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The Triple Triumphant Club! (TTT) We have our own FORUM!!! Thank You Members!

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Mike begins to talk to her. "Hi, Ashton." She turns around. He almost starts sweating because of how gorgeous she is. Dark Brown eyes, a little shorter than he, loves Track, just like Mike, has a wonderful personality. He already asked her out once before. But she said that she already had a boyfriend. But they had broken up 3 weeks a go. Mike only saw her once before this, in the CardsandMore Library. She was kissed by the sun. And still just as beautiful. She turns around. "Oh hey, Mike." Mike, nervous, begins to speak....






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Mike continues, "So, how has my best friend been?" She smiles, responding,"Well, I've been reading, and getting a nice tan, as you can see. How about you?" Mike says, "For me? Not reading, for sure." She smiles. "And I've been outside, swimming, soccer, basketball, biking-"

She interups. "So basically sports, huh? Usual for you"...



What I've said so far is pretty much true, it's happened in real life.

With the exception of Yu-Gi-Oh! being involved...



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Darius watches the night sky, but gets bored and watches news. Suddenly, it says, "BREAKING NEWS. Something mysterious has appeared at least a mile off the Northern District of Domino city. It seems to be a self proclaimed sorcerer who is doing something mystrious. We advise anyone in that area to evacuate immediatly. More updates coming soon". Darius faints


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[spoiler=Rp] RD knocks on Darius' door. No answer. He knocks again. "Weird. His bike's right here." He looks in the window. "Oh my gosh, Darius!" He opens the window, and wakes Darius up. "What happened? I came to see if you wanted to trade cards, and you were knocked out."

By the way, if we're at diff places just continue at ur place, like right now qm9a7, you can continue with Ashton.

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Mike jumps off his bike, and decides to walk with here, the night sky shining with brilliant stars. Mike looks at her. She's looking up at the moon. Then he looks into her eyes. "They're jewels, precious and chosen." He thinks to himself. "No, she doesn't like you." Comes another voice from inside his head. "No, she's my friend." Mike fights back. "She might not like me how I like her, but at least she's my friend."...


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  'rdarchfiend said:

[spoiler=Rp] RD knocks on Darius' door. No answer. He knocks again. "Weird. His bike's right here." He looks in the window. "Oh my gosh' date=' Darius!" He opens the window, and wakes Darius up. "What happened? I came to see if you wanted to trade cards, and you were knocked out."

By the way, if we're at diff places just continue at ur place, like right now qm9a7, you can continue with Ashton.




Darius wakes up puzzled. "Thanks RD. I fainted because if some spiritual pressure", he said. Suddenly, Darius's cards glowed very suspiciously and grimmly.


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