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The YCM Club Wars FIRST POST UPDATED (READ RULE XIV) [Started/Accepting Clubs/Accepting Club Members] OOC Thread

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Name: Drake Firestorm

Club you are loyal to: Club Pikachu



Age: 17

[spoiler=Abilities: (Warning! Extensive detail)]

-Generating, absorbing, storing, and manipulating electricity (all one power)

--Generates slowly over time, discharging electricity over an extended period of time, slightly increases generation rate.

--Can draw electricity from practically anything through direct contact. Can draw electricity from air (ie. lightning).

--Can store an immense amount of electricity, but after a certain extent, begins to leak electricity.

--Can freely manipulate any electricity originating from his body (after absorbing or generating it). This includes, but is not limited to: bolts, beams, shockwaves, pulses, spheres, etc. Can increase the electrostatic force of electricity to repel the electrons in atoms (make lightning solid) as long as it remains in contact with skin.

-Enhancement of physical ability through muscular and neurological stimulation. (Next power)

--Uses electricity to make muscles contract faster and with more power.

-By absorbing an abundance of electricity, enters "Critical Capacity." (Last Resort)

--Physically: hair and clothes stand/flow up, all muscles contract, and all excess Calories are burned. This makes him look far more physically capable. Becomes covered in a veil of electricity that further increase damage dealt when attacking physically. Speed, strength, and reflexes are also increased due to stimulation.

--Electrical attacks are dramatically stronger due to lack of restraint or control over energy released, and can fly via the earth's electromagnetic field.

--Often enters this state by drawing natural electricity towards him, then absorbing it all at once. This method takes time to prepare but little to no concentration, so he can fight while charging. The easiest way to exit this state is with "Critical Discharge," an attack that releases all excess energy at once. This attack is hot enough to melt most substances, and is only used as a finisher or last resort. He can use a similar attack, "Critical Circuit," with less repercussions, in which he only uses his body to direct energy, but requires a large source of power.

--After "Critical Capacity," his body becomes extremely fatigued and natural healing ability is impaired, making otherwise survivable wounds lethal. The less time spent in "Critical Capacity," the less severe the the repercussions become.


Weapons: None

Personal Motivation: Help the club, become stronger, and save lives.


(What are the rules about multiple characters?)

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You are only allowed one character representing yourself in the war.


Anyway, I updated my former disregard post with some character development. I did this in part because I did not want Rinne or some other mod to have reason to be giving us warnings and stuff, and I also wanted to help keep the rp moving, so yeah. Anyway, just anyone let me know if there is anything wrong with what I did in my post there, although it should be pretty acceptable and stuff.

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