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The Pokemon Council | Who likes Fantasy Football? Metallica??


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I used to have FF, but I had to start my laptop over again because of a virus. Havent been bothered to download it again.


Has just given me a thought though. They only know I use IE, they may not have heard of FF. Im 18 soon so I should think I can do anything I want.

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I use Chrome, but may go back to FF, just my mate screwed up the scroll stuff, he was at my place on Sunday on FB and made the page larger, then when he put it back he screwed the scroll thingy, when I press the down arrow it goes to the bottom of the page, and I can push up to go back up, I have to use the side bar thingy, so that is why I am using Chrome.

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I used to have Chrome' date=' but my Windows PC crashed because of it, so now I have to use Firefox. According to my parents, they said it contains no viral protection


Chrome is still Expermental. There is Anti Virus programs out there that work with Firefox to help protect you. AVG is a good example of this.

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Google Chrome sucks' date=' don't know why people like it. It can't download my files properly. >_


But yea, Firefox ftw. Especially when they have an error and they say 'We're really embarrassed'.



They probably like it because it's quick and you can customize it, according to what I heard about it.

Anyway, I have to agree with Pika and say Firefox>Chrome>IE.


You can still customize it and not worry much about viruses/other stuff

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