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Your First Duel.....

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I rember like it was 3 years ago [it was] i WAS using a joey starter deck against my friend and we nver even looked at the rulebook.i won bye blasting his time wizards clock with my red-eyes causing it to back fire and making his monsters old and weak so my dragon tail dived his side of the field making him lose.

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Mine was in my room with my friend Ian. We dueled twice, but the first one was a tie (actually it wasn't, but it should of been!!!) He had a monster that attacked twice, and on the second attack, I activated "Just Desserts" and reduced his life points to zero, but he ignored it. GRRRRR!!!

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My and HORUS' brother, An Idiot were dueling. I had a 27 card deck and he was using the Kaiba Starter Deck my brother let him use. We were playing with 2000 Life Points and no tributes. He beat me because he got out BEWD and the best card in my deck was Slot Machine. :P We were huge n00bs back then. Then again, I think it was in 2002.

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my first duel, ws when i only had 9 YGO Cards, and me and my brother split out the cards so that we had 4 cards each... (we took out Dragon Capture Jar... since i didnt have any dragons at the time)... and my brother summoned Spike Seadra without a Tribute (ATK: 1600 / DEF: 1300 / Level 5)... and he owned me :(

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