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New Contest! Anti-Synchro Contest! 3 rounds!(Judging Can Start!)

Hass Mac

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Hey guys, this is my second contest, my first one got murdered by The No-Posts-In-Second-Round disease.


First round Anti-Synchro Spell, Trap and Monster Cards

Second round Anti-Synchro Union monsters

third round Monster Anti-Synchro Ritual Monster+Ritual Spell


No entry fee




All the Judges will score on a ?/10 basis. In the end of all 3 rounds we will add up who has the most ?/90. If 1st, 2nd, or 3rd have a tie, they will face off in a 1 on 1


[spoiler=Rules]No swearing

No spamming

No flaming

No insulting other peoples cards(even if they do suck)

Have fun!


[spoiler=Contestants]Max Darkness(Posted Card)

usetheforcehan(Posted Card)

Noahmeta(Posted Card)

yu4eel(Posted Card)

Lexadin(Posted Card)

deathghost101(Posted Card)

Caiba(Posted Card)

Cudge(Posted Card)

yugioh designer[(Posted Card)

jeal1995(Not Posted Card)


[spoiler=Judges]Hass Mac




[spoiler=Prizes]First Place: 3 reps

Second Place: 2 reps

Third Place: 1 rep+50 points



Judging Can start!

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I'll enter. Here's the card.





Effect: If your opponent controls only Synchro Monsters and you control fewer monsters, you can Normal Summon this card from your Deck. If this card attacks a Defense Position Synchro Monster, destroy that monster before damage calculation. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, Level 5 or lower Synchro Monsters' effects are negated. If your opponent does not control a face-up Synchro Monster, this card is switched to face-up Defense Position and this card’s battle position cannot be changed. When this card is destroyed by battle with a Synchro Monster and is sent to the Graveyard, you can remove this card from play to destroy that monster and Special Summon the Synchro Material monsters used to Synchro Summon it from your opponent’s Graveyard in face-up Defense Position.



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