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All ycm rules apply


Voters must have a reason why they voted or the vote doesn't count


Make a Tuner monster and a Synchro monster and a Effect monster. The Effect monster and the Tuner monsters combined level must be the Synchro monsters level. The cards must support each other. The cards must be based on a movie or a comic book or the cards Rhyperior34 made


First to 4 votes wins


Winner gets 3 reps from loser


[spoiler=Rhyperior34's cards:]







[spoiler=AquaMaster's cards:]


If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "The Twilight Saga" monster, increase that monsters ATK by 500, until the End Phase of your next turn. If this card attacks, change all monsters on your opponent's side of the field to Defense Position for each "The Twilight Saga" monster you control (except this card).


This card is also treated as a Beast-Type monster. If this card inflicts battle damage to our opponent, draw 1 card. If the drawn card was a "The Twilight Saga" card, inflict 500 damage to your opponent. If this card would be destroyed by battle, Special Summon 1 "The Twilight Saga" monster from your Deck to your side of the field.


1 "The Twilight Saga" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "The Twilight Saga" monster

This card is unaffected by the effects of Spell, Trap or Monster Cards. If this card would battle a face-up monster, change the attack target to face-down Defense Position and destroy that card without flipping it face-up. If a "The Twilight Saga" monster is face-up on the field when this card attacks, you can destroy 1 "The Twilight Saga" monster you control to have this card attack 1 more time this turn. If this card battles a face-down monster, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monsters ATK or DEF.



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I vote Rhyperior34 due to these factors;


-As Cudge mentioned, AquaMaster's Alice is practically unstoppable.

-The card effects on Rhyperior34's cards have been thought out, or so I feel, despite the few OCG screw-ups.

-Rhyperior34's Cards are Balanced, and neither under, nor over levelled.

-Finally, Rhyperior34's Card images are also more appropriate for the cards, and they are also somewhat better quality.

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