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How high is your self-esteem?


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Let's see.


I know that I'm nothing but a fat blob of skin that's nothing but a selfish, horny, little bastard.


I've been told since childhood that the rest of my family is superior to me.


I've also been told to do whatever, at anytime, for any reason, to obey my cousins.


But deep in my heart, I know I'll live a more happier live then them since I planned my future.


Finish High School (failed FLEX) --> Apply for bus driver --> Become a bus driver for teh school I went to --> Get a apartment that's currently up for grabs (a 2 room, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom) --> Get bare stuff liek computer, food, tv, etc. --> Save up for trip to Japan during summer --> continue this til I die



Yep, I'm actually a planner.


So I consider my self esteem good enough.

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