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Split Fusion Archtype Contest


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I have created a new and more versatile type of fusion called "Split Fusion", its main purpose is to provide Duelist with new and improved Monsters with a more proper or newer effects!


8) It works like this, you take for Example: "Cat's Ear Tribe", a sort of playable card and you Split Fuse it with another card "Injection Fairy Lily". Now you take them both and change around their names to get "Injection Fairy Tribe" and "Cat Ears Lily". As for their effects they have to be about the same as they used to be but switched around so their effect are really new.




1. You must create 2 Fusion Material Monsters and they must be level 4 or lower. But no level 0, or negative levels.


2. The Fusion Monsters obtained from the Split Fusion must have the same number of total stars as the Fusion Material Monsters.

(For Example: if you fused a level 4 and level 1 Monsters you get 5 stars. As a result you must get two Split Fusion Monsters who's total level stars equal 5. Weather the the first Monster has 1 to 4 stars is up to you, but the other Monster's total level stars must equal 5 when added with the first.)


3. You cannot add completely diffrent effects to either Split Fusion Monster that the original Monsters didn't have.

(For Example: A Discarding effect to a Split Fusion between "Cat's Ear Tribe" & "Injection Fairy Lily". Because neither one of those two Monsters activates their effects by discarding)


4. Split Fusion Material Monsters that are Forbidden are for this constest are all of the "Exodia Archtype" Cards.


5. You must include the following text in the Split Fusion Monster Cards, & write it after the names of the Split Fusion Material Monsters, (TEXT) (This Card replaces "1st or 2nd Fusion Material Monster's Name", and is not treated as a Fusion Monster unless its in your Side Deck.)


Thanks for participating and be creative!!!

Dead Line is 1st of July!

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