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The Arcane Runes [started][accepting in ooc thread][advanced][pg-16]


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[spoiler=Plot]Howls from a wild wolf echo throughout the black night crossed with the humming of the dull runes on the ground. Suddenly, at 11:08 pm, a mix of colors illuminated the sky.


*Note:You awake with the chosen rune on your arm.









What powers did the rune give you: Max. 3

Rune: See below

Rune Color: Must be unique






1. All YCM Rules Apply.

2. Advance Clause, this means at least 4 lines each post.

3. No OOC posts in the RP thread, take them here.

4. No spamming, trolling etc.

5. Have fun!

6. You can't have the same rune as someone else.





1. http://img441.imageshack.us/i/34328042.jpg/

2. http://img199.imageshack.us/i/57354452.jpg/

3. http://img218.imageshack.us/i/78037808.jpg/

4. http://img62.imageshack.us/i/45077144.jpg/

5. http://img24.imageshack.us/i/55330316.jpg/

6. http://img138.imageshack.us/i/47157762.jpg/

7. http://img195.imageshack.us/i/80937956.jpg/

8. http://img265.imageshack.us/i/19603427.jpg/

9. http://img203.imageshack.us/i/73155218.jpg/

10. http://img23.imageshack.us/i/69606154.jpg/




[spoiler=Rune Credit]

Obsidian Dawn



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Lucas was sleeping in his bed, snoring, and appearing innocent as a child. Suddenly, wolf howls can be heard from afar and the sky began to illuminate with brilliant colors. A yellow-colored beam of light from one part of the skies began to shoot towards Lucas' window and seeped into Lucas' bedroom, hitting his chest region. After awhile, Lucas' chest began to glow bright yellow with a weird outline of a symbol. Soon the beam of light and the glowing mark disappeared and the night went on. In the morning, Lucas woke up feeling refreshed due to a good night's sleep. He stood up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom. Inside, Lucas attempted to turn on the lights, but as soon as he did, a bolt of electricity transferred into his body, and the lights wouldn't turn on. "Huh? What the heck is happening?" Lucas asked as he continued to try and turn on the lights.

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Nick had awoke in the middle of the night. It was 11:00 PM. nick had heard the wolfs howling as he got out of bed to see a small. rock in his hand. Nick went to the mirror to brush his teeth. He was surprised. His whole body was covered by a huge cape and black wizard robe. They were easily at least two sizes to big. But that didn't occur to him at the moment. He noticed that there was a small rock in his hands. Was this the cause of this awakening and random cape and wizard robe? Nick squeezed the rock trying to crush it to pieces. But it didn't crush. That suddenly made everything stop. What the hell? Why did that just happen? 30 seconds later everything started to move normally again. Was this some kind of rock that gave you superpowers or something? Nick thought as he felt a small dagger case on the inside of his cape. A dagger? Is this part of the package with the time stopping and new clothing?

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Taki frowned staring at the Rubix Cube in her hands. She was completely perplexed at what had just happened. Just yesterday it took her at least 30 minutes to finish that cube....But today...It only took 5 minutes, if that. "What could've happened in that short period of time?" She muttered to herself, leaning her back against the tree and crossing her legs. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened last night. The only thing she remembered was a wolf's howl and bright light, but she just assumed it was her imagination since it was gone as quickly as it came. If she remembered correctly it was around 11, because her alarm went off and woke her up. She placed her hand over her right shoulder blade, as where the light she saw came from.


Taki sighed boredly placing her cube next to her, and relaxed under the shade the tree provided. "Great...Now I have nothing to do..."

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Max awoke with a start, she looked out the window and noticed strange colours emitting from below the mountains. Illegal fire-works again! She sighed and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The glasses were all dirty. I really need- Suddenly she felt something in her hand. Looking at it Max noticed it was a spotless glass. Where'd that come from?. She went to fill it with water when it vanished. "What the-!" Suddenly it reappeared. Weird. She tried to put it and ignore the glass. But it started to dissolve right in front of her eyes.

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Lucas, after a minute of trying every possible method of turning on the lights, decided to finally gave up as he leaned against the bathroom wall and slid down until he was sitting on the floor. "Man, what the heck is up with the lights? I tried everything......" Lucas stated to himself. He then stood up from the floor and continued to brushing his teeth in darkness. After finishing, Lucas exited his bathroom and went to his closet to get his usual attire.


As he took off his pajama shirt in front of the mirror, Lucas noticed a weird mark on his chest. It was the same mark that appeared last night. Lucas burst towards the mirror, stopping when he placed his hands onto the mirror. "Wha-wha-what the heck is that suppose to be?! I never remember getting a tattoo. I'm not even old enough for one!!!!" Lucas yelled. From downstairs, his mom yelled up to him. "Honey are you alright?" "Huh? Mom. Yes Mom I'm alright! There was just a bug, yeah, a really BIG bug!" Lucas exclaimed.


"Alright Honey, get ready for school!" Lucas' mom yelled out in response. "Whew...... But what the heck is up with this?! I can't show anybody, especially not my parents. They'll freak out." Lucas stated to himself as he tried to calm himself down and changed into his outfit. "Alright Lucas, act normal, nothing has happened, it's just another regular boring day." Lucas stated to himself as he opened his door and went down the stairs.

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Sataki stood up, picking up her Rubix Cube on the way, and stretched. "I guess, I should be getting home. I have some chores to do before I have to study." She said to herself walking towards her house. She was looking forward to studing, and couldn't wait to open her math book. Sataki was often pegged for a bookworm, an a geek but it's not like she cared or anything. It was something that she enjoyed so why should she be bothered by what anyone else said. She just wasn't into what all the other girls her age was into, and that was fine with her. Sataki made it to the house and unlocked the door. Her aunt and uncle weren't home right now and was out working.


She sat her rubix cube down still wondering what had happened earlier but quickly pushed it aside as she got to her chores. About 45 minutes later she when to her room and sat at her small desk and pulled open a book. Sataki smiled and got to work, but it was short lived as only 10 minutes later she finished 50 math problems. "What the....I hadn't even noticed I..."


Her brow contorted in confusion, as she turned the pages of her book to a page that she hadn't even done before. It should've been new to her, but surprisingly the second she looked at the page all of the answers popped in her head. Her eyes widened, "No way..." She grabbed a differen subject, but every time it was the same. Some how over night she gained some type of super intellegence or something.


"That's so cool!!" Sataki yelled jumping to he feet in excitement. However, the lamp on her desk had exploded sending glass flying all over the place, and leaving Sataki with yet again another confused face. "....Did I...Do that too?"

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The howls of the wolves could be heard in Kai's room. He woke up and rubbed his right eye with the corresponding wrist. Walking over to the window, he pulled back the curtain and looked toward the sky. He was still tired, and the lights in the sky made him think he was still half asleep. He looked out, barely able to think. He decided to mull it over the next morning, when his brain wasn't about to die on him. The next morning, the weird lights were forgotten, and he went down to make a sandwich, since there was nothing else he could prepare. It was too early to think, and he was out of breakfast cereal. As he was slicing his tomato, the plastic cutting board he was using was cut, as usual. But, not as usual, ice started forming around the cut, and the small board froze completely after a few seconds. "Okay, that's weird," he said, blinking. It was then that he noticed something crimson on his arm. He pulled looked at his naked arm, and noticed the outline of, well, something.

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It had been a while since Taki made the light explode, and she had been thinking about that. Thanks to her inhanced intellect, she was able to come up with many possibilities. The only problem was, was that each one was as unlikely as the next. She frowned, walking down the street furiosly working on her rubix cube, her lower lip in her mouth. "What could it be?...That's just so..Impossible..." She sighed and darted her eyes over to a tree whos leaves were falling off.


Why not.... She concentraited on a single leaf that was falling. Seconds before it hit the ground it stopped, floated upwards a few centimeters before falling to the ground. Take hadn't noticed but she was sweating, and breathing hard. That small bit took a lot out of her. "It's as I thought....But it still leaves the question of, how..." She muttered and continued her walk, but a bit slower as to regain her strength.

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After a couple of minutes, Max was exhausted; every time she did it, she became weaker and weaker. Finally she realized it was her concentration that made the glass come and go. This time when she filled her mind was solely on the glass.


"Leck!"The glass tasted like dog excretion. "Guess it's not glass." Suddenly her arm glowed purple and she collapsed.

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Kai walked down the street, wondering what was going on. He wasn't even paying attention to what was going on around him, he was more focused on the red tattoo that appeared on his arm on it's own. Then he bumped into someone. They began yelling at him to pay attention to where he was going. Kai just glared at him, then he began to think of several ways to torture the guy for breaking his train of thought. Suddenly the guy got terrified and ran off. "Ooookaaaay...weird..." he said, watching after the guy. He found a random homeless guy and looked him straight in the eye. He imagined brutally murdering the guy. The homeless an looked terrified and ran away. "Well, isn't that fun." he said, smiling and chuckling a little. "Though, maybe I could have done something nicer to him. Then again, he is homeless."

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[spoiler=quick OOC notice]Just letting you all Know, my app is in the OOC thread and despite the lack of a post saying I was accepted I have been accepted. For some reason Valiant sent it to me via PM and forgot to put it in the thread. Also, feel free to have your characters know him in advance.



In one of the trees near the edge of the forest nearest the town, a boy who looked to be about seventeen was asleep. He had wrapped his body in an old and torn brown coat which might have made him appear homeless. However, if one looked closely they would see that despite it being old and torn, the coat was quite clean along with everything else he wore. His blue Jeans, the brown pair of fingerless gloves he wore, the tan-colored leather belt with the overly massive pouch, what could be seen of his sleeveless white T-shirt, and even the large square aviator goggles which he typically wore around his neck were spotless. The only exception to this rule of cleanliness were the pair of old, worn, combat boots. The boots were covered in dirt and grime, but otherwise seemed very well kept. The boy had a mass of dirty blonde hair on his head, which reached down to just above his shoulders, or rather it would have if it hadn't been styled so that it looked something like a wind-swept porcupine. The only difference was that the various "spikes" of hair on his head were soft enough to not remain rigidly in place. This, was John Blackmoore.


Blackmoore slowly opened his pale green eyes, sitting up on the large branch, which he had chosen to sleep on the night before, with a yawn. Anyone watching now might notice the bizarre yellow-orange tattoo under his left eye. He shook his head for a moment, as if clearing his head, before he calmly slid off the branch to land on the ground below. Calmly, he put his hands in his pockets and began to make his way towards the town, though not even going near the suburb where his foster family lived. Instead, he was heading down town.

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Sataki fell to her knees, sweat dripping from her face, her arms trembling from holding her up and looked as if they were going to collaps any second. "This.....This should be.....Impossible...There's no way....But..." She let herself fall onto the ground and roll herself on her back. Sataki was in the middle of a clearing nothing around her but trees and fallen leaves. She wanted to be alone while she thought things through, and with her enhanced knowladge it was easy. "Telekinesis....Wow..." She muttered pushing herself to her feet. "One last time...."


Once again her eyes closed as she concentraited on the many leaves around her. Slowly some of the leaves around her floated into the air. She opened her eyes a tired smile on her face. "I'm....getting better...." Suddenly she fainted, her skin pale and her breathing hard and labored.

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