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Cool Card Contest! LOCK \\00__00//

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Here, you make the best "current card" to win. Don't know what a "current card" is?! Look below and enter!



[spoiler=Rules] All YCM rules apply. Just act awesome and there will be no prob's...




How many points are you betting to win?(Minimum 1):



[spoiler=Current Card] This is the card the contest is currently about.

Such as Dark-Effect or Light-noeffect.

[spoiler=The Current Card] Water-Effect, 10 Stars EXACTLY.



[spoiler=Judges] I'm the judge.



[spoiler=Contestants] These are the three current contestants:






[spoiler=Your Card] Just post it w/ your app.


[spoiler=The Pot] These are how many points you'll get if you win.

[spoiler=Example] Contestant (Con.) 1 enters 5 pts.

the current pot is 5 pts.

Con 2 enters 7 pts.

the pot is 12 pts.

Con. 3 enters 1 pt.

the pot is 13 pts.

Contestant 2 wins, the others each give him 13 pts.


[spoiler=The Current Pot] 34 Points




[spoiler=Light-Effect Ratings]

qm9a7-wolfman505-I think the picture is pretty good, 9/10. As for the effect, the first part is a little overpowered. The second part is all-right. 6.5/10. As for the OCG, it needs alittle adjusting. 7/10. SCORE- 22.5/30

Misternick-Awesome Picture! 9.5/10. The effect, decent. 8/10. The OCG, I saw 8 mistakes. Very bad OCG, 5/10. SCORE-21.5/30.

Litch100- I love the picture! 10/10. As for the effect, overpowered. 7/10. As for the OCG, a little on the bad side. 6.3/10. SCORE-23.3/30


[spoiler=Earth-Effect Ratings]

wolfman505- Pic is OK, 6.5/10. Effect, seems decent. 7.5/10. OCG, not that bad. 7/10. SCORE-22/30.

BDB vi Britannia- Awesome Pic! 9.5/10. Effect, I like it, a lot. 9/10. OCG, not that bad, 7/10. SCORE-25.5/30

Mr. XYZ- Pic is alright, 7/10. Effect, simple and effective, 8.5/10. OCG, a couple of mistakes, 7.5/10. SCORE-23/30.

[spoiler=Water-NoEffect Ratings]

wolfman505-Pic, 9/10. Description- Awesome, 10/10. OCG- Perfect, 10/10. SCORE-29/30

BDB vi Britannia- Pic, 9.5/10. Description- Cool, 9.5/10. OCG- One Prob found, 9.5/10. SCORE- 28.5/30

Mr. XYZ- Pic, 8/10. Description- Radical, 9/10. OCG- One mistake found, 9/10. SCORE-26/30


[spoiler=Fire-Effect Ratings]

Vediavis- Pic, 8/10. Effect, maybe lower to Level 4 or 5? 9/10. OCG, Found 6 mistakes, 6/10. SCORE- 23/30.

Yugioh Designer- Pic, 6.8/10. Effect, OK, 6.2/10. OCG, sucks, 4/10. SCORE- 17/30.

Wolfman505- Pic, 9/10. Effect, love it, 9.5/10. OCG, sorta-sorta, 7/10. SCORE- 25.5/30.


[spoiler=Dark-Effect Ratings]

wolfman505- Pic, 8.5/10. Effect, OP'ed, 6.5/10. OCG, 6 mistakes, 6/10. SCORE-21/30

yus4eel- Pic, Pic, 7.5/10. Effect, cool, 9/10. OCG, a couple of mistakes, 8/10. SCORE- 24.5/30.

BDB vi Britannia- Pic, 8.5/10. Effect, Awesome!, 10/10. OCG, 3 mistakes, 7.5/10. SCORE- 26/30.




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if someone can explain to me how to send points then ill enter


1. First, just say how many points you're betting. DO NOT SEND POINTS BEFORE THE CONTEST IS OVER!

2. If you win, the others have to give you the pot. So, if the pot is 34, they EACH give you 34 points. You'll get a total of 68 points.

3. If you lose, if the jackpot is 34, you and the other loser give 34 points to the winner. (To donate points, click on their username, then go to Donate Points, and enter the pot's amount. The message is optional.)

4. To see the current pot, look under the The Pot spoiler.



More Contestants needed! 2 more spots!

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So I'm accepted as judge


When do I need to judge? I already have some ideas on what to say about wolfman505's...


You can start judging now. To judge, just put ?/10, and then a comment. I already have ideas, too..... but i thought it would be better to wait untill we get some more contestants...i'll copy and paste your rate into a spoiler in the first post.....the spoiler's name will be "Ratings".

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