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Anarchy Clowns Association Strip banner, sniper banner and DBZ sprites, fake and recolours only

Cyber Altair

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Welcome all to the shop. We hope you like it and like our products. each time you visit us and pay more then 15 points you will be entering the raffle draw and the lucky winner will get a 25 points free voucher. so come, buy and knock yourself out.






Luke thompson


Shop Rules-

1. Do not Spam here please.

2. Please use the form so it's easier.

3. Please do not sell our copyrighted items or you will get 3 neg. reps.

4. You are always welcome for suggestions to help this shop become even better then it is.

5. Dislike your order, please pm us with your purchase detail and why you dislike it and we will edit it for you.

We aren't accepting workers currently so dont post asking that you want to work here.





[align=center]List Of Items For Sale




[spoiler=Dislike Form]

Order Type-

Who has done your order-

What you dislike-

Your order-

How much you paid-






Please include.

Picture- (URL Please)

Writing- ( put in quotes like "Evil")

Price- 6 points







Please Include.

Picture- (URL Please)

Writing- ( put in quotes like "Evil")

Price- 6 points






Please Include.

Pokemon no. 1- (important)

Pokemon no. 2- (important)

Pokemon no. 3- (optional)

Pokemon no. 4- (optional)

Pokemon no. 5- (optional)

Price- 6 points

Extra 2 points per extra Pokemon

Examples- [x],[x]



[spoiler=Booster Packs]

Booster Packs-

Image- (post URL please)

Writing/Name of Booster Pack-

No. of cards- (eg. ___ cards per pack)

Borders (credit to tehodis)-

Border Image 01

Border Image 02

Border Image 03

Border Image 04

Border Image 05

Border Image 06

Border Image 07

Border Image 08

Border Image 09

Border Image 010

Border Image 011

Border Image 012

Border Image 013

Border Image 014

Border Image 015

Border Image 016

Price- FREE





Image- ( post URL please )

Type Of Editing-

Price- 5 points per type of edit or 15 points for four types of editing






Cards Picture- (Post URL please)

Pattern- Pattern 1/2/3/4 (images coming soon)

Chose- Whole Card / Picture only

Price- 4 points




[spoiler=Pic Finding]

Pic Finding-

Picture Type-

Picture About-

Number Of Pics-

Price- 1 point per pic, 10 points per 13 pic




[spoiler=Weekly Fusions (week 3 added)]

Week 1 Free Fusion-


Week 2 Free Fusion-


Week 3 Free Fusion-





[spoiler=Strip Banners *Only Here* Copyrighted]

Strip Banners

Sizes, chose both wieght and hieght.









Colours(maximum 5)-


Special Addition(Image or Logo or something you would like in)-







[spoiler=Splinter Banners *Only Here*Copyrighted]

Splinter Banners


writing you want-


Price- 5 points




[spoiler=DBZ Splices/Recolours/Fake Sprites *Only Here* Copyrighted]

DBZ Splices/Recolours/Fake Sprites

What 2 Charcters-


SSJ4 King Vegeta SSJ4KingVegeta.jpg

SSJ4 Gohan SSJ4Gohan.png

Price- 2 points



Happy Shopping and remember the more you shop the more are your chances of winning[/align]

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  • Replies 139
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Oooh, the fusions look cool... Can you make me a fusion of Silent Magician LV 4 and Raging Flame Sprite, and Slifer the Sky Dragon XD I`ll send pics


th_SlifertheSkyDragonYMA-EN-ScR.jpgth_RagingFlameSprite.pngth_SMLv4.png I`m bored so I pay 5 rep and 100 points.


I want it to look like Silent Magician 4 has Slifers head, and heas Raging Flame Sprites hat. And raging Flame Sprites weapon if you can...

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it will be that big you know that right.



I will not be on every day seeing that i will only be on tusday tursday (maybe friday) and weekends. I will be on those days so this is the last wensday that i will be on this. If any of you want to order post here or PM right away and i will get the orders done quick. that is all

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