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I canz be hostingz random conteztz. [FINISHED]


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As the title says, I am hosting a contest. And a random one for that. Why? Because I'm bored.



•Make a Card with an original effect.

•Written Cards are allowed.



•1st Place - 3 Reps.

•2nd Place - Nothing.

•3rd Place - As much as 2nd place.


End Date.

When I log in and find that I have 5 or more contestants, I will start judging. I will use my own personal judging scale.

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[spoiler=Can I use one already being used in a contest? If so...]

[spoiler=Can I use one already being used in [b]two[/b] contests? If so...]



This card can only be Normal or Flip Summoned if you control at least 1 Plant-Type monster. Once per turn, you can send 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control to the Graveyard to increase this card's ATK by 1000.







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I'll enter.



[image Credit:Wanderley]


Lore: If this card was Normal Summoned, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent and then put this card in his/her hand. If this card was Flip Summoned, discard all cards in both player's hands and then remove this card from play. If this card was Special Summoned from the hand or Deck, cut both player's Life Points in half and then send this card to the Graveyard. If this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, both players gain 1200 Life Points, then shuffle this card into your Deck.

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All accepted, I will start judging now. Will post the results later.

Yeah so uhh, NegativeFiveBelow wins, with an overall score of 94/100. Which is one of the highest scores I've ever given to anyone.

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I can't fault his OCG. Except that I'm not sure "cut in half" should be used...


Maybe he's a previous member under another name. Or maybe he's just really good at children's card games...


I opt for the former. But I don't care.

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