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The 3rd Great Akatsuki Contest! With a pinch of Bleach! [Club Exclusive]

El Make

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[align=center]Hi, I'm a member of a club called the Akatsuki of YCM. Obviously, I'm here to hold a contest for the club.


Well, now that that's out of the way, lets get down to business. For those who join, the mission is simple: Follow the rules.



  • Don't be a noob. Basically, don't spam, ask idiotic questions, ect.
  • Don't be a jerk. Meaning don't tell other people their cards are lame and such.
  • Don't complain....
[spoiler=Important Dates]
May 21: I post this
May 26: No more contestants can join
June 1: End date 
[spoiler=Your Assingment]
Wondering what that "Hint of Bleach" thing was in the title? Simple, in this contest we're combing 2 great animes.
Must create a card for an Arrancar Naruto character (it's okay if you have the same character/pic as someone else)
Must create a power-up Spell/Trap Card for said Arrancar NINJA!
Must create a sword (or Soul Cutter if you prefer that name) for the Arrancar NINJA! The sword (Soul Cutter) can either be a Union Monster or an Equip Spell 
[spoiler=How cards shall be judged]
[spoiler=Monster Card]
Pic: ?/5
Balance of lvl and Effect/ATK/DEF: ?/5
How unique the effect is: ?/10
OCG: ?/10
Total: ?/30
Bonus: Pic has been enhanced with GIMP/Photoshop holos, recolors, ect. (5) 
[spoiler=Power Up]
Is a Spell or Trap: ?/5
Enhances usefullness of Arrancar: ?/5
OCG: ?/10
Effect: ?/10
Pic: ?/5
Total: ?/35 
[spoiler=Sword/Soul Cutter]
Is a Union Monster or Equip Spell: ?/5
OCG: ?/10
Pic: ?/5
Works with Arrancar: ?/5
Effect: ?/10
Total: ?/35  
Fusion (FusionXD)
DL (Darklink401) 
1st: 100 points, 3 REPS
2nd: 50 points, 2 REPS
3rd: 1 REP
4th and worst: Shame 


Want to make yourself useful? Help me judge.... -_-

To sign up for a place as a judge, PM me. There might be something in it for you.[/align]

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Guest Neo Fusion

um, u do know the ninja has to be an arrancar ninja from Naruto right? the arrancars from bleach?

and u need a sword...

I'm just telling u cuz el make wont consider this a valid entry

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