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The Triple Triumphant Club! (TTT) We have our own FORUM!!! Thank You Members!

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ok guys the name of this vid dosent mean its bad.. just watch

[spoiler=RP] RD- "Man, this guy sure likes the dead."

Sorcerer- "Yes, they are very easy to control."

qm9a7 i replied to ur pm and ۞Ulquiorra Schiffer۞, just in case u didnt see, i pmed u but cant give u reps till later today or tomorrow.

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Darius whispers to RD. "I know. Suspicious". "So you made it to the shrine." he says. "I am one of the Six samurais, a clan of warriors that guard this shrine, along with the maiden as well"., he also says. " However, my partners fell into control of the curse of the sorcerer, and I needed you help since everybody else in the area evacuated and left".


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wheres qm9a7? he's online but he hasn't talked 4 a while.

[spoiler=RP] "You think we should follow him? I mean I don't like the looks of this guy but.....it's up to you....he could really be a good guy but....I just don't trust him, 'ya know?"


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