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The Un-Official YCM Quick-Tournament


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The Un-Official YCM Quick-Tournament is Here!


[spoiler=Contestants Still in the Competition]










[spoiler=Judging Panel]

1. Me

2. Myself

3. I





1st. 25 points, 3reps

2nd. 2reps

3rd. 1rep




[spoiler=Task One]




[spoiler=Task Two]

Design 3 different type monsters (vanilla, effect and synchro / effect, synchro and fusion etc.) that supports your ritual monster and/or spell.

End Date: Over





negativefivebelow 7.33/10

Syafiq_uchiha91 8/10

icedrago10 8.66/10

usetheforcehan 8.66/10



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Hmm. I'll join.

My cards:






Effect: This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Pokemon Spell- The Hall of Origin". Every time this card attacks a monster on your opponent's side of the field, decrease the ATK of this card by 1000. When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, destroy all monsters on the field.


And please read Arceus's effect before declaring it is OPed. I know a lot of people who do exactly that.

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My entry..





Lore - This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell card "Phoenix Shot" you must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 9 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. When this card is Ritual Summoned, all your opponent's monsters are switched to face-up Defense Position (any flip effects are negated). Once per turn, you can discard 2 cards from your hand to destroy 1 card on the field and inflict 500 damage to your opponent. This card inflicts Piercing damage.

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[align=center]I'm bored. Count me in.




This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Fool's Magical Box". This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card is selected as an attack target by a monster with a lower Level then this card, return the attacking monster to its owners hand. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 monster you control, this card's Level becomes equal to the Tributed monster's Level until your opponent's End Phase.

Pic from HP Doom






This card is used to Ritual Summon "Nightmare Rampage Trickster". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 5 or more from the field or your hand. During your Main Phase, you can remove from play this card and a Monster Card from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Jack Box Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level ?/ATK 0/DEF 0) in face-up Attack Position. The Summoned "Jack Box Token's" Level is equal to the removed monster's Level. A "Jack Box Token" cannot tributed or be used for a Special Summon except by a "Nightmare Rampage Trickster".

Pic from Pixiv




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Here are my cards




This Card can only be Ritual Summoned with the ritual spell card "Sunwell Demon Ritual". This card cannot be targeted by other card or spell effects. If this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, select 1 random card in both players Decks and send it to the Graveyard. Increase the ATK of this card by 100 for each card sent to the Graveyard by this effect.





This Card is used to Ritual Summon "kil jaeden". You must offer a Fiend type monsters whose total Level equal 10 or more from the field or your hand. You must also offer a fire attribute monster with an ATK of 2000 or more as a tribute from the field. "Sunwell Preparation" card must be in field to take effect.





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I'm in, too. Cards coming in a flash ;-)


Edit: Here are my cards



[spoiler=[b]Ritual Monster Lore:[/b]]This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the "Machine Blade Transmigration Ritual" Ritual Spell Card. This card is also treated as Warrior-Type. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can reveal the top card of your opponent's Extra Deck to activate 1 of the following effects:

- Synchro Monster Card: Increase this monster's ATK by 1000 points until the End Phase.

- Fusion Monster Card: This monster gains that Fusion Monster's effect until the End Phase.



[spoiler=[b]Ritual Spell Lore:[/b]]This card is used to Ritual Summon "Machine Warrior Alpha - Justice". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard after being activated, reveal the top 3 cards from your opponent's Extra Deck and rearrange them. If "Machine Warrior Alpha - Justice" you control is destroyed in battle and sent to the Graveyard while this card is in your Graveyard, remove this card from play to discard the top 2 cards from your opponent's Extra Deck to the Graveyard.


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me in






This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card "Uchiha Clan Massacre". This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Any Battle Damage this card's controller takes is reduced to 0. Any monster that battles with this card is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step.






This card is used to Ritual Summon "Itachi Uchiha". You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal 8 or more.

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Sound Fun. Join! :D


[spoiler= Ritual Monster]10wvfuw.jpg


Intergalactic Black Kaiser

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Intergalactic Summoning Vortex". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 10 or more from the field or your hand. When this card is Summoned to the field, destroy all face-up monsters with the same attribute as this card. While this card is face-up on the field, both players cannot Set their Monster Cards and all face-up monsters with same attribute as this card is destroyed. Once per turn, during your opponent's Main Phases, you can change the attribute of this card by paying 2000 Life Points.



[spoiler=Ritual Spell]j5woao.jpg


Intergalactic Summoning Vortex

This card is used to Ritual Summon a monster that includes "Intergalactic" in its card name. You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 10 or more from the field or your hand. While this card is in the Graveyard, you can skip your Draw Phases to add 1 "Intergalactic" monster from your Deck to your hand.


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This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Ceremony of Blue". Unless your opponent controls exactly 2 monsters, this card cannot be destroyed by battle (Damage Calculation is not applied). If this card attacks your opponent's monster that cannot be destroyed by battle, negate that monster's effect until the End Phase.




This card is used to Ritual Summon "The Hooded Blue". You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal 8 or more.

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In with cards this time:




This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Seven Thousand Keys." When this card attacks, you can change the battle position of the attack target. You can change this card from face-up Attack Position to face-up Defense Position. If you do, your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards until your second Standby Phase after activation. If you activate this effect, this card's battle position cannot be changed until the end of your next turn, except with a card effect. If this card is destroyed, its effect is negated.




This card is used to Ritual Summon "Locke, Dungeon Master". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 7 or more from the field or your hand. During your Main Phase, you can remove from play this card from your Graveyard. If you do, when a Ritual Monster you control attacks this turn, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.


((Img credit to HP Doom for both))

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