8/10 because I spotted OCG's.


Altar of the Sealed Coffins

Continuous Spell Card:

You can Tribute Level 7 monsters with 1 Tribute you control.

Each time a Level 7 or Higher monster is Normal Summoned, add a Level 7 or Higher monster from your deck to your hand.


Guardian of the Seals

Level 1 - DARK - Warrior/Effect

ATK: 0 / DEF: 0

Effect: When this card is Special Summoned you can add 1 "Sanga of the Thunder", "Kazejin", or "Suijin" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

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i like my effect better.


D.D Crow beats this too easily.


although i must add i <3 the support.


Thought of that in part of its effect.....also losing its effect mean that is able to punch your opponent directly....3750 is still quite a lot of damage...XD


But yeah your version is super cool...thanks...


Altar of Three Coffins is pushing it a little bit for me. With search power that is superior to White-Stone of Legend' date=' WS Hopeless would run amok. Dark Magician decks would be much speedier, but I think there should be some sort of cost or draw back.



That Hopeless runs LaDD right? coz other than that I haven't seen many hopeless that Normal Summmon their level 8 Dragons or that run Level 7 ones....and since the search effect only applies when a monster of a level 7 or higher is NORMAL SUMMONED via tribute....mmmmmm


I can then....give it an extra cost or limit the Level of Search available which one should I choose?

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