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Super Power School {PG-16-IC-Remake IV-Started-NOT ACCEPTING}


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Matthew was floored...however, a slight moan excaped his mouth: And the vines where back up to full force, some kids already in the process of dieing of axplicilation. The flower in the center now seemed to be emmititting a strange humming noise, and the scent went from heady but pleasant to just plain disturbing. Spores filled the air, and suddenly, whoever had a chance to breathe was dropping to the floor, completely lasthargic and sleepy.

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joey got up and saw everyone starting to fall to the floor either covered in vines or sleepy. joey was safe though thanks to his electromagnetic sheild. he could feel it pulsing under his skin pushing back the spores and vines. joey started to run towords matthew and picked him up off the ground. as joey did electricty started to run though him and into matthew waking him back up.

"Matthew get up now and calm down before you kill everyone here!" joey yelled.

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Kyosuke was barley concious after the chocking of the vines and now the spores! "I- I'll clean this place of spores." Kyosuke said as he snapped his fingers. A giant ball of dark matter appeared and multiplied into a million(approximately) spore sized orbs and they absorbed all of the spores. "Well, I guess I didn't have to use my plan after all." Kyosuke snapped out of it and began to rub his neck, it had hurt a lot. "You see now what happens?" He said to anyone still conscious in the lunchroom. A little fight here and there is okay, but when it comes to this..." Kyosuke began to choke, there must've been a serious side effect with the spore. Kyosuke fainted from lack of oxygen.

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The plant's bud in the center closed slowly, seeming to whither. However, the vines holding everybody up by their necks was still in full-force. The flower in the center seemed to be pulseing, and it burst open: to reveal the largest piece of corn you had ever seen in your life. Then, every little grain of corn burst, relesing thousands of flies into the cafiteria, which prompetly began to cover the people and things inside the lunchroom. As Matthew was shaken, his eyes open, but lolled back into his head so you could only see the whites. He had as much control over what was going on as anybody else. The vines now attacked the people who had broken free...

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"GoD damnit wake the hell up matthew before you hurt your friends." joey yelled as flys battered his sheild. joey turned to the plant life that was raging around in the cafiteria. "Sorry man but this is gonna hurt me then it will hurt you." joey said as he droped matthew. he placed his hands on a nearby electrical soccket and started to gather energy.

"Lets go Thunder pluse" joey yelled releasing a large pulse oflectricty killing any living plant life left.

joey then ran to matthew and picked him up off the ground.

"Come on man wake up." he said.

so much for a normal school day. he grimiced in his head.

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Matthew's mouth flew open and he uttered a shriek that belonged nowhere but a torture pit. The flies immedatly dropped dead, and the corn in the center's flower pedastal dissappeared, the massive corn still intact. The vines turned brown, keeping their individual persons up in the air choking, but not moving anymore. Any remaining spores where gone, but dead flies where ankle-deep on the floor, and many people where still struggling to get out of their dead but hardened vines. Matthew was completely limp, his dappled-sunlight eyes back to normal.

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Joey slung matthew over his back and reached into his pocket. he pulled out a swiss army knife he always kept with him and one by one helped free all the traped people. as he went to each person he tryed his best not to think about the dead flys that layed appon the floor. after he finished helping free people joey carryed matthew out of the cafifiteria and outside to one of the green houses.

"Hopefully you'll be ok here." joey said as he set matthew down next to a large vine of morning glorys that had just opened up.

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"whew, finnaly thats over" Calyn sighed, "Well looks like I should help these people." Calyn decided, he went over to some people and used his now phasing power to release the vines from them, and help them down. soon there was only 2 left, valarie and rebecca, he went over to valarie, "Well at least this ordeal is over." Calyn said under his breath, and phased her out, then helped her down too. He looked at rebecca, hesitated, almost considering not letting her go, but ended up doing so anyways "Next time you wanna fight..." Calyn told to Rebbeca, "Make sure you dont piss of Matthew and almost get everyone killed." Calyn was disgusted. He then went outside to help Joey and Matthew. He walked twords the green house and asked Joey "So...how's he doing?" Calyn asked

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OOC: more details about the chocking.


Kyosuke could barley think, let alone breathe the spores, even though they are gone, had swelled up his throat, someone had released the vine from him, it made breathing more bearable, but just by a little bit. Kyosuke thought to himself "Someone... anyone... help..." Kyosuke could not speak. next thing he knew he couldn't see or hear anyone and he went out cold from a lack of oxygen. The spores had the capability to kill Kyosuke, even if he survived this, there would no doubt be lung damage...

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joey looked up at calyn a little surprised by him comming.

"No clue just got him here truthfully." joey said as he sat on the ground next to matthew breathing heavly. "Lord that sure took alot out of me I'm glad my sheild was able to hold the whole time." he said as he played with some sparks in his hand. "Whats with matthew anyway i've seen people lose control before but he went crazy. Hopefully we can help and maybe we can be his friends but i realy what to know that first."

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Calyn sighed "Well mabye It was like some kind of memory or somthing, I'll be back in a bit, I need to see if everybody is all right" Calyn told Joey. Calyn went inside and found Kyosuke on the floor "Kyosuke!! are you alright...? oh no he must be unconcious." Calyn exclaimed, and picked him up, then he brought him outside by Joey, "I found Kyosuke passed out on the floor, he may be harmed from the spores, just get him some good fresh air." Calyn told Joey, then went inside agian. he found zach on the floor, along with some other kids, "are you guys ok?" Calyn asked them.

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Shawn stood atop the building as if he were king. When he suddenly realized he lost track of time. Not really caring, he slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw that was obvious, was the Plant activity coming from the cafeteria. Were he was standing, had to be one of the best spots to view it. He had been listening to all the yelling, talking, wispering, etc... in fact, he was there since the beggining of this. His Wolf Aura ears enhanced the sound for him to hear. As his Wolf Aura eyes enhanced the sceen for him. So, Shawn then began to watch. Not really caring, he didn't take it to much to heart. He was amazed at what Matthew was doing. "Interesting", were the only words that escaped Shawn's lips. As he continued to watch, now he was just watching the aftermath of the incident. Luckily for the principal, Shawn had forgoten all about his plan for him. Now Shawn had a new objective, ELIMINATE THREAT. Shawn turned and went down from the roof. When he arrived at the once Cafateria, he found nothing but destruction. Shawn saw all of the dead flies, he jumped onto the wall with his Wolf Aura still on him as he crawled on the wall. After skooping the place out, Shawn said, "Not here..." Shawn said as he jumped to another exit, he saw footprints that lead outside, which he followed. The footprints were mad of flies that stuck on peoples shoes, and were realease in a certin shape. Shawn arrived to were Calyn was and looked down to see Kyosuke in critical condition. "What happened." Shawn asked calmly with little to no emotion. As he knelt be Kyosuke.

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"Well with my limited knowlodge of medical things, I can tell you that he might have trouble breathing from the spores that used to be in here. even though there gone they seem to be affecting him still. we just need to get him some fresh oxygen, and get him concious agian, he'll be fine, I phased everyone out of the vines, and matthew's outside and calm, he cant do anything now, we just need to help these people and everything will be back to normal" Calyn explained to Shawn

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Kyosuke awoke and saw Shawn kneeling near him. "S... Shawn?" Kyosuke slowly began to get up and coughed. Blood had came from it and landed on his clean(Well, It was clean before lunch anyway) white shirt, "What happened?" Kyosuke said in a scratchy voice, he was dazed and confused. Kyosuke had the taste of blood in his mouth, he looked up to see Calyn, "Wh... Where is Matthew? Where's my... glasses?" His glasses had fallen off his face at some point. "I... have one hell of a head ache an-" Kyosuke stopped in mid sentence because his throat was killing him.

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Jason walked over to Kyosuke. He was barely breathing, maybe about to die, but that didn't matter now. Right now he just didn't want anyone to die, though he still thought people should fight if they wanted too. "Right now we have two options. Take him to the school nurse, or get the school nurse to him. With the condition he is in right now, it is best to bring the nurse to him." Jason took off to the medical room without another word.

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"d-dont worry kyo, I found you glasses ther right here" Calyn said and handed them to him "I got everyone out and most of the people are fine, matthew is here, by the green house. you dont need to worry about him, he's fine. Man this is all Rebecca's fault, she doesnt deserve to be in this school, she's just scum" Calyn said angrily. "just wait for the nurse, she'll be here soon...I hope" Calyn said looking out at the sky

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Matthew moaned slightly. "Oh dear...What happened..." He woke up in the greenhouse. "What the-the-the-...Oh my g-g-gosh! D-d-d-did I d-d-d-do this?" He knelt near Kyosuke. He looked Kyosuke up and down, then flew up, grabbing springs of various plants and throwing them in a mortar. Bashing them around, he soon came up with an ugly green paste. "It'll s-s-s-s-sting, but this'll help." He rubbed it onto Kyosuke's wounds. "I'm...s-s-s-so s-s-s-s-s-sorry!"

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Kyosuke just sat as everyone worried for him, "Is this human instinct? Or friendship I wonder?" Kyosuke then saw a vile green paste that Matthew was holding. he was rubbing the paste on his wounds, it stung but Kyouske tried not to day anything. He then realized what Calyn had called him, "So Calyn... Kyo? Is that my new nickname?" Kyosuke gave Calyn a small smirk. Kyosuke then saw a nurse come rushing towards the greenhouse, "Well, look who it is!"

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Calyn smiled when he saw the nurse "good, hmm, so much can happen in one lunch time, weird isnt it?" Calyn said aloud, not really asking. Calyn couldnt belive that all this could happen in such a short period of time, it was almost as if all time had stopped just for todays events. Calyn looked on at the sky, seeing as far as he could onto the horizon "heh, I dont get to be "IN" the sun very much, I'm usually invisible, theres just some times, when my body will turn invisible without my command, but now that I'm actually out here agian, with my friends, it feels great, it would be better if you were fell though Kyo." Calyn said, then sighed.

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OoC: ...*Makes and excutive desision*


IC: THe nurst bustled in. "Oh, my!" She knelt to Kyosuke. "This is worse then I thought. What happened, and why are you poisoned?" Matthew's eyes widened. Darn it! I acuallly did it? The nurse didn't stop for the answer. "You boys carry him to my office. I need to get the antivenom." Matthew looked down at his feet. "I'm s-s-s-sorry, Kyosuke, but I used poison...I think you might be d-d-d-dying."

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OOC: you decided to make him POISENED!?!?!?


IC: "You used POISION?! why did you do that?!?!" Calyn asked as he helped pick up Kyosuke to bring him to the office "Why would you do that, he cant die (OOC: no seriously if he dies, that would really suck) not like this." Calyn said both angrily, and sadly. He looked at the ground " you cant die Kyo, I wont let you, even If I have to go to drastic mesures (which I'm not telling) I will not let you die " Calyn said inside his head.

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Shawn was knelt by Kyosuke, as he listened to Calyn explain. "Well I doubt my knowledge of this is any better then yours. On the streets, if you get sick, you're considered weak. And you're taken out..." Shawn said coldly. Shawn's eyes widened slightly when he heared Matthew was close. But surprisingly, due to all the speaches in the Cafateria. Shawn was at that state were he was very unlike himself. He just wanted Kyosuke to be helped more then to, "eliminate", Matthew. Shawn was about to explain what happened when he saw Jason. Shawn looked at Jason to see him turn around with a look that Shawn was able to tell that he was going for the nurse. Shawn turned his attention back to Ky. Shawn heard the name Rebbeca in a way that only The Rebbeca would be used in. Shawn wonder if she was The Rebbeca he had heard about from the Cops. ((Ooc: Shawn was captured a couple of times and escaping before comming here. So he often heard alot on Police Radar.)) Shawn then saw Matthew try to help, he was obviously sorry for what he did. And was trying to help, when the nurse came and delivered bad news. Shawn's face quickly turned to furious/concerned. He helped carry Ky in to the office and onto a bed. Shawn had long released his Wolf Aura as he listened to the nurse.

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OoC: Had to be done, we need something to do untill Pegasasu gets here.


IC: Matthew hoisted Kyosuke up, and, making his way slowly but surely, came to the nurse's office. The nurse bustled about. "Well, what happened? Who did it?" She began to clean the wounds with antivenom. "Try to swallow this." She gave him a couple of pills. Matthew looked down at his feet. How could I do this? Is it my fault? I felt it...I was...having fun! Having fun almost killing the other pupils...what kind of superhuman am I if I can't even control myself, and have fun letting go?

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((Ooc: That's true...eh, miswell go along.))


Shawn heard the question loud and clear, he knew exactly who and how. He had witnessed it right before his eyes. Plus, when Shawn looked over to see Matthew looking down at his feet which he was playing with. Which had guilt written all over him. But there was a ruel he learned to obey, "Keep your friend close, and your eneimes closer..." Shawn considered at the moment Matthew to be foe. He also thought of another ruel, "Nobody likes a tatle tale..." Plus knew if they took Matthew away, Shawn wouldn't be able to, "eliminate", or punish him for what he did. "3 reason not too, to steap for me..." Shawn thought. So instead Shawn just glared at Matthew out of the corner of his eyes as he looked at Ky. "Just so you know, I figured it out..." Shawn said.

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(DEAR God i get off for one day and all this happens and realy poisen God thats crule to poor matthew making him go through this.)

joey saw the look shawn was giving matthew and didnt like the vibe he was getting from him. as everyone started to walk off joey went up to shawn and grabed him not even bothering not to shock him.

"Hey shawn not to be rude here but back off I dont feel like knocking out a fellow student on my first day here." joey said as he relesed shawn and started to go after matthew to confert him. as he started to leave he wispared something that he knew shawn would hear.

"Mess with my friends and I will take pleasure in taking you out of this world."


joey ran up to matthew and put his hand on his sholder making sure not to shock him.

"Hey dude dont worry it will be ok I've got your back and i know what your going through right now." he said trying to make matthew feel better.

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