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Eargasm 8)


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Well I wouldn't say Nickelback is entirely my cup of tea.


But this song, combines so many outside influences into it's

rock genre, giving it such a vibrant, happy and

danceable vibe that is hard to design.


Personally this is by far the best song of theirs

(others are Burn it to the Ground and S.E.X).


There is an almost tropical, tribal beat, the great skills

of the legendary guitarist Carlos Sanatana, and some

great vocals from the main man himself.


Now I'm sure some people here would say Nickelback suck,

but I would heavily recommend this song as one you would

listen to cheer you up, if like me, most of your music is quite

hardcore and hateful.[/align]


TL : DR? Listen to the song and like it.

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