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Riddles for Reps


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What the title says. As soon as a riddle is solved, I will add another one. The difficulty is random. In the result that a riddle cannot be solved by YCM, if 5 different people agree to give the answer with no reps given out, then I will edit the answer underneath its respective riddle.


You get 2 guesses per riddle.


*Remember, some can be trick questions, and some are meant to be taken literally.

[spoiler=Riddles 1-10]

[spoiler=First Riddle ~ Solved by Tomtekorv]

How many letters are in the alphabet?

11. "THE ALPHABET" has 11 letters.




[spoiler=Second Riddle ~ Solved by Dark]

Dead in the center, there is a bunny on an island. 6 feet north, 6 feet south, 6 feet west, and 6 feet east is land. How many jumps does it take to get to the other side?

The bunny is dead and can't jump.




[spoiler= Third Riddle ~ Solved by Akira Udou]

You are lost and alone in the woods. You stumble across an old cabin, and decide to stay there for the night. You want some heat and light, but the only things you find in the cabin are a candle, an oil lamp, and a wood burning stove. You look in your pocket, but you only have one match left. What do you light first?

The match. You need that to light anything else.




[spoiler=Fourth Riddle ~ Solved by Akira Udou]

What was the tallest mountain before Mount Everest was discovered?

The undescovered Mt. Everest.




[spoiler=Fifth Riddle ~ Solved by Pikachu]

The word CANDY can be spelt using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how?

C and Y




[spoiler=Sixth Riddle ~ Solved by Baragon]

A man was born in 1955. He is alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?

The man was born in Room 1955.




[spoiler=Seventh Riddle ~ Solved by Dark]

A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later, then both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

The woman is a photographer, shot a picture of him with the camera and developed it.




[spoiler=Eighth Riddle ~ Solved by Akira Udou]

A man was walking in the jungle. He only had one bullet in his gun. But yet, he shot a puma and a couger. How did he do this?

A puma and a couger are the same thing.




[spoiler=Ninth Riddle ~ Solved by Dark]

What English word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word?

Member --> M ember




[spoiler=Tenth Riddle]

I am under the sea and near a bee. When you don't want to be too close, you use me. What am I?





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