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Midgets Gathering Traditional version

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Deck: 46


Monsters: 25

Mystic Tomato-2

Giant Rat-2

bubonic vermin-2

giant germ-3

nimble momonga-2


Nimble Musasabi-2

Rescue Cat-2

Gilford the Lightning-2

cyber jar

morphing jar


Traps: 12

Exchange of the spirit

ring of destruction

Statue of the Wicked-3

Magical Explosion

dark bribe-3

cyber shadow guardna

zoma the spirit-2


Spells: 9

Deliquent Duo



heavy storm



swords of revealing light

swords of concealing light-2


It basically decks your opponent out by milling your deck with giant rat and causing a chain of Earth monsters being special summoned. Then exchange of the spirit starts the process again

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