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Yugioh: Next Gen. [Accepting Via OOC Tread]


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Prologue for the plot.

[align=center]Long ago, Before the Rise of Atlantis, Before the Dark War, There was an even greater war. This was the war of dominance. Before this war, Man and Beast lived in harmony, Each having equal control over earth. Then one fateful day, the beast led an assult on the human territories. THis was the start of the Great War. The fighting ran for 10,000 years before the beast finally decided to make a great push and winn the war; However this push failed and the beast were eventually defeated. As punishment for starting the war and for losing the war, the Beast were downgraded to stupid animals and their 5 great leaders were bound to the heavens as stars in what we now call constalletions. To watchover these leaders, The humans sent their 5 Greatest warriors to watch the prisons.

Now, another 10,000 Years has past and everyone has forgotten the past. The world is dieing and nobody knows why, The reason is that the Seals are weakening and beast are angery and hungry for revenge, And this time they don't plan on losing.[/align]


. . . And now for the real Plot.

. . . And now for the real Plot.

100 years have passed since the defeat of the dark signers, A time of fear and horror. A time that will not soon be forgotten. Many people still live in fear today, and for good reason. This once children's card game has turned into a game of life and death, especially with the rise of the newest enemy. The Star Beast and Star Warriors have made New Domino the Fighting ground for their ancient war. And you have been selected to be one of their emmissaries.

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Nick walked down the street and looked down an ally. At the end of the ally, he noticed a burgler trying to rob a young lady. Nick smiled and yelled down to him. "Hey, you coward. Pick on someone your own size."

The man looked back at him and saw Nicks duel disk. The wanna-be-robber smilled and spoke back to NIck . "Alright, but if I win, I get everything but the clothes on your back." Nick grinned at the over confidence.

"Fine then I accept. And just to make it fun, I won't even use my real deck." Nick held up his arm and the duel disk entered it's duel form. The Wanna-be-robber did the same. At the same time, both of them picked up 5 cards and began the duel.


"I'll start this duel off by playing vorse raider in attack mode and placeing 3 face-downs." The robber said, setting his cards on the duel disk. "Your move, Lets see you beat that."

Nick looked at his hand and forehead-palmed himself. "Aw, Did you get a bad hand." The robber said, teasingly. Nick just shook his head.


"No, I forgot to switch decks. Oh well, Sucks to be you." Nick said behind his evil smile. "I play Hellbeast-Ifrit. And thanks to his ability, I get to summon his best friends." As nick said these words, he placed the 3 cards on his duel disk. The duel Disk immedially read the cards and projected holograms of the 3 Ifrits, The humanoid walls of flames appearing next to him.


"Now, Lets finish this off. I tribute them to Summon my most powerful creature, Come forth Star Beast-Draco." Nick placed the card, as the night sky grew bright with light and the constallation draco began to move and come down from the sky. Draco opened his mouth and blew a great flame and destroyed everything else on the field.


Nick smiled and uttered the fatal words." Star Beast-Draco, Finish him." Draco blew another breath of fire and incinerated the robber, Leaving nothing but a pile of ash where he once stood. "Oh, come on. That wasn't even fun." Nick said sarcastacally. With that he walked away, Disappearing into the shadows.

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Nick was in a duel. He was 5 turns in he had already had his full set up. He had Monster Lock, Attack Lock, Spell Lock, Trap Lock, and Infinite Lock on his opponents side of the field. All he needed was Infinite Destruction and he was finished. Nick had 1000 Life Points and his opponent had 4000 Life Points. His opponent still had all his Life Points. But that didn't bother him. "Come on Nick. When will you call it quits. Your done for. Your monsters effects are drained by Skill Drain and it's not like your next draw will win you the game!" His opponent said. "Oh don't worry. I'll be done after this turn. Nick drew one card from his deck. He couldn't believe it. It was Infinite Destruction. But he had to get rid of Skill Drain first. So he played his Heavy Storm. "I play Heavy Storm! So I can get rid of your Skill Drain! Now! I play the spell card Infinite Destruction!" A giant golem with locks appeared. It was an Infinite Lock. It picked up the Locks on Nick's side of the field and threw them at his opponent. his opponent had lost all his Life Points. "There you go... I'm done. And I believe you need to look at getting a new deck..." Nick said walking alway. "But. But... But, but... How did that happen? I was winning." The opponent said as Nick turned around. "Well better luck next time."

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