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Something a friend and I came up with...

Kailyn Leona Kyosuke

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Persona D&D

As created by

Kailyn Kyosuke and Wesker555

An RPG with a D&D-ish feel sorta, written to the theme of Persona (as created and owned by Shin Megami Tensei and ATLUS). Heavily inspired by Robby’s (a friend of ours) Naruto D&D, this game is more technical and not for the faint of brainpower, or for the faint of humor.


Each character shall receive an initial persona for them to conduct battle during combat situations. These personas are given to the players upon reaching level 10, at which point they will make a final decision upon their class. Should a player wish to change class, they would have to agree to a 5 level downgrade in order to re-allocate stats and skill sets.

Personas will evolve as a character reaches new levels. These milestones are at levels 10, 30, 70, and 120. The more evolved a persona, the more powerful.

A player may choose to pick a persona from the starting list, or may create their own as long as it is declared fair and reasonable, along with character art, evolutionary chart, and skill chart.

Characters may choose their weapon and fighting style, and their stats will grow accordingly.

A character can do combat with or without their persona. A character will have a much harder time winning a battle without it, but they will receive more EXP per kill than if they do use it.

Summoning a persona is one command that a player may choose to do. Their decisions are up to them, but also up to the dice.

The level system of this game moves quickly. Many kills will result in faster leveling. More EXP is awarded for killing a boss enemy during any given mission. To level up, a player must reach 100 EXP. Most enemies will only yield a few EXP at a time, but if a player begins to kill enemies consecutively (without any other players killing enemies in between their kills) they will obtain a temporary EXP multiplier.



[spoiler= Character Creation] 

Character Creation

All characters can choose their class at level 10. All characters at a level less than 10 are classified as the “Beginner” class.


Warrior: A strong, and powerful class. Their persona skills revolve around Physical Attributes such as Slash, Strike, and Pierce. The members of this class generally do not develop well in the magic category, and as such are limited to support-type spells and light elemental attacks. Members of the Warrior class also have the ability to enter Hyper Mode, which provides a temporary boost to stats and an upgrade to all Physical skills by one level. If a warrior defeats an enemy while in Hyper Mode, their EXP for that kill is doubled.


Magician: A class based on intelligence and spirit. Their persona classes can reach up to the strongest of all spells in their desired element, as well as the second-highest in a secondary element. Members of this class are not physically adept, so their physical commands are limited to movement and dodging. Magicians can also obtain the Sage Wavemaster skill. While in effect their stats temporarily raise, and can doublecast any spell they throw. If an enemy is defeated while in this state, the Magician will absorb double the remaining HP of that enemy before the last attack into their MP.


Marksman: A class based on speed and accuracy. Members of this class typically wield a Bow and Arrow, or a Pistol of some sort. Personas for members of this class tend to have mainly support-type skills, with some physical attacks and medium magic. Because this class has range, they are usually not in direct danger of being damaged. Damage from this class can be disappointingly less than that of the warrior, but because of the Marksman-exclusive skill of Critical Aim, Marksman members gain a temporary increase in stats and a 100% boosted chance of accuracy, plus a boosted 25% chance of a critical hit for a short time.


Rogue: Members of this class have a focus on speed and luck. A class based on quick, precise kills. Members of this class have personas that specialize in multiple attacks, and some healing skills. Members of this class have a high amount of luck, and therefore can have higher chances to obtain more spoils from battle. During battle, they can enter Black Silence mode, which allows them to expend a set amount of turns in battle in exchange for a guaranteed defeat on the enemy, should their attack land. If used on a boss, this skill is changed to multiply damage dealt by a Rogue to the boss 6x for a limited amount of time.


Support: The role of the supporter is always played by the session’s DM. A support character can scan enemies and provide intel, but must roll like all other attacks and cannot engage in combat by any means. They can access support skills to benefit the squads, and are shared by all players at a constant rate, as this character is DM-only. A Support character gains EXP for each successful use of their supportive skills.

[spoiler=Battle System]


Battle System

Character Stats: Shall start with a combined total of 16.






When determining an action, multiply stat by roll-

Roll D-20 for Combat and D-6 for INT (non-combat decisions)

When summoning a persona, declare a technique. Each Technique has an accuracy roll. To land a hit, you must score at least the enemies SPD /3 +1 (this only applies to damaging attacks) otherwise the success of the technique is calculated by the player’s roll on the D-20 vs the roll of the enemy. If a damaging technique lands, roll a D-10 to determine if the hit is critical (3x). The roll is critical if the number rolled is the same element as the attack you are using.

------D-10 Chart ------

1. Slash

2. Strike

3. Pierce

4. Agi

5. Bufu

6. Garu

7. Zio

8. Magna

9. Aqua

10. Almighty


Two players may choose to give up both of their turns at one of the agreed partner’s turn in order to perform a combination attack. Both players will cast a technique and how well it synchronizes when the two fuse is determined by how well they roll.



[spoiler=Skills Chart]


Slash Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Fang Blade Inflicts a small amount of Slash damage to one enemy. 7% HP

Power Slash Inflicts a small amount of Slash damage to one enemy. 10% HP

Buddha-giri Inflicts a moderate amount of Slash damage to one enemy. 10% HP

Vorpal Dance Inflicts a moderate amount of Slash damage to one enemy. 13% HP

Blasting Zone Hits 1-3 times for a moderate amount of Slash damage with each hit to one enemy. 16% HP

Fated Circle Inflicts a large amount of Slash damage with high odds of Critical to all enemies. 19% HP

Pelting Rain Hits 1-2 times for a large amount of Slash damage to one enemy. 13% HP

Lion Strike Inflicts a massive amount of Slash damage with a very high odds of critical to one enemy 13% HP

God Slash Typhoon Inflicts a massive amount of Slash damage with even greater power if you're over 75% HP to all enemies. 21% HP

Strike Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Backhand Inflicts a small amount of Strike damage to one enemy. 7% HP

Pimp Slap Inflicts a small amount of Strike damage to one enemy. 10% HP

Shoryuken Inflicts a small amount of Strike damage to one enemy. 9% HP

Fist of the North Star Hits 1-2 times for a small amount of Strike damage with each hit to one enemy. 10% HP

Falcon Pawnch Hits 1-3 times for a small amount of Strike damage with each hit to all enemies. 15% HP

Shining Finger Inflicts a large amount of Strike damage to one enemy. 12% HP

Spinning Bird Kick Inflicts a moderate amount of Strike damage to all enemies. 16% HP

Primary Lotus Inflicts a large amount of Strike damage with even greater power if you're less than 25% HP to one enemy. 13% HP

Sekiha Tenkyoken Hits 1-2 times for a large amount of Strike damage with each hit to all enemies. 19% HP

Hand of Fate Inflicts a massive amount of Strike damage to one enemy. 14% HP

Pierce Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Power Shot Hits twice for a small amount of Pierce damage with each hit. 9% HP

Lance Rush Inflicts a small amount of Pierce damage with a 50% chance of also inflicting the Charm status. 9% HP

Double Shot Hits twice for a moderate amount of Pierce damage with each hit. 10% HP

Voltekka Inflicts a moderate amount of Pierce damage with even greater power if the target is knocked "Down". 10% HP

Climbhazzard Hits 2-3 times for a small amount of Pierce damage with each hit. 10% HP

Rough Divide Inflicts a large amount of Pierce damage with even greater power if the target is knocked "Down". 12% HP

Astral Rain Hits 1-2 times for a moderate amount of Pierce damage with each hit. 19% HP

Sphere Shot Hits 1-2 times for a moderate amount of Pierce damage with each hit. 19% HP

Jecht Shot Inflicts a massive amount of Pierce damage. 21% HP

Backside Penetration Inflicts a massive amount of Pierce damage with a random chance of also inflicting Fear. 25% HP

Fire Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Agi Inflicts a small amount of Fire damage to one enemy. 3 SP

Maragi Inflicts a small amount of Fire damage to all enemies. 6 SP

Agilao Inflicts a moderate amount of Fire damage to one enemy. 6 SP

Maragion Inflicts a moderate amount of Fire damage to all enemies. 12 SP

Agidyne Inflicts a large amount of Fire damage to one enemy. 12 SP

Maragidyne Inflicts a large amount of Fire damage to all enemies. 24 SP

Burning Finger Inflicts a huge amount of Fire damage to one enemy. 30 SP

Ice Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Bufu Inflicts a small amount of Ice damage to one enemy. 3 SP

Mabufu Inflicts a small amount of Ice damage to all enemies. 6 SP

Bufula Inflicts a moderate amount of Ice damage to one enemies. 6 SP

Mabufula Inflicts a moderate amount of Ice damage to all enemies. 16 SP

Bufudyne Inflicts a large amount of Ice damage to one enemy. 16 SP

Mabufudyne Inflicts a large amount of Ice damage to all enemies. 32 SP

Adamant Barrage Inflicts a huge amount of Ice damage to one enemy. 32 SP

Electricity Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Zio Inflicts a small amount of Electricity damage to one enemy. 3 SP

Mazio Inflicts a small amount of Electricity damage to all enemies. 6 SP

Zionga Inflicts a moderate amount of Electricity damage to one enemy. 8 SP

Mazionga Inflicts a moderate amount of Electrical damage to all enemies. 16 SP

Ziodyne Inflicts a large amount of Electrical damage to one enemy. 16 SP

Maziodyne Inflicts a large amount of Electrical damage to all enemies. 32 SP

Flying Thunder God Inflicts a huge amount of Electrical damage to one enemy. 32 SP

Wind Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Garu Inflicts a small amount of Wind damage to one enemy. 3 SP

Magaru Inflicts a small amount of Wind damage to all enemies. 6 SP

Garula Inflicts a moderate amount of Wind damage to one enemy. 6 SP

Magarula Inflicts a moderate amount of Wind damage to all enemies. 12 SP

Garudyne Inflicts a large amount of Wind damage to one enemy. 16 SP

Magarudyne Inflicts a large amount of Wind damage to all enemies. 32 SP

Wind Scar Inflicts a huge amount of Wind damage to one enemy. 40 SP

Earth Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Magna Inflicts a small amount of earth damage to one enemy. 3 SP

MaMagna Inflicts a small amount of earth damage to all enemies. 6 SP

Magnus Inflicts a moderate amount of earth damage to one enemy. 8 SP

MaMagnus Inflicts a moderate amount of earth damage to all enemies. 16 SP

Magdyne Inflicts a large amount of earth damage to one enemy. 18 SP

MaMagdyne Inflicts a large amount of earth damage to all enemies. 36 SP

Bursting Gaia Crusher Inflicts huge earth damage to one enemy. 42 SP

Water Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Aqua Inflicts small water damage to one enemy. 3 SP

Maaqua Inflicts a small amount of water damage to all enemies. 6 SP

Aques Inflicts moderate water damage to one enemy. 6 SP

MaAques Inflicts a moderate amount of water damage to all enemies. 12 SP

Aquadyne Inflicts large water damage to one enemy. 16 SP

MaAqadyne Inflicts a large amount of water damage to all enemies. 32 SP

Hydro Storm Inflicts huge water damage to one enemy. 36 SP

Light Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Hama Inflicts a small amount of Light damage to one enemy. More damage if higher HP. 6 SP

Mahama Inflicts a small amount of Light damage to all enemies. More damage if higher HP. 12 SP

Hamaon Inflicts a moderate amount of Light damage to one enemy. More damage if higher HP. 12 SP

Mahamaon Inflicts a moderate amount of Light damage to all enemies. More damage if higher HP. 24 SP

Spinny Washing Machine of Doom Inflicts double Light damage based on the user’s HP to all enemies, Triple if at full HP. 35 SP

Dark Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Mudo Reduce the HP of one enemy by ¼ by the power of Darkness. 6 SP

Mamudo Reduce the HP of all enemies by 1/5 by the power of Darkness. 12 SP

Mudoon Reduce the HP of one enemy by ½ by the power of Darkness. 12 SP

Mamudoon Reduce the HP of all enemies by 1/3 by the power of Darkness. 24 SP

Sin Harvest The power of Darkness reduces all enemies HP and SP to 1. Boss Enemies are immune to this attack. 35 SP

Recovery Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Dia Recovers a small amount of HP to one ally. Can be used outside in the field. 4 SP

Re Patra Recover from Dizzy, Confusion, Exhaustion, Charm and Eneveration status. all allies. 6 SP

Diarama Recovers a moderate amount of HP. 1 ally. Can be used in the field. 8 SP

Media Recovers a small amount of HP. All allies. Can be used in the field. 8 SP

Me Patra Recover from silence, Distress, Rage, Poison, and Fear. All allies. 6 SP

Recarm Recover from Unconscious with half HP. 1 ally. Can be used in the field. 20 SP

Diarahan Recovers all HP. 1 ally. Can be used on the field 20 SP

Mediarama Recovers a moderate amount of HP. All allies. Can be used in the field. 16 SP

Samarecarm Recover from Unconscious with full HP. 1 ally. Can be used in the field. 40 SP

Amrita Recover from all status ailments. 1 ally. Can be used in the field. 25 SP

Mediarahan Recovers all HP. All allies.Can be used in the field. 40 SP

Salvation Recovers all HP and status ailments. All allies. 60 SP

Enhance Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Tarunda Lowers Attack power for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 6 SP

Tarukaja Improves Attack power for 3 turns. 1 ally. 6 SP

Rakunda Lowers Defense power for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 6 SP

Rakukaja Improves Defense power for 3 turns. 1 ally. 6 SP

Sukunda Lowers Hit & Evasion rates for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 6 SP

Sukukaja Improves Hit & Evasion rates for 3 turns. 1 ally. 6 SP

Rebellion Increases probability of Critical hits for 3 turns. Universal. 5 SP

Dekunda Cancel -nda effects. All allies. 15 SP

Hyper Body Improves Attack, Defense and Hit & Evasion Rate for 3 turns. 1 ally. 25 SP

Dominate Lowers Attack, Defense, Hit & Evasion Rate for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 25 SP

Revolution Greatly increases probability of Critical hits for 3 turns. Universal. 5 SP

Fire Break Removes Fire Resist, Block, Repel, and Drain properties for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 15 SP

Ice Break Removes Ice Resist, Block, Repel, and Drain properties for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 15 SP

Elec Break Removes Elec Resist, Block, Repel, and Drain properties for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 15 SP

Wind Break Removes Wind Resist, Block, Repel, and Drain properties for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 15 SP

Earth Break Removes Earth Resist, Block, Repel, and Drain properties for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 15 SP

Water Break Removes Water Resist, Block, Repel, and Drain properties for 3 turns. 1 enemy. 15 SP

Matarunda Lowers Attack power for 3 turns. All enemies. 12 SP

Marakunda Lowers Defense power for 3 turns. All enemies. 12 SP

Masukunda Lowers Hit & Evasion rates for 3 turns. All enemies 12 SP

Power Charge The next Slash, Strike, Pierce, or Almighty physical attack will be 2.5 times greater in power. Self 15 SP

Matarukaja Improves Attack power for 3 turns. All allies 12 SP

Marakukaja Improves Defense power for 3 turns. All allies 12 SP

Masukukaja Improves Hit & Evasion rates for 3 turns. All allies 12 SP

Dekaja Cancel -kaja effects. All enemies 15 SP

Mind Charge The next Fire, Ice, Electrical, Wind, Earth,Water, or Almighty magic attack will be 2.5 times greater in power. Self. 15 SP

Tetrakarn Repel 1 Slash, Strike, or Pierce attack. All allies 55 SP

Makarakarn Repel 1 Fire, Ice, Electrical, Wind, Light, or Dark attack. All allies. 55 SP

Bad Status Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Evil Touch 25% chance of inflicting the Fear ailment. 1 enemy 5 SP

Evil Smile 25% chance of inflicting the Fear ailment. All enemies 10 SP

Ghastly Wail Instantly kills all targets who are suffering from the Fear ailment (unavoidable). 15 SP

Pulinpa 25% chance of inflicting the Panic ailment. 1 enemy 5 SP

Tentarafoo 25% chance of inflicting the Panic ailment. All enemies 10 SP

Bewilder 25% chance of inflicting the Distress ailment. 1 enemy 5 SP

Eerie Sound 25% chance of inflicting the Distress ailment. All enemies 10 SP

Poisma 25% chance of inflicting the Poison ailment. 1 enemy 5 SP

Poison Mist 25% chance of inflicting the Poison ailment. All enemies 10 SP

Virus Breath Inflicts damage equal to 25% of the target's current HP with a 25% chance of inflicting Poison. All enemies 40 SP

Marin Karin 25% chance of inflicting the Charm ailment. 1 enemy 5 SP

Sexy Dance 25% chance of inflicting the Charm ailment. All enemies 10 SP

Period 25% chance of inflicting the Rage ailment. 1 enemy 5 SP

Super Period 25% chance of inflicting the Rage ailment. All enemies 10 SP

Makajam 25% chance of inflicting the Silence ailment on one enemy. 5 SP

Foolish Whisper 25% chance of inflicting the Silence ailment on all enemies. 10 SP

Soul Break 25% chance of inflicting the Exhaustion ailment on one enemy. 5 SP

Anima Freeze 25% chance of inflicting the Exhaustion ailment on all enemies. 10 SP

Enervation 25% chance of inflicting the Enervation ailment on one enemy. 5 SP

Old One 25% chance of inflicting the Enervation ailment on all enemies. 10 SP

Special Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Run Escape from a random encounter (guaranteed for normal battles). 25 SP

Dig Enables instant escape from Dungeon 30 SP

Almighty Skills

Skill Effect Cost

Foul Breath Chance of being affected by a status ailment is doubled for 3 turns to all enemies. Universal. 15 SP

Life Drain Syphons 35 HP from the target to you. 5 SP

Stagnant Air Chance of being affected by a status ailment is doubled for 3 turns. Universal. 15 SP

Spirit Drain Syphons 20 SP from the target to you. 5 SP

Megido Inflicts a small amount of Almighty damage to all enemies. 45 SP

Megidola Inflicts a moderate amount of Almighty damage to all enemies. 65 SP

Megidolaon Inflicts a large amount of Almighty damage to all enemies. 85 SP

Supernova Inflicts a huge amount of Almighty damage to a enemy. 60 SP

Zetta Beam Inflicts a huge amount of Almighty damage to all enemies. 80 SP

Passive Skills

Skill Effect

Dodge Slash Doubles evasion against Slash attacks.

Evade Slash Triples evasion against Slash attacks.

Resist Slash Sets Slash susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Slash.

Null Slash Become immune to Slash attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Slash.

Repel Slash Able to repel Slash attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Slash.

Absorb Slash Able to drain Slash attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Slash.

Dodge Strike Doubles evasion against Strike attacks.

Evade Strike Triples evasion against Strike attacks.

Resist Strike Sets Strike susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Strike.

Null Strike Become immune to Strike attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Strike.

Repel Strike Able to repel Strike attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Strike.

Absorb Strike Able to drain Strike attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Strike.

Dodge Pierce Doubles evasion against Pierce attacks.

Evade Pierce Triples evasion against Pierce attacks.

Resist Pierce Sets Pierce susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Pierce.

Null Pierce Become immune to Pierce attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Pierce

Repel Pierce Able to repel Pierce attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Pierce.

Absorb Pierce Able to drain Pierce attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Slash.

Fire Boost Fire damage output is increased by 25%.

Fire Amp Fire damage output is increased by 50%.

Dodge Fire Doubles evasion against Fire attacks.

Evade Fire Triples evasion against Fire attacks.

Resist Fire Sets Fire susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Fire.

Null Fire Become immune to Fire attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Fire.

Repel Fire Able to repel Fire attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Fire.

Absorb Fire Able to drain Fire attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Fire.

Ice Boost Ice damage output is increased by 25%.

Ice Amp Ice damage output is increased by 50%.

Dodge Ice Doubles evasion against Ice attacks.

Evade Ice Triples evasion against Ice attacks.

Resist Ice Sets Ice susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Ice.

Null Freeze Become immune to Freeze status.

Null Ice Become immune to Ice attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Ice.

Repel Ice Able to repel Ice attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Ice.

Absorb Ice Able to drain Ice attacks.Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Ice.

Elec Boost Elec damage output is increased by 25%.

Elec Amp Elec damage output is increased by 50%.

Dodge Elec Doubles evasion against Elec attacks.

Evade Elec Triples evasion against Elec attacks.

Resist Elec Sets Elec susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Elec.

Null Shock Become immune to Shock status.

Null Elec Become immune to Elec attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Elec.

Repel Elec Able to repel Elec attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Elec.

Absorb Elec Able to drain Elec attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Elec.

Wind Boost Wind damage output is increased by 25%.

Wind Amp Wind damage output is increased by 50%.

Dodge Wind Doubles evasion against Wind attacks.

Evade Wind Triples evasion against Wind attacks.

Resist Wind Sets Wind susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Wind.

Null Wind Become immune to Wind attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Wind.

Repel Wind Able to repel Wind attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Wind.

Absorb Wind Able to drain Wind attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Wind.

Earth Boost Earth damage output increased by 25%

Earth Amp Earth damage output increased by 50%

Dodge Earth Doubles evasion against Earth Attacks.

Evade Earth Triples evasion against Earth Attacks.

Resist Earth Sets Earth susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Earth.

Null Earth Become immune to Earth attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Earth.

Repel Earth Able to repel Earth attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Earth.

Absorb Earth Able to drain Earth attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Earth.

Water Boost Water damage output increased by 25%

Water Amp Water damage output increased by 50%

Dodge Water Doubles evasion against Water Attacks.

Evade Water Triples evasion against Water Attacks.

Resist Water Sets Water susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Water.

Null Water Become immune to Water attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Water.

Repel Water Able to repel Water attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Water.

Absorb Water Able to drain Water attacks. Takes precedence over Resist, Null, and Repel Water.

Resist Light Sets Light susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Light.

Null Light Become immune to Light attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Light.

Repel Light Able to repel Light attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Light.

Resist Dark Sets Dark susceptibility to 50%. Voids weakness to Dark.

Null Dark Become immune to Dark attacks. Takes precedence over Resist Dark.

Repel Dark Able to repel Dark attacks. Takes precedence over Resist and Null Dark.

Regenerate 1 Restore 5% HP on each turn, except for "1 More".

Regenerate 2 Restore 10% HP on each turn, except for "1 More".

Regenerate 3 Restore 15% HP on each turn, except for "1 More".

Spring of Life Recovers 20% HP every turn, except for "1 More".

Invigorate 1 Restore 3 SP on each turn, except for "1 More".

Invigorate 2 Restore 5 SP on each turn, except for "1 More".

Invigorate 3 Restore 7 SP on each turn, except for "1 More".

Cool Breeze Recover 8% HP and SP after a successful battle.

Victory Cry Recover all HP and SP after a successful battle.

Endure Survive being knocked Unconscious once per battle with 1 HP remaining.

Enduring Soul Survive being knocked Unconscious once per battle with all HP restored.

Divine Grace Recovery-type skills become twice as effective at recovering HP.

Ike Counter 15% chance of repelling a Physical attack while not knocked "Down".

Marth Counter 30% chance of repelling a Physical attack while not knocked "Down".

Cross-Counter 50% chance of repelling a Physical attack while not knocked "Down".

Sharp Student Lowers the possibility of being struck by a Critical Hit.

Apt Pupil Doubles the chance of delivering a Critical Hit.

Auto-Tarukaja Begin the battle with Tarukaja cast on yourself.

Auto-Rakukaja Begin the battle with Rakukaja cast on yourself.

Auto-Sukukaja Begin the battle with Sukukaja cast on yourself.

Auto-Mataru Begin the battle with Matarukaja cast on the team. Takes precedence over Auto-Tarukaja.

Auto-Marak Begin the battle with Marakukaja cast on the team. Takes precedence over Auto-Rakukaja.

Auto-Masuku Begin the battle with Masukukaja cast on the team. Takes precedence over Auto-Sukukaja.

Arms Master Halves the HP cost for physical attack skills.

Spell Master Halves the SP cost for all magic skills.

Growth 1 Player gains 1/4 experience boost after battle

Growth 2 Player gains 1/3 experience boost after battle. Takes precedence over Growth 1.

Growth 3 Player gains 1/2 experience boost after battle Takes precedence over Growth 1 and 2.

Fast Retreat Increases the chance of a successful escape.

Alertness Lowers possibility of an "Enemy Advantage!!"

Fear Boost Fear-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Null Fear Become immune to Fear attacks.

Panic Boost Panic-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Null Panic Become immune to Panic attacks.

Distress Boost Distress-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Null Distress Become immune to Distress attacks.

Poison Boost Poison-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Null Poison Become immune to Poison attacks.

Charm Boost Charm-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Null Charm Become immune to Charm attacks.

Raging Tiger Doubles Attack power while suffering from "Rage".

Rage Boost Rage-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Null Rage Become immune to Rage attacks.

Silence Boost Silence-based attacks are 1.5 times more effective

Null Silence Become immune to Silence attacks.

Ailment Boost All status ailment attacks are 1.5 times more effective.

Unshaken Will Become immune to all status ailments except poison.

Tactical Support

Skill Effect

Analysis Used to detect an enemy's stats and weak points.

Full Analysis Used to detect an enemy's stats, weak points, and any attacks or skills it may use.

Support Scan When you select a target, a display will show if any -kaja or -nda skills are in effect.

Third Eye When you select a target, there will be a warning on the target icon if the attack will be Blocked, Repelled, or Absorbed.

Healing Wave All team members will recover 15% of their HP in the dungeon when they win a battle.

Relaxing Wave All team members will recover 10% of their SP in the dungeon when they win a battle.



Blessing After choosing this skill from the Tactics menu, a period of time will elapse before one of the following occurs for all allies:

1. HP restored.

2. SP restored.

3. Both effects 1 and 2.

4. All status ailments cured.

5. Random Status effect.

6. HP and SP halved.

Teleport Automatically escape from the dungeon. Same effect as a Traesto Gem.



Status Effects

Status Effect Inflict Remove

Poison HP damage at the end of every turn until the target gets 1 HP. Characters also lose HP slowly on the field until removed. Poisma, Poison Mist, Virus Breath Me patra, Pepto MAX, Amrita

Charm Odds of either forfeit turn, attack allies or use curative skills on the enemy if available. Marin Karin, Sexy Dance Re patra, Dirty Magazine, Amrita

Silence Prevent from casting spells or summoning a Persona, Makajam Foolish Whisper Me Patra, Listerine, Amrita

Rage Attacks enemy automatically, get 2 turns & increased attack power, but reduced accuracy and defense. Period, Super Period Re-patra, Suppository, Amrita

Fear Odds of either forfeits turn or withdraws from battle. Odds of being hit by a critical hit highly increased Evil Touch, Evil Smile Me Patra, Suppository, Amrita

Distress Evasion reduced to 0, odds of being hit by a critical attack increased & reduced defense. Bewilder, Eerie Sound, Player Advantage (only if the enemy’s level is very lower than the party’s) Me Patra ,Amrita,

Cured after one turn or on One more

Freeze Evasion reduced to 0. odds of being hit by a critical attack increase Ice elemental skills Cured after one turn

Shock Evasion reduced to 0, odds of being hit by a critical attack are guaranteed. Electricity elemental skills Cured after one turn

Confusion Characters turn against the party. (Enemies sometimes forfeit their turn by doing nothing or the "Waste Money" move) Pulinpa, Tentarafoo Re Patra, Suppository, Amrita

Exhaustion Characters lose SP at every turn. (stops when affected character/enemy has only about 10% of total SP left) Soul Break, Anima Freeze, Lube, Re Patra, Amrita

Enervation A character's stats are halved. Enervation, Old One, Lube, Re Patra, Amrita

Down Characters are knocked down, cannot evade, and exposed to attacks that may cause Dizziness. Hit by weakness or critical, miss a melee physical attack Cured automatically when it's the character's turn, PILLS

Dizzy Characters lose a turn while knocked down. Hit by weakness or critical (100%) or regular attack (50%) while knocked down Re Patra, PILLS



If a player knocks down an enemy with a weakness or critical attack, they gain an extra turn called “One More!”. Players can choose to give up their “One More!” to another player who will then perform a “Follow-up” attack. This type of attack is always critical and cannot be dodged. The player that gave up the “One More” cannot be afflicted with any status effects. The same applies to the other player.



If a player knocks down an enemy, and all enemies are “Down”, that player may initiate an “All-out Attack”. This Attack is unblockable and unevadeable, and inflicts a varying amount of almighty damage, depending on who is in the party and how many players are in the attack. Players who are suffering from a status condition cannot participate in the attack. 2 players minimum are required.




[spoiler= Items...we had alot of fun with this.]


Bengay Restores 50HP to one ally.

Foot Ointment Restores 100HP to one ally.

Bread Fully restores the HP of one ally.

Beard Chain Fully restores HP to all allies.

Soul Candy Restores 50MP to one ally.

Pentagram Restores 100MP to one ally.

Mountain Dew Fully restores SP to one ally.

Soma Restore full HP and SP to all allies.

Godeuh frash Restores full HP & SP to one ally.

Steroids Restores HP moderately in battle, but causes random rage.

School Cafeteria Food Restores HP moderately in battle, but causes random bad status.

Bud light Restores SP moderately in battle, but causes random bad status.

Revival Bread Revives a fallen ally with half their HP.

Phoenix Down Revives a fallen ally with full HP.

Dirty Magazine Removes 'charm' status from one ally.

Re Patra Gem Removes Dizzy, Confusion, Exhaustion, Charm and Eneveration from all allies.

Me Patra Gem Removes silence, Distress,Rage, Poison, and Fear from all allies.

Traesto Gem Enables instant escape from dungeon.

Plume Of Dusk (Obtain upon reaching a level Milestone) Miraculously restores party upon your death.

Starburst Recover 20 HP For one Person.

AIDS Recover 200HP For one Person.

Kidney Stone Recover 30%HP For one Person.

Wart Remover Recover 50 HP For all party members.

Band-aid Recover 100 HP For all party members

Mega Pot Recover 200 HP For all Party members

Megalixir Recover 100%HP For all party members.

Spirit Stone Recover 10 SP For one person.

Mako Stone Recover 50 SP For one person.

Materia Recover 100SP For one Person.

Soul Food Recover100%SP For one Person.

Pepto MAX Cure Poison.

Listerine Cures Silence.

Lube Cures Enervation & Exhaustion.

Suppository Cures Confusion, Rage and Fear.

PILLS Cures Dizzy & Down.

Powerthirst Cures all Status for one person.

Amrita Soda Pop Cures all status for everyone.

Poke` Doll Escape from battle.

Legendary Ebon Steed Escape from Dungeon.

Keyblade Open Rare Chests.

Mirror Force Reflect Physical Attack For one Person.

Reversing Mirror Reflect Magical Attack For one Person.

Leather Belt Boost Attack Power for all party members.

Kenyans, Kenyans, KENYANS!!! Boost Speed for all party members.

Used Condom Boost Defense for all party members.

Middle Finger Nullifies Status Up effects on one Enemy.

GANTZ Suit Nullifies Status Down effects on one person.

Cigarettes Fire Damage of 50 on one enemy.

George Foreman Grill Fire Damage of 150 on one enemy.

Bomb-omb Fire Damage of 50 on all enemies.

Broken Glass Ice Damage of 50 on one enemy.

Big Freakin’ Glacier Ice Damage of 150 on one enemy.

Frozen Tuna Ice Damage of 50 on all enemies.

Jumbo Jet Engine Wind Damage of 50 on one enemy.

Tornado Hold Wind Damage of 150 on one enemy.

Ceiling Fan Wind Damage of 50 on all enemies.

Battery Acid Electricity Damage of 50 on one enemy.

T.V. Electricity Damage of 150 on one enemy.

Electric Fence Electricity Damage of 50 on all enemies.

Mohawk Gernade Almighty Damage of 50 to all enemies.

Mystery Food X Almighty Damage of 100 on all enemies.

Stolen Bento Recover 100 HP for one person.

Fillet Mingon Recover 100%HP For one Person.

Fractal Code Recover 100%HP For one Person.

Pizza Rolls Recover 100 HP for one person.

Calories Recover 25 HP for one person.

Meat Gum Recover 25 HP for one person.

Special Brownies Recover 50 HP for one person.

Flamingo Leg Recover 25 HP for one person.

CHOCOLATE! Recover 50 HP for one person.

Stew Recover 100%HP For one Person.

Breastmilk Recover 10 HP for one person.

Grape Juice Recover 10 SP for one person.

Dr. Salt Recover 5 SP for one person.

Soul Fool Recover 5 SP for one person.

Smash Ball Recover 100%SP for one person.

Chaos Emerald Recover 100%SP for one person.

Grass Recover 50 HP for one person.

Pebble Recover 50 HP for one person.

Snickers Recover 50 HP for one person.

11 Herbs and Spices Recover 50 HP for one person.

Fried Chicken Recover 50 HP for one person.




[spoiler= Arcana Cards] 


Used to increase the base stats of a Persona. Are awarded for completion of special tasks.

Sword of Page: Luck +1 & Strength +1.

Sword of Knight: Luck +1 & Strength +2.

Sword of Queen: Luck +2 & Strength +3.

Sword of King: Luck +2 & Strength +4.

Cup of Page: Luck +1 & Endurance +1

Cup of Knight: Luck +1 & Endurance +2

Cup of Queen: Luck +2 & Endurance +3

Cup of King: Luck +2 & Endurance +4

Wand of Page: Luck +1 & Magic +1

Wand of Knight: Luck +1 & Magic +2

Wand of Queen: Luck +2 & Magic +3

Wand of King: Luck +2 & Magic +4

Coin of Page: Luck +1 & Agility +1

Coin of Knight: Luck +1 & Agility +2

Coin of Queen: Luck +2 & Agility +3

Coin of King: Luck +2 & Agility +4



[spoiler= Arcana and Persona Standard sets for quick Character & Persona Creation.] 

Arcana, Persona Evolutionary Charts (standard)

0 The Fool

Fool Arcana tends to be the "jack of all trades," since its Personae can inherit all skills without preference for any type.

Persona - Level

Orpheus 10 Izanagi 10

Black Frost 30 Black Frost 30

Suasano-o 70 Loki 70

Orpheus Telos 120 Izanagi-no-Okami 120


I The Magician

Personae of the Magician Arcana are commonly Personae excelling towards Magic, particularly towards Fire-based element.

Hermes 10 Jiraiya 10

Jack Frost 30 Hua Po 30

Pyro Jack 70 Surt 70

Trismegistus 120 Mada 120


II – The Priestess

Personae of the Priestess Arcana are commonly Personae associated with healing and support attributes.

Lucia 10 Konohana Sakuya 10

Sarasvati 30 High Pixie 30

Parvati 70 Kikuri-Hime 70

Juno 120 Amatarasu 120



III – The Empress

Personae of the Empress Arcana are Personae excelling in Ice-based attacks with healing powers also relatively common.

Penthesilea 10 Senri 10

Leanan Sidhe 30 Titania 30

Gabriel 70 Skadi 70

Artemisia 120 Alilat 120

IV – The Emperor

Personae of the Emperor Arcana are Personae typically excelling in lightning-based attacks.

Polyduces 10 Take-Mikazuchi 10

King Frost 30 Okuninishi 30

Odin 70 Barong 70

Ceaser 120 Rokuten Maoh 120

V – The Hierophant

Personae of the Hierophant Arcana have no weaknesses, but excel in none as well.

Castor 10 Psyche 10

Flauros 30 Hokuto Seikun 30

Daisoujou 70 Cerberus 70

Brutus 120 Kohryu 120

VI – The Lovers

Personae of the Lovers Arcana are commonly associated with Support-Healing attributes.

Io 10 Himiko 10

Narcissus 30 Queen Mab 30

Cybele 70 Ishtar 70

Isis 120 Kanzeon 120

VII –The Chariot

Personae of the Chariot Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in Physical-based attacks.

Palladion 10 Tomoe Gozen 10

Ares 30 Omitsunu 30

Thor 70 Futsunushi 70

Athena 120 Suzuka Gongen 120


VIII –Justice

Personae of the Justice Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in Light-based affinities.

Nemesis 10 Angel 10

Virtue 30 Archangel 30

Dominion 70 Throne 70

Kala-Nemi 120 Melchizedek 120


IX –The Hermit

Personae of the Hermit Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in Mental-Ailment skills.

Moros 10 Yomotsu-Shikome 10

Lamia 30 Mothman 30

Nebiros 70 Nidhoggr 70

Arahabaki 120 Ongyo-Ki 120







X –Fortune

Personae of the Fortune Arcana is associated myth-figures related to Fate and Time, notable with the Norn Sisters, and has personae of the wind element.

Clotho 10 Sukuna-Hikona 10

Lachesis 30 Fortuna 30

Atropos 70 Hypnos 70

Norn 120 Yamato-Takeru 120


XI –The Hanged Man

Persona of the Hanged man Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in healing-attributes.

Inugami 10 Berith 10

Vasuki 30 Orthrus 30

Hecatoncheires 70 Tao Wu 70

Attis 120 Hell Biker 120


XII –Strength

Personae of the Strength Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in Physical attributes.

Sandman 10 Valkyrie 10

Titan 30 Rakshasa 30

Kali 70 Oni 70

Siegfried 120 Zaou-Gongen 120







XIII –Death

Personae of the Death Arcana are commonly associated with and excel in Dark-based affinities, but weak towards Light-based affinities.

Ghoul 10 Pale Rider 10

Loa 30 Samael 30

Mot 70 White Rider 70

Thanatos 120 Alice 120


XIV –Temperance

Personae of the Temperance Arcana are often well-rounded Personae.

Mithra 10 Apsaras 10

Xie Zhai 30 Seiryuu 30

Suzaku 70 Byakko 70

Yurlungur 120 Vishnu 120


XV –The Devil

Personae of the Devil Arcana are commonly Persona excelling in dark-based affinities.

Ukobach 10 Lilim 10

Incubus 30 Succubus 30

Belphegor 70 Lilith 70

Abbadon 120 Beelzebub 120






XVI—The Tower

Personae of the Tower Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in physical-based attacks and attributes.

Eligor 10 Seiten Taisei 10

Cu Chulainn 30 Shiva 30

Mara 70 Masakado 70

Chi You 120 Yoshitsune 120


XVII—The Star

Personae of the Star Arcana commonly excels in fire-element, but vulnerable towards ice-based attacks.

Nandi 10 Kintoki-Douji 10

Ganesha 30 Neko Shogun 30

Garuda 70 Saturnus 70

Helel 120 Kamui 120


XVIII—The Moon

Personae of the Moon Arcana tend to align towards Physical Skills, while have average Magic stats.

Gurr 10 Andra 10

Yamato-no-Orochi 30 Dionysus 30

Grimehkala 70 Seth 70

Baal Zebul 120 Sandalphon 120





XIX—The Sun

Personae of the Sun Arcana are commonly Personae excelling in Light and Fire-based attacks.

Quetzalcoatl 10 Vulcanus 10

Yatagarasu 30 Horus 30

Pheonix 70 Tam Lin 70

Asura 120 Apollo 120


XX –Judgment

Judgment Arcana is commonly associated with a balance of Light and Darkness.

Anubis 10 Trumpeter 10

Micheal 30 Metatron 30

Satan 70 Ardha 70

Lucifer 120 Messiah 120




Shuffle Time

Shuffle time occurs after every battle, depending on if the DM rolls for it to occur.

• Blank – Nothing Special Occurs

• Penalty – All rewards for the battle are null and void.

• Red Sword - Grants weapons. (One Player)

• Blue Cup - Restores the Players' HP (One Player)

• Yellow Coin - Grants Items. (Party)

• Green Wand - Increases EXP obtained by 2x (Party)

• Wand Cards also have a chance to increase your equipped Persona's stats rather than granting an EXP increase.

Arcana Chance can also occur. An Arcana chance only occurs if a Shuffle Time occurs, and only if the DM rolls accordingly. Arcana Chances have various effects, which can be found on the following chart.


These chances are offered to the player that got the killing blow in a group of enemies, and can either be acted upon or turned away from.

Arcana Chance Effects

Arcana Normal Reverse

Fool Random arcana effect Random arcana reverse effect.

Magician Improves certain Magic and Physical skills of a Player’s Persona. (Fails if selected Persona has no modifiable skill) Downgrades certain Magic and Physical skills of a Player’s Persona. (Fails if selected Persona has no modifiable skill)

Priestess Allows enemies' affinities to be fully analyzed. (effective against bosses as well) Temporarily cannot analyze enemy data.

Empress Restore all characters' HP to maximum. Reduces all characters' HP to 1.

Emperor Temporarily grants consistent Player Advantage. Temporarily grants consistent Enemy Advantage.

Hierophant Temporarily blocks the effects of a subsequent reverse Arcana Chance. Temporarily increases the probability of next Arcana Chance to reverse.

Lovers Erases strong shadows from the dungeon. Increases strong shadow appearances in the dungeon.

Chariot Permanently increases one Player’s Agility. (1~3 Points) Permanently decreases one Player's Agility. (1 Point)

Justice Permanently increases one Player's Strength. (1~3 Points) Permanently decreases one Player's Strength. (1 Point)

Hermit Temporarily makes random battles occur less often Temporarily makes random battles occur more often.

Fortune Permanently increases one Player's Luck. (1~3 Points) Permanently decreases one Player's Luck. (1 Point)

Strength Permanently increases one Player's Magic. (1~3 Points) Permanently decreases one Player's Magic. (1 Point)

Hanged Man Permanently increases one Player's Endurance. (1~3 Points) Permanently decreases one Player's Endurance. (1 Point)

Death Fully restores all allies' SP, but HP is reduced to 1. Fully restores all allies' HP, but SP is reduced to 1.

Temperance Doubles amount of items obtained after battle. Reduces amount of items obtained to 1 after battle.

Devil Upgrades a player’s level by 1. Downgrades a player’s level by 1.

Tower All treasure chests grant extra items when opened. All treasure chests contain Shadows. Items can still be gained, but will sometimes break.

Star Increases "One More Chance" occurrence during Shuffle. Decreases "One More Chance" occurrence during Shuffle.

Moon Doubles EXP obtained after battle. Reduces EXP obtained to 1 after battle.

Sun Turns Blank Cards into Persona cards during Shuffle Time. Turns Blank Cards into Penalty cards during Shuffle Time.

Judgment Fully restore all Players’ SP. Halves all Players’ current SP.




NOTE: This was copy/pasted from a Microsoft Word Doc. The skills chart does look a bit jumbly, and I apologize for that.

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