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Double Tread. Please Lock.

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[align=center]1. Keep it fair.

2. Must remain active. If you don't post with in 1 week i will control your character and you may not like the results.

3. No Godmodding. Only i may do it under the above qualifications.

4. We will be playing under the 4000 life point rule. just like the show.

5. Have fun. ;)

6. All YCM and advanced claused rules.

7. All Star Warriors and Star Beast have regulations when making them. Other than the following regulations you may add any other little things into the creation of the card.


Star Beast:

1. 3 Tributes for summoning.

2. Destroy everything when they hit the field.

3. Indestructable somehow.

4. Some major drawback to the card.


Star Warrior:

1.3 Tributes for summoning

2.JPrevent destruction

3.Indestructable somehow.

4.Some major drawback to the card.





Age: (Nothing over 20 Years old, please)

Description: (I will accept both pics and world desctiptions

Personality: (Short, Sweet and to the point please. NOthing over 5 sentences.)

Deck: (I want you to post everything. Not just the deck name.)

Bio: (This is how I will judge your writing skills. I will accept nothing less of 3 Paragraphs long. You must include your characters past along with how your character met up with your contallation spirit. [Note: You must meet them in a dream or something of that magnitude]. If you cannot meet these requirements you will not be accepted.)[/align]

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