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|-Season of Destiny-| (Final round!)

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[align=center]-Season of Destiny-


Much like Azrael, I will be hosting special contests now. However, this contest will consist of multiple rounds, in a tournament fashion.


You will be graded based on the following:


• Balance

• How it relates to the declared attribute.



In the end, these will be the prizes.:

1st Place: 2000 points + 3 reps + Name change

2nd Place: 1000 points + 2 reps + Name change

3rd Place: 500 points + 1 rep + Name change



Round 1

In Round 1, you will declare an attribute. You must then post a card that is either a monster of that type or is a Spell or Trap card that supports that attribute. This will be a written card, so do not worry of art at this point. Once this match has ended, you will be placed on a team based on your chosen attribute.



Round 2

In Round 2, teammates will converse with each other privately and decide which card among the ones submitted by the team in Round 1 will be changed from a written card to a proper card. Once the card is ready, one person from the team will post the card. The top three teams will move on to Round 3.



Round 3

Teams have now been dissolved. In this round, each contestant must submit a monster of their attribute or a Spell or Trap that supports that attribute. This card must negatively affect the opposite attribute (Light vs. Dark, Wind vs. Earth).



Round 4

This is the final round. Here only three people will rise to victory. You must create either a Synchro Fusion monster (Fusion monsters that require a Synchro monster, such as Ultimate Psychicker.) or a Synchro Tuner monster of your chosen attribute.








Xander Royce












War Torn





Die Predators




Master Tortoise


Resonating Lust

King Matrix



Light Master XX

Death Sin




Akira Udou


Mendatt the Elf Mage





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Ok im in.


Chosen Attribute is - DARK


Card -

Sicarius the Vengeful Shadow Elf


DARK/ ******


When this card is Summoned, you can pay 1500 Life Points to add 1 Spell Card to your hand from the Deck. Once per turn, if this card is the only card you control, you can remove from play a number of cards from your Graveyard to Special Summon a Warrior-Type monster from your Deck with an equal Level to the number of cards removed. Once per turn, if your opponent controls a face-up LIGHT monster, you can Tribute this card to destroy the monster. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by its own effect, you can discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to Special Summon this card.|

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I'll Enter


Declared Attribute FIRE.


Burning Desire

Spell Card

Activate only while your Life Points are lower than your opponent's. Select 1 FIRE Monster on the field and decrease your Life Points equal to the Original ATK of the selected monster. During your End Phase, inflict damage to your opponents Life Points equal to the difference in Life Points.

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I choose Earth


Hunter King



LV 6

ATK 1900 / DEF 1100

During your Battle Phase, if your opponent controls more Defense Position monsters than Attack Position monsters, this card can attack your opponents Life Points. Your opponent can discard 1 card to negate the attack of the monster. If your opponent negated this cards attack you can discard 2 cards to draw 2 cards. If you drew an EARTH monster, by paying Life Points equal to its level x500 you can Special Summon the card from your hand.


EDIT : BTW What are the prizes? I hope to the top 5 we can have a free Name Change.

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I'm entering with EARTH


Gate Golem

Lv 8


ATK 400|DEF 3000

This card can only be Summoned by Tributing 2 EARTH Attribute Monsters.When your opponent damages your Life Points directly,you can decrease this card's DEF with the number of damage taken to reduce the damage to your Life Points to 0.When this card has 0 DEF,change it to Attack Position.

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I suggest you change WIND to a different green, it's too hard to see ATM. Anyways:




Flash Fire

Counter Trap Card

This card can only be activated when your opponent declares an attack on a FIRE monster while you control 2 or more FIRE monsters. Tribute 1 FIRE monster other than the attack target. Negate the attack and destroy the attacking monster. Then Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from your Deck with a Level equal to or lower than the Level of the Tributed monster.

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Concentrated Light

Spell Card

Send any number of LIGHT monsters in your hand to the Graveyard, and select 1 LIGHT monster you control. The selected monster's ATK is increased by the number of sent monsters x 1000. During the End Phase, destroy the selected monster and increase your Life Points by the destroyed monster's ATK / 2.

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Astro God Unit

Level 7




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, non-LIGHT monsters cannot attack during the turn when they are Summoned. Once per turn, you can remove from play up to 2 non-LIGHT monster on the field. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn

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I choose EARTH

Mythical Fiendish Tree LV3

Level 3



You can Special Summon this card if you control 1 or more non-tuner monsters. This card counts as a level 4 if it was not Special Summoned by its own effect. Destroy this card during your second End Phase after this cards summon and Special Summon 1 "Mythical Fiendish Tree LV6" from your Deck

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Nobody's done WIND yet...


Sonic Dragon


WIND/ *****


The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, Spells, Traps, and Effect Monster effects cannot be activated. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. When this card is attacked, automatically destroy this monster and the attacking monster. Each player takes Battle Damage equal to the ATK of each other's cards destroyed by this effect.|

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|Angel at World's End|LIGHT|7|Fairy-Type / Effect|

|If 2 or more LIGHT monsters you control would be affected by a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect(s), you can negate the effects and destroy the card. If a LIGHT monster you control is selected for attack, you can remove this card from play to negate the attack and end the battle phase.|


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Count me IN! :P


Attribute: DARK


Prophet of Attunement

[spellcaster/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/ DEF 0]

Once per turn, you can remove up to 12 Spell Counters from cards you control to set this card's Level equal to the number of counters removed. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, place a number of Spell Counters on face-up cards you control that you can place a Spell Counter on equal to the Level of this card when it was sent to the Graveyard.

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Looks fun to me. I was going to enter earlier, but the internet in the website was slow. It's like that a lot. It isn't even my connection... Other sites are fine... Anyways, my card.


Lord of Gales, WIND

*******, Winged-beast/Effects

Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Spell or Trap Card in your opponent's graveyard to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent control's. Your opponent can than Set 1 Trap Card or activate 1 Spell Card. If 2 of those cards were Spell Cards, you gain 500 life points. If 2 of those cards were Trap Cards, your opponent takes 500 damage. Once during each of your standby phases, if your opponent controls no Spell or Trap Cards, your gain 500 life points and your opponent takes 500 damage.


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srsly you need to post the prizes




Someone else did WIND!


Does this make him my teammate?


If so' date=' can I help his grammar?


And he doesn't have an ATK/DEF...



There will be teams in the second round, but for now you must work on your own.

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Guest War Torn



Name: Releasing Light

Card Type: Trap Card

Trap/Magic Type: Continuous

Rarity: Common

Lore: This card can only be activated when a Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster is destroyed as a result of battle. As long as this card is on the field, all Level 4 or lower LIGHT monsters cannot be destroyed by battle (battle damage is applied normally). When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon a "The Great Lawgiver" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard in Face-up ATK.


(A card from my archive turned into a written card.)

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No WATER contestants? Then good sir, i choose WATER... in the bottle, the plastic one.


Name: Aquatic Field Barrier

Type: Continuous Spell

Effect: While this card is face-up on the field, this card's name is treated as "Umi". If there is a card you control that include "Umi" in its card name is going to be destroyed by a card's effect, you can destroy this card instead.

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