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New Contest! Anti-Synchro Contest! 3 rounds!(Judging Can Start!)

Hass Mac

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[spoiler=The Current Rates]

I`ll start with the judging:

Max Darkness: 8.6/10 very balanced' date=' but a bit of a mix of random relating effects.

usetheforcehan: 7.7/10 If you have a Anti-Synchro deck, this card would be OPED LIKE CRAZY!

wexforlad1: 6.5/10 All i can see are OCG errors, and too Oped.

Noahmeta: 8.2/10 Very........Nice.....cool card, but theres an OGC error D:

yus4eel: 7.4/10 OCG errors but its unique :D

Caiba: Cant read effect, post effect

Lexadin: 9.4/10 wow......

deathghost101: 8.5/10 meh......puts Synchro monster on YOUR side of the field, I HATE SYNCHROS!!

Cudge: It has NOTHING to do with Stopping Synchros.... repost card

yugioh designer: 8.3/10 nice.... a bit Oped.....Zombie Supporter yeah!

jeal1995: repost, it has nothing to do with fending off Synchros



Max Darkness:

This is a good card' date=' but some of the effects [i']are[/i] a bit random...and does "damage calculation" need capital letters? I certainly thought so...




I do not agree that this card is hugely overpowered. It's definitely strong against Synchro's, but my main problem with it is how boring the effect is




As Hass Mac said, this card is a mish-mash of OCG errors. Also, it's overpowered and unoriginal




Very nice picture - and good effect. It seems balanced to me. I think it overcomes slight OCG shortcomings




Nice idea, but difficult to express in OCG and you didn't do very well, to be frank.




Once again, this could have been a good card, but the OCG (and picture, actually) let it down :(




An good card generally. I'm not sure type needs a capital, as you are not actually talking about a Type. And there's an apostrophe where you don't need it. But when you spelt bottom wrong, I knew I could never let you get away with this.




I quite like this one, despite small OCG snags. Good effect - like a Tribute monster!



yugioh designer:

Zombies are nice. Quite a few OCG errors though.



so now its just my judging missing right?




usetheforcehan : 6.5/10


wexfordlad1 : 4/10


Noahmeta : 7/10


yus4eel : 5/10


Lexadin : 9.5/10


deathghost101 : 7/10


Max Darkness : 9.5/10


Caiba : 6.5/10


Cudge : 4.5/10


yugioh desginer : 7.5/10


jeal1995 : 6.5/10


P.S. If you think I was unfair or something I could show you my judging expanded.





Perhaps re-posting them here will allow you to see them.

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No' date=' im not going to eliminate anyone

This is a contest where in the end the membr with the highest points out of 90 wins so maybe if you posted a horrible card in this round, you get another chance. Is that ok with you guys?



Thanks so much I know my first card was terrable you see it was a quick fix but my or 3 (because in round 3 you need a monster + spell) will be much better because I had time to work on them. I still cant believe I wrote "you opponent on my first card" LOL

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[align=center]Here's my second round entry.


[spoiler=Sacred Armor of the 8 Swords]


While this card is in the Graveyard and only if it was sent there from the field, decrease the ATK and DEF of all Synchro Monstes on the field by 800. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can equip this card to a non-Synchro Monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, if the equipped monster battles a Synchro Monster your opponent controls, you can switch the battle positions of the Synchro Monster. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)

Pic from HP Doom's custom img archive.



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[spoiler=Round 2 Entry]



Effect: 1 DARK Tuner + 2 or more DARK non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can equip this card to a Synchro Monster your opponent controls as an Equip Card, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this card's effect, the equipped monster can only be removed from the field by card effects. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) While this card is equipped to a monster, during each of your End Phases, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of Synchro Monsters in your opponent's Extra Deck x 200. During the End Phase of a turn this card was Special Summoned by its own effect, you can pay 1000 Life Points to return this card to your Extra Deck. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position to your side of the field.)



Name is literal Japanese for 'Synchro Killer', but could be translated as 'That which kills Synchros'. Also, Synchro monsters themselves can be Synchro-killers; look at "Dragunity Knight - Trident"...



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Already stored them and waiting until some other post their cards to judge then

So now we all need to create an Anti-Synchro Union monsters for the 2nd Round?



Just to be sure they don't forget this contest I have sent

2nd card request to all contestants except 2 guys who disabled their PM


So will I post my Round 2 card here and now



And about you Max Darkness

you disappointed me with that card

Until now the best card is Lexadin's

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Heres my card for round 2



Once per turn during your Main Phase you can equip this card to a non-Synchro-Type monster on your side of the field, this card is then treated as an Equip Spell card, OR unequip it and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. A monster equipped with this card's ATK is doubled if this card battles a Synchro-Type monster on your opponent's side of the field. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union-Type monser at a time. If the monster equiped with this card is destroyed destroy this card instead.)

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Posted lore for early card.

[spoiler=Other cards]285479.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn, you can equip this card to a non-tuner or non Synchro monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, when that monster Battles a Synchro Monster your opponent controls, it gains 500 ATK for every Synchro Monster your opponent controls. When the equipped Monster destroys a Synchro Monster by battle activate one of the following effects:The equipped Monster gains half the destroyed Monsters ATK points. Inflict damage to your opponents Life Points equal to the destroyed Monsters level points x100. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, this card is destroyed instead.)


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