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Lands Beyond Assessor


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Feel free to comment. These are the currently known lands:


Kaishal Plains


Field: Warriors, Fiends, and Winged Beast Monsters gain 300 attack and defense. Monsters equipped with a gas mask gain 700 attack and defense, and cannot be targeted by a monster's effects here.


Rating: 3/10 difficulty-BOTH. Apparently, this is a good place to begin your adventures. It appears that it may lead to some nice areas.


Prizes here:




Reaver Swamp


Field: Monsters without a gas mask, except fiends, zombies, machines, sea-serpents, and serpent warriors have their efects negated. Neither player may use traps, either.


Entry By: Kaishal Plains, Tibaras River


Rating: 4/10 entry. 7/10 earning cards.


Prizes here:




Tibaras River


Field: Serpent warriors, Sea Serpents, and Warriors have +300 attack and defense.


Rating: 1/10 difficulty-entry. 9/10 for claiming card. This is reported to have a passive master. This place is hardly worth it, unless you want to cross a vast ocean (it's difficult, and long).


Prizes here:




Duprax Mountains


Field: Dragons, Dinosaurs, and Reptiles have +300 attack and +400 defense. Machines cannot be targeted by traps


Rating: 4/10 Entry. ??? For claiming card. Apprently, this area has a few of the more minor cards, but still useful.


Prizes here: Hayabusa Knight, Axe of Despair, Black Stego


Tolndatch caves


Field: Fiends, Beasts, and dragons gain +400 attack and defense. You cannot use winged beasts, sea serpents, and serpent warriors here.


Entry from: Kaishal Plains, Duprax Mountains


Rating: 4/10 Entry. The caves lead to a special town, or head back to the community the hard way. It's long and tedious to head back that way, but the cards may prove useful, especially the miners and gem beasts.


Prizes here: Dragged down to the grave,



Impace Mountains


Field: No water and wind monster may be played here. Magics and traps are destroyed on the 3rd standby phase after they have been activated.


Entry By: Duprax Mountains, Tibaras River


Rating: 7/10 Entry. Rather cold. Even if you can play a monster, the area is still a tricky challenge just due to the field type.


Prizes here: Heavy Storm

CityTrans.jpg, RebelOutfit.jpg


Abandoned Lab


Field: This place is treated as hyperbolic chamber. Monsters without oxy counters cannot attack and use their effects. They begin with 1 oxy counter.


Entry By: Inpace mountain, Requires gasmask key.


Rating: 7/10 Entry. The only reason this place is so hard is due to the field effect. The entry guardians are rather weak, if you can beat them.


Prizes here:






Field: Warrior, Spellcasters, and Rebels have +300 attack and defense. When you begin a duel, replace one of your startup cards with a magic or trap of your choice.


Rating: 4/10 Entry. The cards in this place are VERY useful, and there's many sections to this community. Whatever you do, don't leave this town without earning the coveted pot of avaraice. Then again, those pesky rebels are a serious nuissance.


Prizes here:




Rulings: Market square and rebel suppler are limited to 1. Speed up is limited to 2.


Upper Kesselton


Field: Warrior, Spellcasters, and Rebels have +300 attack and defense. When you begin a duel, replace one of your startup cards with a magic or trap of your choice.


Entry from: Kesselton, Tolndatch caves V4B


Rating: 4/10 Entry. Mysterious happenings here... many of the locals seem to shy away from the haunted mansion and clocktower prison...


Prizes: Left Arm of exodia, Card Trader, Nobleman of crossout.


Haunted mansion


Field: Zombies and machines gain 400 attack and defense. When a zombie is attacked, flip a coin. If tails, that attack is negated.


Entry from: Upper Kesselton


Rating: 7/10 Entry for beginners. There seems to be a few important treasures within this building, especially deep within.


Prizes: Reaper of the cards, Soul exchange,



Zombie Rulings: Limit 1, ONLY good in haunted mansion.


Haunted mansion V2


Field: Zombies and machines gain 400 attack and defense. When a zombie is attacked, flip a coin. If tails, that attack is negated.


Entry from: Haunted Mansion


Rating: 7/10 Entry for beginners. *snicker snicker* it would seem the ghosts here are quite nasty. Come prepared.


Prizes: Patrician of darkness, Spirit Reaper, Pyramid Turtle


Sanuvian Desert


Field: Dark Scorpions and Machine type forces gain +400 attack and defense.


Rating: 4/10 Entry. Well, these units may prove rather useful. A few dark scorpions, and the infamous cyber dragon. It's a good place to build up a dark scorpion deck!


Prizes here: Dark Scorpion - Chick The Yellow, Dark Scorpion - Meanae The Thorn, Cyber Dragon

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One man's organization is another's clutter. :twisted:


*Insert your point here*


I don't care what you consider orgsanisation' date=' you have absolutely no authourity on this site.[/quote']




Fine, condemn my judgement for all I care. But I bet you don't have a good reason to MY standards. (wagers 11 points. Time left: 3 days.)


Also, NO authority? I don't care. I never believed in authority in the first place. NOT to be confused with anarchy... however.


Just let it be. You probably would oppose any reasons I may come up with anyhow, knowing my luck.


Also, punishment only makes the situation WORSE. It does not teach me, especially when I believe I am justified.

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But I bet you don't have a good reason to MY standards. (wagers 11 points. Time left: 3 days.)


STANDARDS? You're a bloody spammer bud' date=' you've blown this WAY out of proportion, allow me to quote myself;


Dude, can you please keep all this card game stuff IN THE ONE THREAD?


All I asked was that you stop double posting! You've made AT LEAST three threads about your TGC, and I asked you to stop making new threads and put all the info in the same thread, it could've, and should've been left there. That's really a simple request, and you are not the first to be asked of it. Now stop speaking like you are the voice of God or something with all your wacko words and phrases and get back on topic, as this is YOUR topic, is it not?




Also' date=' NO authority? I don't care. I never believed in authority in the first place. NOT to be confused with anarchy... however.[/quote']


I never said you would care. I really DO NOT care what you believe in and haven't the slightest idea why you are talking about anarchy. My only theorum is that you could quite possibly be refering to England's Punk Era in the 1970's, as it would appear to be along those lines. :?


Just let it be. You probably would oppose any reasons I may come up with anyhow' date=' knowing my luck.[/quote']


Reasons to, or for, what?


Also' date=' punishment only makes the situation WORSE. It does not teach me, especially when I believe I am justified.[/quote']


PUNISHMENT? Now I really have heard it all! How have I punished you, once you agree to stop spamming, then post a request in the Official 'Rep Complaint Centre' Thread, and I will retract my negative rep, if that is the punishment you were refering to? and exactly what are you trying to justify?


All who agree say 'I', or 'You got told', or something, as I really do not see the issue here.



-You spammed

-I told you not to do it again

-You flamed at me

-I flamed back

-It is done now, if you let it be done.


Now, Developous, in a reply, write 'Sorry Frunk, it won't happen again', and I may just remove that negative rep.

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