Lady_Killer Posted May 29, 2010 Report Share Posted May 29, 2010 Prologue for the plot.[align=center]Long ago, Before the Rise of Atlantis, Before the Dark War, There was an even greater war. This was the war of dominance. Before this war, Man and Beast lived in harmony, Each having equal control over earth. Then one fateful day, the beast led an assult on the human territories. THis was the start of the Great War. The fighting ran for 10,000 years before the beast finally decided to make a great push and winn the war; However this push failed and the beast were eventually defeated. As punishment for starting the war and for losing the war, the Beast were downgraded to stupid animals and their 5 great leaders were bound to the heavens as stars in what we now call constalletions. To watchover these leaders, The humans sent their 5 Greatest warriors to watch the prisons. Now, another 10,000 Years has past and everyone has forgotten the past. The world is dieing and nobody knows why, The reason is that the Seals are weakening and beast are angery and hungry for revenge, And this time they don't plan on losing.[/align] . . . And now for the real Plot.. . . And now for the real Plot.100 years have passed since the defeat of the dark signers, A time of fear and horror. A time that will not soon be forgotten. Many people still live in fear today, and for good reason. This once children's card game has turned into a game of life and death, especially with the rise of the newest enemy. The Star Beast and Star Warriors have made New Domino the Fighting ground for their ancient war. And you have been selected to be one of their emmissaries. Rules:[align=center]1. Keep it fair.2. Must remain active. If you don't post with in 1 week i will control your character and you may not like the results.3. No Godmodding. Only i may do it under the above qualifications.4. We will be playing under the 4000 life point rule. just like the show.5. Have fun. ;)6.All Advaced Clause and YCM Rules.7. There are regualations to your Star beast or Star Warrior. Other that these requirments, feel free to make your Ultimate card however you please. Star Beast:-3 Tributes-Destroy everything when they hit the field.-Indestructable some how.-Some major Draw back. Star Warriors:-3 tributes-Protect the field from destruction-Indestructable come how.-Some major draw Back. [/align] Application:[align=center]Name:Age: (Try to keep them young. No older that 20/Deck: (Please include a link to your deck or post all cards of your deck. This will insure no cheating.)Description: (Will accept word or PIcs.)Personality:(Short Sweet and to the point please. No more that 3 lines.)What contalletion you Serve: (EX. Gemini, Orion, Cancer, Leo, ECT.)Bio: (This is how i will judge your writing skills and your creativity. I want atleast 3 paragraphs on your characters past and how they came to meet their Star Warrior/Beast. [Note: It must be done in a dream or something of that magnitude] The Star Warrior/Beast must offer your character something that they want or need, to convice them to join their cause.)Your Ultimate Card: (Will accept a YCM made card or just the OCG of the card. My ApplicationName: Nicolus Martin (Nick for short)Age:16Deck: Hell Beasts Monsters:Hellbeast-Ifrit X3Hellbeast-Virage X2Hellbeast-Uroc X3Hellbeast-Hellhound X3 Hellbeast-Wurm X1Hellbeast-FlareDemon X2Hellbeast-Hades X1Star Beast-Draco X1Hellbeast-Gatekeeper X3 Hellbeast-Api X2 Spells:Unseithing Flames X3Final Level of Hell X3Punishment X1Dark Flame Sword X1Sin of Greed X3 Traps:Seithing Flame X3Dark Portal X3Flare Burst X3 Decription: Cold, Murderous and evil. He is very conniving and gets very "Upset" if he doesn't get his way so he can be very evil. Nobody questions his decisions, and he has an evil aura about him.What Constallation you serve: DracoBio: Nick was a lonly child who was basically raised by his nanny. His mom was a doctor and his dad was a State official so he saw them very rarly. Even Still, he loved his parents and when they were home he spent as much time as possible with them. When they were together they would do almost anything from dueling to going sky diving. During one of these family outings, Some terrorists blew up the building that they were residing in. The Blast instantly killed his parents, but because they sheilded him he survived the explosion with severe burns. He was found and quickly rushed to the hospital.While he was in the hospital, Nick fell into a deep coma where he was introduced to Draco. Draco explained his origin and told him his goal. Luckly for both of them they wanted the same thing, Revenge. Draco promised that if Nick helped him, He would give him the revenge he wanted. Nick happily accepted and took on the role of the emmisary of Draco. When Nick awoke, He killed all of the doctors in the room, changed, grabbed his new deck and jumped out the window. Within the next few days he killed several people including the people who killed his parents. He now scowers the streets of domino, looking for the Star Warriors to fulfill his end of the bargin. Ultimate card: Star Beast-Draco Star Beast - DracoLevel 10 | FireDragon/Effect-This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 3 monsters you control. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card is targeted by the effect of a Spell or Trap Card, you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate that card's effect and destroy it. When this card is Summoned, you can destroy all other cards on the field. During your End Phase, remove from play 2 cards in your Graveyard. If you cannot, destroy this card and remove it from play.4000/4000 [/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 29, 2010 Report Share Posted May 29, 2010 Your RP plots just keep getting better and better.Name: Nick DratiniAge: 13Deck: Deck lockables Link to deck cards: Nice around person. Very respectful to his friends. But can be kind of an jerk to people who he doesn't like or someone who treats him like crap.What contalletion you work under: GeminiBio: Nick was just a regular Duel monster loving kid until one day he came across a very old dream. It was about the end of the world. A sort of warrior had come to his side. Nick was surprised. A duel monster had been talking to him. He didn't believe it at first. The warrior had told his name was Star Warrior - Gemini. He had told Nick about the story of the Star Warriors and Star Beasts. He was told Gemini was a Star Warrior. The warrior gave Nick a duel monsters deck. The deck was filled with a bunch of cards that shut down the opponents ability to play or summon any cards. At the top was Gemini. Gemini was a duel monster in his deck. Gemini had promised to protect him. When Nick woke up the next day he saw an extra deck of cards. It was the Shut down deck Gemini had gave him during his dream. Was the dream real. Nick didn't know, but knew that something bad might happen. [spoiler=Your Ultimate Card]Star Warrior - GeminiLevel 10EARTHWarrior/EffectLore: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. If this card remains face-up on the field for 5 of your Standby Phase's, destroy all monsters on your opponents side of the field. Inflict 500 Life Points of damage to your opponents Life Points for each Level 4 or lower monster you destroyed with this cards effect. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot destroy or negate the effect of any monster with 1000 or more ATK. This card is not effected by the effects of Level 4 or higher monsters on your opponents side of the field. Each Standby Phase decrease the ATK of all monsters on your side of the field by 1000 if this card has been on the field for 10 or more turns. Destroy this card if you do not control a monster on your side of the field with 1000 or more ATK.[ATK/4000 | DEF/4000] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted May 29, 2010 Report Share Posted May 29, 2010 It seems like it could be interesting, but it'll be a bit difficult to make an application that'll serve an RP when the plot isn't mentioned at all. What's the plot/story about? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 29, 2010 Report Share Posted May 29, 2010 The plot is on the IC thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted May 29, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2010 Srry I will fix. But i figured you would see the original post before the OOC post. As for the constallation thing, It means what is your constallation you serve under. This will be your Ultimate card. For instance if i Choose Draco, (Which by the way i will.) My ultimate card will be Star Beast-Draco, No Maximum is include, JUst Star Beast or Star Warrior. You understand now. Plus you must choose a real constallation, You cannot come up with your own, and please extend you bio. I said 3 Paragraph MINIMUM. Finally Read Everything, I said post your deck or put up a link to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 30, 2010 Report Share Posted May 30, 2010 It is 3 paragraphs. And I edited. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted May 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2010 Quote It is 3 paragraphs. And I edited. Everything is in order other than the fact that i said you had to use a real constallation as your card. After all this is a Yugioh Rp to explain the constallations. And by the contallation thing, i don't mean the group as a whole. I ment the single one you work under. yah get my drift. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 30, 2010 Report Share Posted May 30, 2010 Quote Quote It is 3 paragraphs. And I edited. Everything is in order other than the fact that i said you had to use a real constallation as your card. After all this is a Yugioh Rp to explain the constallations. So I'm confused. did you accept me? Or is there still something wrong with my app? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The White Wolf Posted May 30, 2010 Report Share Posted May 30, 2010 Name: Zack FudoAge: 17Deck:'s_DecksDescription: Strangely enough, looks like Yusei XD Personality: Kind to anyone he meets, Zack will do anything for a friend, he is normally happy, competitive in a duel.What contalletion you Serve: TaurusBio: I would like to see the plot firstYour Ultimate Card:[spoiler=Star Beast - Taurus Fire]Fire/lvl 10/ATK: 0/DEF: 0/Beast/EffectThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, this card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. Increase the ATK and DEF of all monsters on your side of the field by 200 for each card in your Spell and Trap Card zones. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no battle damage in battles involving this card. When this card attacks the opponent directly, deal 500 points of damage to the opponent for each card in their hand. If this card attacks an opponent's monster, the ATK of this card becomes twice the ATK of the attack target, during damage calculation only. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted May 31, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 Quote Quote Quote It is 3 paragraphs. And I edited. Everything is in order other than the fact that i said you had to use a real constallation as your card. After all this is a Yugioh Rp to explain the constallations. So I'm confused. did you accept me? Or is there still something wrong with my app? You are accepted. I just need you to change Zamorack to a real constallation, like orion or gemini. Yah know what i mean. Also UDM i need you to fix Taurus. He is way op'ed and i need you to make him useable by all deck types, Not just the warrior. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The White Wolf Posted May 31, 2010 Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 fixed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted May 31, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 Good but take out the must attack or destroy when they attack. That makes it completly op'ed. Other than that your accepted. Also, I have now posted both the prologue and the plot so people can stop yelling at me now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 31, 2010 Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 Edited post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted May 31, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 Your Constallation is your ultimate monster. Srry if im not being clear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted May 31, 2010 Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 Ok how bout now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The White Wolf Posted May 31, 2010 Report Share Posted May 31, 2010 ki11Switch, I never heard of the constellation "Zamorack" lolchanged my char's name a little Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted June 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 1, 2010 OK. . . YDM could you be any less creative. and for Ki11 your getting closer. look at my app and you should get the gist of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted June 1, 2010 Report Share Posted June 1, 2010 How about now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted June 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 1, 2010 Perfect. Also, Now that we have 3 people, we can start. I have 2 people who have reserved over pm. they will post their app within the next few days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Battery Boy Posted June 1, 2010 Report Share Posted June 1, 2010 Name: Nico Hagumi Age: 14Deck:Monsters:Control Magician x2Control Warrior A x3Control Warrior B x3Control Warrior C x3Control Dragon x1Control Tuner x3Control Automation x2Star Warrior Libra x1 Spells:Controling Puppeter x2Controlers Mind x3Control by Force x2Controled Tuning x3Control Factory x1 Traps:Instant Control x3Controled Trap x2Factory Controls x1Necrocontrol x3Controled Discard x2Infinate Control x1 Description: scrawny, thin, tall, platinum blond hair, t-shirt, jeans, Personality: Sweet kid that is scared of his own shadow. What contalletion you Serve: Libra Bio: A poor kid that lived on the streets he had to steal for his food and make bets with rich people. he gave the rich two choices when he duled them. If he won he got a weeks wort of food, and if he lost he would work for his weeks worth in food. he first found his cards as promos that were going to be shiped out to the city so he stole them hoping he could get money. Once news got out that they were stolen and they weren't making any more he decided to keep them and duel with them. He never knew his parents and from what he learned his mom died giving birth and his dad died in an airplane crash. He had a brother but he died trying to help Nico protect their freind. Nico's brother and freind got stabed and he fought them off with a metal pipe when a rich couple saw them. They helped out and took all three of them to the hospital. Nico's brtoher and freind died of blood loss while Nico only got a few scraps and bruises and a broken bone. They gave him a sleeping agent that put him to sleep for three days while they fixed his arm and while he recovered. While he was asleep he had a vision of a beautiful woman coming out of the stars and saying she can help him all he had to do was listen. He willingly agreed to what she sayed and would do anything to keep the world balanced. When she left he awoke and sat up all cured grabed his duel disk deck and walked out the door ready to make the world a better place. Your Ultimate Card: Star Warrior-Libra12|Light Warrior/EffectThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, this card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. This card an not be destroyed by Magic, Trap, or Monster Effects. While this card is face up on the feild no card you control can be destroyed. During your opponets battle phase you can swap the life points of you and your opponent you can only use this effect once per dule. Once per turn you can take control of one card your opponent controls this effect cannot be negated. You take 300 points of damage for every card of your opponents you control during each of your standby phases.Atk:3500 Def:3500 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady_Killer Posted June 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 1, 2010 Hey battery. Everything looks good, Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abe - Demonic Sammich Guy Posted August 16, 2010 Report Share Posted August 16, 2010 nameold culture freak al hiwazakiage 17 obbsessed with old junk and old culture.deck Karakurihas wooden sword with him for authenticnessstar beast libra machine earthatk 3850300010 stars you can only summon this card by tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. when this card attacks destroy all monsters your opponnent controls pay 1500 life points per turn to keep this card intact. if you do not, it is destroyed. once per turn you can select one monster and it's attack or defense and make the ATK and DEF points equal to the selected amount of points. if you do this, it cannot attack this turn. nameold culture freak al hiwazakiage 17 obbsessed with old junk and old culture.deck Karakurihas wooden sword with him for authenticnessstar beast libra machine earthatk 3850300010 stars you can only summon this card by tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. when this card attacks destroy all monsters your opponnent controls pay 1500 life points per turn to keep this card intact. if you do not, it is destroyed. once per turn you can select one monster and it's attack or defense and make the ATK and DEF points equal to the selected amount of points. if you do this, it cannot attack this turn. it cannot be destroyed by battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted August 16, 2010 Report Share Posted August 16, 2010 Gonna ask, would Gemini be a Gemini monster??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dr Professor Spaz Posted August 18, 2010 Report Share Posted August 18, 2010 reserve me a star beast while I think of a good Bio for my character Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted August 19, 2010 Report Share Posted August 19, 2010 This would be intriguing of you expanded on it.And fixed your numerous coding and grammatical errors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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