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Kilimow's Card Mods! Looking for recruits!


What do you think of the shop and its service?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the shop and its service?

    • It's great! Will return!
    • Pretty good.
    • O.K.
    • Kinda bad.
    • Horrible! Never show my face here again!

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Ok, shop's starting to come back around.

Billybob, I still need your recolor/avi samples as well.


EDIT: ANBU_Leader is now hired.


EDIT#2: Aaaanddd... we are BACK, BABY!


EDIT#3: ANBU_Leader's items added.


EDIT#4: I need to stop editing... anyway, I can now do Ghost Rare cards! These are also a free Advanced Holo! Largely because they look weird without an Advanced Holo.

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Need a shop where I can work :D

Name: insonic

Hours: I check in on the site almost every day

Time to complete work: Depends what mood I'm in, probable between 5-30minutes.

What you can do: Just all kinds of things you see in the Graphic Design sections.

Samples: /

Prices: You decide, based upon the prices you use.

Order Forms: /


Tell me what you still need, and I'll make some examples for it.

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If I tried I could make a tin template, but I'm not in the mood for that now. Sigs, avi's, renders and stuff like that are possible. I can also do most of the card modifications you see around the GFX-section.

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Ok, Ace, your Dark Synchro:



2 points please.


And GundamFreedom, you have 3 more days to pay me.


EDIT: I have done some remodeling to the shop.

Instead of words, the spoilers use instead the person's avatar.

And a new VIP item!

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Name: Bassa


Hours: Most of the Week, other than Tuesdays


Time to complete work: 10 minutes


What you can do: Dark Synchro, Holo, Advanced Holo, Border Recolour, Holo Border Recolour, Gold Stikcer



[spoiler=Samples:] (need at least 1 of each of the major items that you can do.) [spoiler=Items]Dark Synchro:








Advanced Holo:




Gold Sticker:




Border (I do other Colours):




Holo Border (I do other colours):










Dark Synchro - 5 points


Holo - 2 points


Advanced Holo - 3 points


Gold Sticker - 1 point


Border - 2 points


Holo Border - 3 points




Order Forms: [spoiler=Dark Synchro]

Card URL:
Card Picture (Picture used in the middle of card):
I send 5 points to you:




Card URL:
Type of Holo:
I send 3 points:



[spoiler=Advanced Holo's]

Card URL:
I send 5 points



[spoiler=Gold Sticker]

Card URL:
I send 1 point:




Colur of Border:
I send 2 points



[spoiler=Holo Border]

Colour of Holo Border:
I send 3 points:


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I would like a card info thing please (( lol ))





Monster Render: space-marine-picture-02.jpg

Name: Ulti Marine Leader, Ryucule

Effect:This card cannot be special summoned. When your opponent declares an attack, flip a coin. If heads, none of your monsters can be destroyed as a result of battle this turn. ( Battle damage is applied normally ). If tails, do nothing. When a monster destroys this card as a result of battle, you can pay 500 life points to return this card from the Graveyard to your hand.

ATK: 2500

DEF: 2600

Type: Warrior

Subtype(s): N/A

Attribute: Dark

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Absolutely, but I will not be on for the better part of a week, and even then, maybe not. Sorry, but since I won be on, you should go to another shop, just this once, unless you're prepared to wait a week for it.

Also, Bassa is hired to take over my basics.

On second thought, Gundam, will any of you others do renders? I'll pay you extra if you do as well.

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